Chapter Iii

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Lesson 9: Works of Rizal

Memory Test
1. What were the most important writings by Rizal? What did he state in those
essays or poems?
-The most important writings by Rizal are NoLi Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. He used his
talent in writing to convey message that he not oppress the invading foreigner. He did not fight
physically but in a calm and reasonable manner.

2. Rizal dealt with a lot of critics because he was writing from a perspective of a
Filipino. How did his writings stir the population? What did he provide that others
before him did not?
- A way that Jose Rizal is celebrated in the Philipines as a national hero finds no match in the
world. Rizal is a subject in the university as it has become a symbol of Philippine patriotism.
Some historians have gained fame and money becoming eminent”Rizalistas.

3. Based on your personal assessment, are the writings of Rizal still relevant today
as they were during this time.
- Writings of Rizal still relevant today. Like Palmos said that it is in the power of writings as a
means to effect change that millenials can learn from Rizal. He said Rizal wanted change that
was founded on a peaceful process because he opted for peace by using to propagate what

Student’s Journal:
Being Filipino, the beautiful face of friendship and ugly face of hate. We Filipino people identify
as a naturally caring, loving, respectful, helpful and loyal but don’t you dare to betray Filipinos,
the hell hath no fury of angry. And Rizal the first to affirm the Filipino. Studied Philippine history
to prove Filipino had their own culture, that the Filipinos were not inferior to the white man. But
the problems as of today, the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. The identifying
reasons a problem exists. If I will write about my life what I wanted to be when I grew up and
inspire how I achieve that goals.

Lesson 9
Memory Test:
1. What were the most important writing by Rizal? What did he state un those easy or poems?
Answer: Rizal's most significant writings are his famous novel Noli Me Tangere, El
Filibusterismo and his poem Mi Ultimo Adios. During the Spanish Colonial period, he described
the ills of Philippine society. To bring enlightenment and inspiration from genuine
contemporaries as well.

2. Rizal dealt with a lot of critics because he was writing from a perspective of a
Filipino. How did his writing stir the population? What did he provide that others before
him did?
Answer: Through his patriotic feelings and an exquisite sensibility, Rizal 's writing stirs the
population. He hoped to open the eyes of both his countrymen and the Spanish authorities by
means of his written works. Just as he longed to offer vision to his blind countrymen, he longed
to give his mother sight.

3. Based on your personality assessment, are the writing of Rizal still relevant today as

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they were during his time?
Answer: Yes, we millennials can still benefit from Rizal's life and works in the presence of new
technology and social media that have changed the lifestyle of young people at present. He
enlightens us and encourages us to be well-disciplined individuals and to have a real sense of
patriotism towards our country

Students journal- Reflect on the importance of Rizal’s, writing when it comes to being a Filipino.
If you were a Filipino searching for our Identify, would this be a good place to start? Why? What
are the key ideas Rizal intended for his readers to learn about their country? Are the problems
then already addressed today? If you were to write about your life, what details would you write
about? To whom would you dedicated it?

Answer: For me this time or place would be a good place to start because everything is already
modern now and we find things now through searching on internet. And the key that Rizal
intended for his reader are we should stand up to other people because we people have rights
live and to become democratic citizen of this country, and the problems in Rizal time is already
gone because now we are liberated country. If I would be able to write about my life it would be
would be about my family, because they are the ones who support me all the time in my

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