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1. Sr. Carolina S. Agravante’s CASGARA Transformative Leadership Model
Sister Carolina S. Agravante, SPC, RN, PhD
Born with the heart of a true servant-leader. Sr. Carolina S. Agravante is the famous first
Filipina theorist who wrote the CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model, which is also derived from
her name, Carolina S. Agravante and was published in 2002. Sr. Carol Agravante finished high school at
St. Paul University – Manila (formerly known as St. Paul College – Manila), where she graduated as a
class salutatorian. In the same school, 1964, she pursued her baccalaureate degree in Nursing and become
a graduate with Latin honors, magna cum laude to be exact. Later that year, she also passed the nurse
licensure examinations as topnotcher. She completed her Master’s Degree at the Catholic University of
America as a full-fledged scholar from 1967 to 1969. Her passion to help other people ignited as she goes
beyond on her journey to pursue her Doctoral Degree in Philosophy at the University of the Philippines –
Manila in 2002, the same year her theory was published. She landed on different opportunities ever since.
Some of which are the teaching research subject on senior students while being the school president of St.
Paul University – Iloilo, Association of Deans of the Philippines Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) president
where she became batch representative for the International Nursing Congress in Brunei last 1996, one of
the delegates again of the said congress the year after (1997) in Vancouver, Canada, an accreditor and
service awardee of the Philippine Accreditation Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities
(PAASCU), she is also one of the founders of the Integrated Registered Nurses of the Philippines as well
as the secretary of the Friendly Care Foundation starting from the year 2000 up to the present time.
Following these accomplishments, she had also been a dean of several nursing colleges such as
Bethlehem University, De La Salle University College of Nursing and Midwifery, St. Paul College of
Manila, St. Paul School of Nursing and St. Paul College of Iloilo. Currently, she serves as the school
president, vice president in academics, and program chair of the Department of Nursing at St. Paul
College in Ilocos Sur.

CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model

The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model is derived from the concept of leadership
from a psycho-spiritual point of view. This was formulated to lead to a radical change from apathy or
indifference to becoming a spiritual person. Based on the study, the care complex personality of the
nursing faculty is correlated to their leadership behavior. Since the care complex was given as a stimulant
to the two groups tested, it was evident on the two-posttest period of the study that their leadership
behavior after going through the servant-leadership program had increased than the pre-test. Moreover, a
strong Catholic foundation in one’s bachelor’s education, a graduate degree of either Master’s or
Doctorate, membership in a nursing association or other national union, and attendance in lecture
conferences on the nursing profession were the variables that contributed to the leadership behavior of the
nursing faculty to become a transformative leader. Sr. Carolina Agravante’s model is a Three-Fold
Transformation Leadership Concept comprises of servant-leadership spirituality, self-mastery (care
complex), and special nursing expertise (transformative teaching), which are put together to help
us mirror the behavior and personality of the modern professional nurse who will challenge the demands
of these critical times in the society today.

2. Carmelita Divinagracia’s Composure Model

Carmelita C. Divinagracia, RN, PhD

Dr. Carmelita C. Divinagracia is a Filipino cardiologist nurse, she has been praised for
developing the art and competency of teaching nursing. She is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Nursing at University of East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc. (UERMMMC) in 1962.
She earned her Master Degree in Nursing at the University of the Philippines in 1975. She obtained her
PhD from UP in 2001. Former President of the Association of the Philippine Colleges of Nursing
(ADPCN). She was the Dean of University of East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc.
(UERMMMC) College of Nursing. She is also a member of CHED’s Technical Committee on Nursing
Education. In 2008, she received the Anastacia Giron Tupas Award given by the Philippine Nursing
Association (PNA) in 2008.

Advanced Nurse Practitioners’ Composure Behavior

and Patient’s Wellness Outcome
Nursing is a profession that goes beyond time. Starting from the time a patient is admitted to the
time of their discharge, the nurse and the patient develops a meaningful relationship that involves mutual
trust and acceptance that will lead to satisfaction on both sides. Nursing profession can actively deliver
quality care through caring interventions similar to the COMPOSURE BEHAVIORS. COMPOSURE
Behaviors Model, known as a set of nursing behaviors, is introduced in her dissertation that should be
exhibited by nurses. The acronym COMPOSURE stands for COMpetence, Presence and Prayer, Open-
mindedness, Stimulation, Understanding, Respect and Relaxation, and Empathy. She conducted a study
using the COMPOSURE Behaviors to determine its effects on the recovery of the patients, specifically
the selected patients at the Philippine Heart Center. COMpetence should be consistently equipped by
nurses alongside knowledge and expertise in giving care to the patient Presence and Prayer refers to the
availability of the nurses holistically. This includes therapeutic communication techniques. Open-
Mindedness to various ideologies such as opinions and perceptions, and flexibility to accommodating the
views of others should be equipped by nurse. Stimulation provides encouragement and appreciation
through words that may bring hope and guidance.

Understanding the patient’s holistic being should be equipped by nurses through the manner of
conveying interests and acceptance. Respect refers to recognizing patient’s presence. Relaxation includes
alleviating tension in the body. Empathy makes nurses distinguish positive thoughts and feelings, and
reaches a patient out through putting themselves on the patient’s situation. The COMPOSURE Behaviors
Model results into patient’s wellness outcome, that can manifest into physiologic and behavioral

3. Letty Kuan’s Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model

Sister Letty G. Kuan, EdD, MAN, MSN

Sister Letty G. Kuan was born on November 19, 1936 and hails from Katipunan- Dipolog,
Zamboanga Del Norte. She holds a master degree in Nursing, a master degree in Education, Major in
Guidance Counseling, and doctoral degree in Education from the University of the Philippines (UP). She
has also written several books giving her knowledge and expertise in the field of Gerontology, Care of
Older Persons, and Bioethics. She is a recipient of the Professor Emeritus, a title awarded to the people
who met the criteria set by UP, for her vast contribution in nursing. Recently, she is named as 2019 J. V.
Sotejo Medallion of Honor Recipient. She also received the Metrobank Foundation Outstanding
Teacher’s Award in 1995 and an Award for Continuing Integrity and Excellence in Service (ACIES) in
2004. Sister Letty had a clinical fellowship and specialization in Neuropsychology from University of
Paris located in France, specifically in Salpetriere Hospital; Neuro- gerontology at Good Samaritan
Hospital in Watertown, New York, and Syracuse University, New York. She undergone a formal training
at Institute of Religion, Ethics and Law at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas in the program
Bioethics. Her legacy to the Nursing Community is without a doubt, indisputable, given the fact that she
is a former member of the Board of Nursing.

Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model

This theory states that retirement is another phase in a person’s life that would require some
adjustments in order to have a fruitful retirement and aging. According to the theory, there are some roles
that the person has already learned to play for many years. Now that the role has to be discontinued, there
is a period of adjustment for this too so that the person can adjust to yet again, another new role in their
life. There are different things that can make the role discontinuity and retirement become positive in
people’s lives. The assumptions of this theory are retirement which is a foreseeable event in
everyone’s life, physiological age which is the age that shows the biological state of a person, role
which refers to the group of common expectations centered on a specific job, change of life which is the
period between discontinuation of one’s role and the years after retirement, retiree which is the person
who decided to leave a job occupation and their fruitful life due to the limitation of age, role discontinuity
which refers to the disruption of the role or the usual activities that was appreciated, and coping
approaches which is the things that are being done to have a solution on a problem or things that are
being done in order to maintain standard operation and restore or maintain equilibrium. The
determinants of positive outcome in retirement and fruitful aging concerning role discontinuity are health
status, income, work status, family constellation, and self-preparation.

4. Carmencita Abaquin’s PREPARE ME Holistic Nursing Interventions

Carmencita M. Abaquin, RN, PhD, MSN

Carmencita Matias-Abaquin is a professional nurse with a Master’s Degree in Nursing (1975),
and Doctorate degree (2000) obtained from the University of the Philippines College of Nursing. She is
also an expert in Medical-Surgical Nursing with a subspecialty in Oncologic Nursing which made her
know both abroad and local. She served the University of the Philippines College of Nursing as a faculty
member for 35 years and as a Secretary of the College of Nursing. Her latest appointment as Chairman of
the Board of Nursing, from November 2006 to January 2016 speaks of her competence and integrity in
the field she has chosen. She developed projects such as National Nursing Care Competencies. She
continues to serve through participation in Commission on Higher Education- Technical Committee in
Nursing and a leadership role in University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital School of
Nursing Alumni Association.

“PREPARE ME” Interventions and the Quality of Life and Advance Progressive Cancer
Abaquin developed the theory called “PREPARE ME Interventions and Quality of Life Advance
Progressive Cancer Patients”. The theory serves as a structure on a non- pharmacologic and non-surgical
approach of care to advance progressive cancer patients. Its center of interest is not on curing the patient’s
disease but on aiding them to have peace of mind and benevolence as one is faced with a life and death
situation. Nurses should not solely be perceived as caregivers but also as facilitators of a peaceful
acceptance of the condition. PREPARE ME (Holistic Nursing Intervention) are nursing interventions
given at any setting to address multidimensional problems of cancer patients. This is specific to be a
holistic approach to nursing care, and has the following components; presence is having the presence of
another person in times of hardship, Reminisce Therapy is thinking back on events, feelings, or
thoughts that happened in the past to ease adaptation to the current situation, Prayer is a solemn
expression of feelings through deliberate communication directed towards a deity, Relaxation-
Breathing are techniques which aid to stimulate relaxation, in order to avoid any undesirable signs and
symptoms, Meditation evokes relaxation to help alter a patient’s level of awareness by
concentrating on a thought or image to promote an insight, which in turn, aids in forming a rapport and
relationship with God, and values Clarification facilitates another person in clarifying his own
values regarding health and illness to promote an effective decision making skills.

5. Cecilia Laurente’s Theory of Nursing Practice and Career

Cecilia Marcaida Laurente, RN, MSN, PhD

Dr. Cecilia Laurente is born in the Philippines. She is a Filipino Nursing theorist who
primarily focused on helping patients to have support systems such as their families. She graduated
Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of the Philippines in 1967. After a year, she worked as a
staff nurse at the Philippine General Hospital until 1969. She worked as a head nurse at the
Philippine General Hospital during 1970- 1972. In 1973, she finished her master’s degree in
nursing at the University of the Philippines. During 1973-1976, she worked as a nursing supervisor at
the Philippine General Hospital. She worked at Metropolitan Hospital in Michigan, USA from 1976-
1979. She returned in 1979 and become an instructor at the University of the Philippines College
of Nursing. She conducted a study entitled “Categorization of Nursing Activities as Observed in Medical-
Surgical Ward Units in Selected Government and Private Hospitals in Manila.” in 1987. She served as the
Dean of College of Nursing in UP Manila from 1996-2002. She is named as 2002 J. V. Sotejo Medallion
of Honor Recipient.

Theory of Nursing Practice and Career as found in her study Categorization of Nursing
Activities as Observed in Medical-Surgical Ward Units in Selected Government and
Private Hospitals in Manila.
Laurente believed that a nurse’s intervention can affect a patient’s anxiety. Anxiety, a major
factor in her theory, refers to the mental state of fear or nervousness about what might happen. There are
three Nurse Caring Behavior that affects patient anxiety and these are presence which refers to the
person to person contact between the client and the nurses, concern which refers to the
development in time through mutual trust between the nurse and the patient, and stimulation which
refers to the nurse stimulation through utilization of words that helps more than the powerful resources of
energy of person for healing.
Laurente stated that there are factors that alleviate a patient’s anxiety. It is called Enhancing
Factors, namely: One’s caring experience, beliefs, and attitude, feeling good about work, learning about
caring at school, what other patients tell about the nurse coping mechanism to problems encountered, and
communication. She also stated Predisposing Factors that triggers anxiety of the patient, namely: Age,
sex, civil status, educational background, length of work, and experience.

This theory can be helpful when a nurse practices their knowledge in a real hospital
setting. Many patients are worried for their health and this theory will help a nurse to alleviate
anxiety to patient. As a student nurse, they may apply this theory as it can help with a student nurse’s
communication skills and learn to understand people.

This theory can be helpful

when a nurse practices their
knowledge in a real hospital
setting. Many patients are
worried for their health and
this theory will help a nurse
alleviate anxiety to patient. As a
student nurse, they may apply
this theory as it can help
with a student nurse’s
communication skills and learn
to undzzzzzzz
Retirement a
Retirement and Role Discontinu

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