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Review Article

Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities

M.V. Rodionova a, R.S. Poudyal b,c, I. Tiwari d, R.A. Voloshin a,

S.K. Zharmukhamedov e, H.G. Nam b,c, B.K. Zayadan f, B.D. Bruce g,h,*,
H.J.M. Hou i,**, S.I. Allakhverdiev a,b,c,e,j,k,***
Controlled Photobiosynthesis Laboratory, Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Botanicheskaya Street 35, Moscow 127276, Russia
Center for Plant Aging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Daegu 711-873, Republic of Korea
Department of New Biology, DGIST, Daegu 711-873, Republic of Korea
Department of Microbiology, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea
Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region 142290, Russia
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Al-Farabi Avenue 71, 050038 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Department of Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
37996, USA
Department of Physical Sciences, Alabama State University, Alabama, AL, USA
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1-12,
Moscow 119991, Russia
Bionanotechnology Laboratory, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Azerbaijan National Academy of
Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan

article info abstract

Article history: It is increasing clear that biofuels can be a viable source of renewable energy in contrast to
Received 1 November 2016 the finite nature, geopolitical instability, and deleterious global effects of fossil fuel energy.
Received in revised form Collectively, biofuels include any energy-enriched chemicals generated directly through
16 November 2016 the biological processes or derived from the chemical conversion from biomass of prior
Accepted 17 November 2016 living organisms. Predominantly, biofuels are produced from photosynthetic organisms
Available online xxx such as photosynthetic bacteria, micro- and macro-algae and vascular land plants. The
primary products of biofuel may be in a gas, liquid, or solid form. These products can be
Keywords: further converted by biochemical, physical, and thermochemical methods. Biofuels can be
Biofuels classified into two categories: primary and secondary biofuels. The primary biofuels are
Photosynthesis directly produced from burning woody or cellulosic plant material and dry animal waste.
Algae The secondary biofuels can be classified into three generations that are each indirectly
Microalgae generated from plant and animal material. The first generation of biofuels is ethanol

* Corresponding author. Department of Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996,
** Corresponding author.
*** Corresponding author. Controlled Photobiosynthesis Laboratory, Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Botanicheskaya Street 35, Moscow 127276, Russia.
E-mail addresses: (B.D. Bruce), (H.J.M. Hou),
(S.I. Allakhverdiev).
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 2

Hydrogen derived from food crops rich in starch or biodiesel taken from waste animal fats such as
Bioethanol cooking grease. The second generation is bioethanol derived from non-food cellulosic
Biomethanol biomass and biodiesel taken from oil-rich plant seed such as soybean or jatropha. The third
generation is the biofuels generated from cyanobacterial, microalgae and other microbes,
which is the most promising approach to meet the global energy demands. In this review,
we present the recent progresses including challenges and opportunities in microbial
biofuels production as well as the potential applications of microalgae as a platform of
biomass production. Future research endeavors in biofuel production should be placed on
the search of novel biofuel production species, optimization and improvement of culture
conditions, genetic engineering of biofuel-producing species, complete understanding of
the biofuel production mechanisms, and effective techniques for mass cultivation of
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Biohydrogen production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Other biofuels production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

energy [3]. It is the distinctive way of carbon fixation of plant

Introduction and green algae in nature, which demonstrates that photo-
synthesis is exclusive process of growth of plant and algal
The “biofuels” in this review are referred to the energy- biomass which is raw material for biofuel production.
enriched chemicals generated through the biological pro- Sugar is the basic molecular substrate for the production of
cesses or derived from the biomass of living organisms, such bioethanol and biomethanol [7]. The use of photosynthetic
as microalgae, plants and bacteria. The increasing global organisms as a source of biofuel is cheap and feasible, i.e.
population requests more energy supplies for improving the atmospheric CO2 serves as source of carbon and sunlight
quality of life. Biofuels can be one of the sources to fulfill the serves as an energy source. Photosynthesis proceeds in two
global energy demand. Fossil fuels are being used as a main stages: a light-dependent and light-independent [3]. During
source of energy for many years; however, the usage of them the light-dependent stage, light energy is absorbed, converted
is unsustainable and causes environmental issues related to into a charge separation and ultimate converted into the
fossil fuel combustion [1e3]. Hence, this challenge may allow synthesis of ATP and NADPH. Main photosynthetic pigments
fossil fuels tobe substituted by renewable energy sources such involved in the absorption of light are chlorophyll in plants
as biofuels that is environmentally friendly [4]. and bacteriochlorophyll in bacteria. During the light-
The recent approaches for microbial biofuel production are independent stage, the energy and electrons from ATP and
well explored and recognized [5,6], and a possibility of micro- NADPH, respectively, are used to produce sugars.
algal cultivation strategies for direct energy conversion to An essential element of photosynthetic apparatus is the
produce biofuels has been recommended. For example, biofilm electron transport chain through a sequence of electron car-
cultivation of microalgae or cyanobacteria could be the new riers embedded in thylakoid membrane. Electron transfer is
platform of biomass production pathways that ultimately triggered by light and achieved via electron carriers within
explored for biofuel processing pathway. The approach of large membrane complexes that are coupled via that mobile
biofilm cultivation is promising for biofuel production by electron carriers such as plastoquinone, plastocyanin, cyto-
microalgae or cyanobacteria [5,6]. For the past several decades, chrome c or ferredoxin [3]. The NADPþ molecules are reduced
the best-known source of biofuels is the plant biomass. to NADPH by the electrons from the water and the ferredox-
Currently, the increasing evidences showed that algal biomass in:NADP oxidoreductase. In case of oxygenic photosynthesis,
as a favorable source for biofuel production [4]. A main feature water acts as an electron source. Molecular oxygen and pro-
distinguishing plants and algae from other sources is their tons are evolved as a result of the water decomposition. Under
ability to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is the process of certain conditions, protons come upon hydrogenase, not upon
sugars formation from atmospheric carbon dioxide by solar ferredoxin:NADP oxidoreductase, and molecular hydrogen is

Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 2 3

generated. This phenomenon indicates a mechanism for

biohydrogen production in the photosynthetic apparatus as
On one hand, photosynthesis is a process of biomass
accumulation. Plant biomass is a raw material for synthesis of
bioalcohol, biodiesel, and fermentation-derived biohydrogen.
On the other hand, under certain conditions photosynthetic
apparatus serves as a source of biohydrogen. Although plants
and algae have a similar photosynthetic apparatus, algae have
several advantages over higher plants with regard to biofuel
production. As we know, biodiesel, triglycerides, fatty acids,
lipids, carbohydrates, ethanol, alcohols, cellulose or the
biomass of organisms are the major biofuels, and they can be
produced by several species of algae, bacteria or yeast [9].
Based on current knowledge, the usage of microalgae is
being considered as an attractive feedstock for biofuels pro-
duction [10]. Depending on species and cultivation method Fig. 1 e The working mechanism of microalgae in the
microalgae can produce biohydrogen [9], biomethanol, bio- energy sector.
ethanol, biodiesel [11], or carbohydrates, proteins or other
compounds that are being used in pharmaceutical companies
[12]. The algal derived biofuels production requires only sun- isobutyraldehyde and butanol [19]. Some species of green
light, CO2 and water and generates multiple renewable energy algae, such as Botryococcus braunii and Chlorella protothecoides,
products (Fig. 1). Algal-based biofuels production is about also contain high levels of terpenoid hydrocarbons and glyc-
hundred times higher than that of higher plants. The algal eryl lipid, which can be converted into shorter hydrocarbons
biomass can be further processed to produce biofuels during as major crude oil [20]. Those algae also have great potential
fermentation by microorganisms. Currently the several mi- for the production of petroleum fuels such as bioethanol, tri-
croorganisms have been discovered to produce biofuels effi- terpenic hydrocarbons, isobutyraldehyde, and isobutanol [17].
ciently: (a) genetic engineering of cyanobacteria to enhance Even genetic engineering of many bacteria species such as
hydrogen production [13]; (b) optimization of hydrogen pro- Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis also produced higher
duction and metabolic engineering for biofuels production in amounts of bioalcohol, isoprenoids and fatty acids de-
bacteria [14,15]; (c) dark fermentation by bacteria to convert rivatives. Additionally, some species of bacteria have unique
carbohydrates to biohydrogen and other biofuels; (d) photo- properties to be the source of biofuels. Clostridium acetobutyli-
biological methods to produce biohydrogen by microalgae cum and Clostridium beijerinckii have been used for the pro-
[16]; (e) genetic engineering of the yeast to increase ethanol duction of biofuels by acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation
production by tolerating high alcohol concentration; (f) ge- [21]. Some species of bacteria, such as Bacillus and E. coli,
netic engineering of microorganisms that can ferment car- produce lactic acid and glutamic acids as a source of some
bohydrates to increase bioethanol and biobutanol production; chemicals [22]. It has been identified that several species of
(g) screening the microalgae that can produce more oil for bacteria have the ability to produce ethanol.
biodiesel production; and (i) fermentation of plant cell wall However, it is noted that the production of biofuels and
carbohydrates by yeast or other microorganisms to produce hydrogen varies according to the bacteria. Genetic studies
biofuels. have shown higher amount of hydrogen production and lower
The production of biofuels can be achieved by several amount of ethanol production in Caldicellulosiruptor, Thermo-
species of algae and has the highest potential to produce coccus, Pyrococcus and Thermotoga species. This fact indicates
alternative sources of energy. Presently, ethanol, alcohols, the important role of gene regulation in the bacterial cell
biodiesel, triglycerides, fatty acids, lipids, carbohydrates, cel- biochemical pathways and also relationship between these
lulose and the biomass of organisms are considered as the pathways and production of biofuels [14]. Recently, co-culture
major biofuels sources. Global attempts have been made for of bacteria also played significant role in production of bio-
the identification of desired strains of algae. Several species of fuels. The co-culture of Thermoanaerobacter species with
algae that have the capacity of high amount biomass pro- cellulolytic organisms has been found effective for ethanol
duction (in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) can be production [23]. It has been considered, that the popular
used as an alternative source of bioenergy. For example, in dry microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a model organism
weight Spirulina maxima has 60e71% w/w of proteins, Por- for the efficient production of ethanol and lipid by fermenta-
phyridium cruentum has 40e57% w/w of carbohydrates, Schiz- tive process [24e26].
ochytrium species have 50e77% w/w of lipids. Hence, different Biofuels may be classified into two categories: primary and
microalgae can utilized as the preferred source of different secondary biofuels. The primary biofuels are the natural bio-
biomass under certain conditions [17]. fuels directly produced from firewood, plants, forest, animal
In addition, microalgae can produce higher amounts of waste, and crop residue. The secondary biofuels are directly
biodiesel than cotton or palm plants [18]. For example, the generated from plants and microorganisms and may be
ketoacid decarboxylase gene in the cyanobacteria Synecho- further divided into three generations (Table 1). The first
coccus elongates PCC 7942 improved the production of generation of biofuels is the production of ethanol from starch

Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 2

Table 1 e Classification of biofuels (adapted from Ref. [4]).

Primary Secondary
First generation Second generation Third generation
Firewood, wood chips, Bioethanol or butanol by fermentation Bioethanol and biodiesel produced Biodiesel from
pellets, animal waste, of starch (from wheat, barley, corn, from Conventional technologies but microalgae
forest and crop potato) or sugars (from sugarance and based on novel starch, oil and sugar Bioethanol from
residues, landfill gas. sugar beet.) crops such as Jatropha, cassava or microalgae and
Biodiesel by transesterification of oil Miscanthus; seaweeds
crops (rapeseed, soybeans, sunflower, Bioethanol, biobutanol, syndiesel Hydrogen from green
palm, coconut, used cooking oil, and produced from lignocellulosic microalgae and
animal fats.) materials (e.g. straw, wood and grass) microbes

rich food crops like wheat, barley, corn, potato, sugarcane, or green algae are capable of splitting water to molecular oxygen
biodiesel from soybean, sunflower and animal fat. While the and protons in the light. In both cases, the solar energy is
second generation of biofuels is the production of bioethanol converted into the chemical energy in chemical compounds,
and biodiesel from several species of plants such as jatropha, such as ATP and NADPH, which are further used for driving
cassava, miscanthus, straw, grass and wood. The third gen- metabolic activity of the cells, building the biomass, and stor-
eration of biofuels is the production of biodiesel from micro- ing the carbohydrates and other energy-enriched molecules
algae and microbes [4,27]. [3]. Although the above-mentioned activities are common for
all phototrophs, the H2-producing species are also capable of
breaking down their organic compounds to produce hydrogen.
Biohydrogen production Since the release of molecular hydrogen is always the loss of
energy for the cells, the efficient and continuous production of
Production of molecular hydrogen by the culture of photo- H2 in the cultures of photosynthetic microorganisms occurs
synthetic microorganisms is one of the most promising ap- only under specific conditions, such as full or partial anaero-
proaches for generation of renewable energy [28e30]. The biosis [42,43], nutrient starvation [44e46], and some other
process occurs under ambient temperatures, and requires factors, which lead to a partial loss of photosynthetic activity,
sunlight, water and minimal amounts of macro- and micro- enhancement of respiration, and fermentation.
nutrients. Since generation of hydrogen through photosyn- There are two main approaches to generation of bio-
thesis results in zero emission of greenhouse gases and other hydrogen. The first approach, known as indirect process
environmental pollutants, it is anticipated that the future ef- [32,39], utilizes the potential of photosynthesis to build
forts may lead to the engineering of the ecologically friendly biomass. The accumulated biomass, especially carbohydrates,
platform for industrial production of renewable energy [8]. is further converted to biohydrogen through fermentation
Biohydrogen can be used as directly in internal combustion and/or photofermentation. This approach involves two
engines or also used to power fuel cells for electricity, however distinct stages, which are separated either by reaction
in both cases the only byproduct is water. spatially in two different bioreactors or by alternating the
However, the challenges and difficulties are that the photosynthetic and fermentation periods. The second
available systems for sustainable biohydrogen production still approach, which is the major subject of this section, seeks to
have the low yields and low efficiencies. Light driven harness photosynthesis to split water to hydrogen and oxygen
hydrogen production by microalgae has some problems due to via either direct or indirect water biophotolysis processes. The
liberation of molecular oxygen during photosynthesis which H2 evolution by green alga Scenedesmus obliques in the light
can irreversibly inhibit hydrogenases. Apart from this, the biophotolysis has been a subject of applied R&D for several
production cost of biohydrogen is not competitive to replace decades [47]. It is also reported that simultaneous H2 pro-
the hydrogen production from fossil fuel [31]. In summary, the duction and O2 evolution were demonstrated in filamentous
major limiting factors for hydrogen photoproduction are (a) cyanobacteria Anabaena cylindrica exposed to argon (Ar) at-
the different efficiency of light utilization by phototrophs mosphere [48].
under different solar light intensities [32e35], (b) the high level In green algae and some cyanobacteria, direct water bio-
of ambient oxygen that impairs the hydrogen production en- photolysis proceeds in two steps:
zymes and the pathways in cells [36e38], and (c) the rate of 1
photosynthetic CO2 assimilation necessary for an efficient H2 O þ 2Fdox /2Hþ þ O2 þ 2Fdred (1)
accumulation of cell biomass and its further conversion to
biohydrogen is low [32,39]. 2Hþ þ 2Fdred 4H2 þ 2Fdox (2)
Many photosynthetic organisms are capable of hydrogen
evolution, and the list of hydrogen producers includes species The first reaction occurs commonly in all oxygenic photo-
from different genera of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, in trophs, but the second reaction requires anaerobic or micro-
particular, the species of photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobac- aerobic conditions. The H2 production reaction is catalyzed by
teria and green algae [40,41]. Photosynthetic bacteria cannot the bidirectional hydrogenase enzyme. There are two types of
use water as the electron donor. In contrast, cyanobacteria and hydrogenase enzymes. The algal bidirectional hydrogenases

Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 2 5

are [FeeFe] enzymes, whereas cyanobacterial hydrogenases conditions. Purple non-sulfur bacteria belong to the most
belong to the class of [NieFe]-hydrogenases [30]. The direct active nitrogen fixers [60] and thus produce H2 mainly through
water biophotolysis process usually occurs when cultures are the nitrogenase system. Coupling of nitrogen fixation to
exposed to the light after a period of dark anaerobic adapta- anoxygenic photosynthesis allows them to produce H2 at very
tion [47,49]. It has high initial rates, up to 300 mmol H2/(mg high rates that are increased in the absence or deficiency of
Chl*h). However, due to the high sensitivity of bidirectional nitrogen. The reductants required for H2 production by
hydrogenases to oxygen, especially [FeeFe] enzymes, the nitrogenase are supplied by the photoassimilation of organic
direct biophotolysis lasts from few seconds to a few minutes. acids. Extensive studies were done on the optimization of H2
Taking into account fast inactivation of hydrogenases by O2 production in the cultures [61].
co-produced during photosynthesis by oxygenic phototrophs It has been shown that the micronutrient supplementa-
[9], significant efforts have been taken to overcome this tions with iron (Fe) and molybdenum (Mo) in the growth me-
problem [37,50,51]. dium can increase the photofermentative H2 production
In case of indirect biophotolysis, microalgae and cyano- [62e64] some Rhodobacter species. The role of other nutrients
bacteria produce hydrogen from stored carbohydrates, such such as nickel (Ni) and magnesium (Mg) has also been
as glycogen and starch [52e54]. In contrast to direct bio- demonstrated in Rhodopseudomonas sp [65].
photolysis, indirect biophotolysis consists of two stages. In the Under anaerobic conditions, many microbes are capable of
first stage, carbohydrates are synthesized in the presence of producing H2 during the fermentation of carbohydrate-
light, and in the second stage they are utilized to produce enriched feedstocks (Fig. 2). The process occurs without light
hydrogen through photofermentation [52,55e57]: and therefore, is known as dark fermentation [66]. Fermen-
tative microbes are found to encode multiple [NieFe]- and
C6 H12 O6 þ 6H2 O/6CO2 þ 12H2 (3) [FeeFe]-hydrogenases. In E. coli, for example, H2 production is
linked to [NiFe]-hydrogenase via the pyruvate-formate-
The degradation of carbohydrates is not complete, and hydrogenlyase reaction, whereas Clostridium species produce
often accompanied by accumulation of other fermentation end H2 via [FeeFe]-hydrogenases linked to the pyruvate-
products. Thus, in the indirect water biophotolysis process O2 ferredoxin oxidoreductase reaction. Fermentative H2 produc-
evolution and H2 production stages are separated from each tion here may proceed at very high rates, with reported values
other either spatially or temporally. In filamentous heterocys- of up to 15 LH2/(Lh) using sucrose as a substrate [67].
tous cyanobacteria, oxygen evolution is carried out in the Taking into account several aspects, dark fermentation is
vegetative cells and H2 photoproduction is localized in less energetically costly than photofermentation [69]. The
specialized cells, heterocysts, and hydrogen photoproduction process occurs in facultative or obligate anaerobic bacteria
is driven by the nitrogenase system. Heterocysts insure a that consume organic substance [31]. It is found that multiple
microaerobic environment for the nitrogenase, which is environmental factors, such as pH of the medium and metal
extremely O2-sensitive [51]. The thylakoids in heterocysts also cofactor availability, are important in dark fermentation [70].
lack PSII, which prevents oxygen evolution further lowering Dark fermentation not only produces hydrogen but also pro-
oxygen levels. Here, hydrogen is evolved as a by-product of duces some other types of biofuels [71,72].
nitrogen fixation and its production depends on carbohydrates
supplied by vegetative cells. The highest rate of H2 production
is observed in the absence of nitrogen, when nitrogenase Other biofuels production
exclusively catalyzes reduction of Hþ to H2. Unicellular N2-
fixing cyanobacteria realize a strategy of temporal separation Even bioalcohol has been used as a source of fuel for several
of photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. They perform photo- decades by applying traditional methods. Nowadays, bio-
synthesis during the day time and N2 fixation at night [58]. The alcohol is considered as a non-fossil alternative transport To
energy generated by photosynthesis is stored in glycogen date the main source of bioalcohols is plant material con-
granules. At the onset of the dark period, high rates of respi- taining abundant starch and sugars including grain crops and
ration rapidly create a microoxic intracellular environment, sugarcanes, however more recently attention has shifted to
which facilitates N2 fixation and H2 production. In wild-type of perennial grasses such as switchgrass and Miscanthus. These
Cyanothece, the rate is 465 mmol (H2)/(mg Chl*h) [59]. crops do not compete with food usage yet the fermentation
Photofermentation and dark fermentation are two useful and distillation processes requires prior conversion of the
methods of H2 production from different organic substrates, cellulosic biomass into sugars. Ethanol is the most common
mostly carbohydrates and organic acids. In photo- bioalcohol, while biopropanol and biobutanol are the less
fermentation, photosynthetic bacteria use sunlight as a common. These alcohols are produced by fermentation of
source of energy and convert organic compounds, such as carbohydrate-enriched feedstock by microorganisms [73].
acetate, lactate and butyrate, into H2 and CO2. Unlike the Amount of plant biomass depends on efficiency of plant
green algae and cyanobacteria, purple bacteria could not split photosynthetic activity and cultivation conditions.
water. However, they are capable of utilizing light in the near Traditionally, ethanol was used for production of alcohol-
infrared region (>800 nm). These properties make them containing drinks. However, with the development of purifi-
unique players in the integrated system for wastewater cation techniques, the use of ethanol has been largely
treatment with simultaneous H2 production [30]. The contri- extended to other purposes. For example, gasoline can be
bution of nitrogenases and hydrogenases into the process replaced by bioethanol to reduce carbon dioxide emission.
may vary depending on the experimental and physiological Due to presence of oxygen in its molecular form, relatively low

Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 2

Fig. 2 e Hydrogen production via dark fermentative (adapted from Ref. [68]).

temperature combustion is possible with reducing the emis- H2O has been depicted [77]. Not only by partial oxidation of
sion of several toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), ni- carbohydrates but also oxidation reaction in biomass yields
tric oxide (NO) and volatile organic compounds. biomethanol [78].
There are several sources for bioethanol production, such Biomethanol can be produced either by fermenting or by
as agricultural wastes, lignocellulosic biomass, rice straw, and distilling the crops containing sugars and starch. In this pro-
sugarcane. Feedstocks, such as sucrose from sugarcane, cess, starch is converted into simple sugars and finally to
sugar, beet, starch from corn, wheat or lignocellulosic mate- bioethanol and biomethanol. Biomethanol can be produced
rials from straw, wood and bagasse (dry pulpy residue of from biomass and biodegradable wastes. Biomass can be
sugarcane stems left after the extraction of juice), are considered as a potential fuel for gasification and further
commonly used for bioethanol production [7] (Table 2). Sug- syngas production and methanol synthesis [79]. With addition
arcane produces high amount of bioethanol when the waste of enough amount of hydrogen to the synthesized gas, all the
product of bagasse is utilized. This cellulosic material is pro- biomass is converted into biomethanol [80]. Microalgae are
duced at the level of around several hundred kilograms per a unique and the fastest growing photosynthetic organisms
ton of sugarcane that can be used for ethanol and electricity that are able to produce several bio-oils. Up to 50% of algae's
generation [74,75]. In addition, the crop plants containing in weight is comprised of oil and therefore, the usage of algae to
starch, such as corn, are also used as feedstocks for conver- produce biomethanol can be considered. Microalgae such as
sion to sugars through hydrolysis and finally to bioethanol Spirulina sp. can also produce biomethanol by the process
through fermentation and distillation. of gasification. Bioethanol has received more attention
Algae are another source of bioethanol production, than biomethanol due to its corrosive and toxic properties
although they can be used for biohydrogen production. [81].
Recently, it has been reported that algae are a potential
feedstock for biofuel generation, because algae contain ~50%
of lipids for production of biodiesel and rest component sugar Table 2 e Ethanol production from different feedstock
and proteins for bioethanol production. (adapted without modification from Ref. [76]).
Currently, the methanol is mainly produced from fossils. Source Ethanol yield Ethanol yield
Methanol production is based on the chemical process, which (gal/acre) (L/ha)
converts natural gas (CH4, methane) into methanol by three
Corn stover 112e150 1050e1400
stages, i.e. steam reforming, synthesis, and distillation pro- Wheat 277 2590
cess. Methanol is considerably easier to be recovered than the Cassava 354 3310
ethanol, as ethanol forms a conjunction with water (azeo- Sweet sorghum 326e435 3050e4070
trope) that is expensive to purify. In case of methanol, it's Corn 370e430 3460e4020
recycling is easier because it does not form an azeotrope. It is Sugar beet 536e714 5010e6680
Sugarcane 662e802 6190e7500
the reason why biomethanol is preferred for biodiesel, despite
Switch grass 1150 10,760
its toxicity [77]. In addition, biomethanol production by gasi-
Microalgae 5000e15,000 46,760e1,402,900
fication and partial oxidation of carbohydrates with O2 and

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Biodiesel is an alternative to fossil fuels in the past decades of lipid fraction with alcohols in the presence of catalysts to
and increasingly receives the attention worldwide. It can be generate biodiesel.
produced from renewable biological materials and can sub- Biodiesel is similar to crude oil-derived diesel in chain
stitute the petroleum diesel fuels. Biodiesel fuels are produced length, viscosity, energy density and can be a “drop in”
through transesterification of various animal fats and vege- fuel requiring little modification of existing internal combus-
table oils usually with methanol or ethanol [82]. It can be tion engines. The vegetable oil esters contain 10e11% of oxy-
produced from many seed oils, but the most common ones are gen that can accelerate more combustion than hydrogen-
rapeseed and soybean oils. The quality of biodiesel depends based diesel. Additionally, biodiesel has lonely a slightly
on the natural characteristics of feedstocks used for its pro- lower volumetric heat capacity than mineral diesel. The con-
duction. Biodiesel is important due to several reasons: (a) it version of triglycerides into methyl or ethyl esters through the
can provide a cheap and local fuel for rural economies; (b) it is transesterification process reduces the molecular weight to
sustainable and renewable; and (c) production has little toxic one-third of the triglycerides, reduces the viscosity by a factor
waste with largely biodegradable input and outputs [83]. of about eight and increases the volatility marginally. Another
In addition, biodiesel is environmental friendly [84] and attractive aspect of biodiesel is “recycling carbon dioxide.”
can be used to improve the engine performance [85]. It is made One of the economically important plant Jatropha curcas
of non-toxic chemicals and combustion does not release sul- has been identified as potential source of biodiesel production.
fur and nitrogen rich flue gas as does as petrochemicals. It can grow in tropical and subtropical zone of the world. Due
Production of biodiesel is a simple process in two steps (Fig. 3). to its rapid growth and high seed productivity, the plant has
The first step consists of the extraction of fats or oils from been considered as an appropriate candidate for biodiesel.
animal or plant tissues. The second step is transesterification The seeds of J. curcas are the primary source of oil because they

Fig. 3 e Biodiesel production by algal cultivation (adapted from Ref. [87]).

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Fig. 4 e Potential applications of algae in a biorefinery concept (adapted from Ref. [99]).

contain; 6.2% of moisture, 18% of protein, 38% of fat, 17% of feature of microalgae is the abundance of proteins and car-
carbohydrates, 15.5% of fiber and 5.3% of ash [86]. bohydrates that can be processed for methanol and alcohol
The third generation of biofuels is microalgae, which is fuel production [98].
overcoming disadvantages of the first and the second gener-
ations of biofuels [4,88,89]. Nowadays, photosynthetic micro-
algae appear to be the best candidate to meet the global energy Conclusion
demand (Fig. 4). It has been estimated that microalgae have a
capacity to produce biodiesel 200 times more efficiently than While the global energy demand is increasing, fossil energy has
traditional crops, as microalgae can harvest from several the continuing weaknesses with the significant risk to envi-
hours to ten days of cultivation [4,90]. Harvesting of the ronment. The amount of fuel globally consumed as well as the
microalgae is easier and faster process than that of land plants demand is expected to grow rapidly, and the use of fossil en-
for biofuel production, and high quality agricultural land is not ergy causes significant problem and harmful impact to the
necessary for microalgae biomass production [91]. Microalgae environment on earth. The current global energy crisis has
use light energy to convert carbon dioxide into organic com- brought a significant attention in the world. Renewable energy
pounds more efficiently than higher plants [12], suggesting sources are critical to solve the global energy issue. Biofuels are
they are a superior source for production of biofuels [92]. an excellent example of renewable energy that can be pro-
Microalgae, such as C. protothecoides, may contain 55% of lipid duced using biological organisms and reduce the dependence
when grown heterotrophically under nitrogen limitation [93]. on fossil fuels. Photosynthesis is able to increase the amount of
Another green colonial microalga B. braunii 765 produces plant and algal biomass using atmospheric carbon dioxide on
biodiesel, hydrocarbons and biocrude oil under 25  C [94]. the large scale. Therefore, biofuels e biomass-derived fuels e
Chlorella minutissima produces more lipids at 25  C when are based on photosynthesis and might be the key to meet
cultured in basic medium. The species of C. minutissima demands of energy being eco-friendly and cost-effective [100].
UTEX2341 is also a source of biodiesel because of the presence Recent report showed that targeted modification in central
of C16 and C18 lipids in its body [95]. The process of biofuels carbon metabolism, such as overexpression of isocitrate de-
production from microalgae is a complex process. It follows hydrogenase and deletion of glutamate synthase, can effec-
several steps such as cultivation, harvesting, drying, cell tively enhance ethylene production in E. coli [101]. Alkane
disruption, lipid extraction for biodiesel production and production is observed in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 by het-
transesterification hydrolysis, fermentation distillation for erologous expression of an acyleacyl carrier protein reductase
bioethanol production [96]. Microalgae can be divided into five and an aldehyde decarbonylase [102]. Cultivation of biofuel-
main groups [97]: blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria), green producing microalgae demands favorable environmental
algae, Diatoms, Red algae, and Brown algae. conditions, such as suitable light, temperature, nutrients,
Among them, cyanobacteria are likely the most dominant salinity, and pH [103]. Although applying environmental
for biofuels production. Many species of microalgae can stress can increase the production of biofuel, it generally at
convert lipid to biodiesel by transesterification. The biodiesel the expense of decreased biomass yield. The balance between
derived from microalgae is similar to petroleum diesel on the biomass accumulation and biofuel productivity is critical.
basis of viscosity and density [90]. These groups of microor- Currently it is still problematic and challenging for biofuel
ganisms need the usage of chemicals unlike higher plants that to be commercially competitive over fossil fuel. It is proposed
need herbicides and pesticides for their better yield. Another that biofuel production may be combined with nitrogen-rich,

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Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),
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Please cite this article in press as: Rodionova MV, et al., Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy (2016),

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