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INTRODUCTION haemorrhage, cerebral hypoxia, fat/air

embolism or primary brain tumour.
Organ transplantation is one of the
greatest success stories in modern Ideally the donor should be under 70
medicine. Through organ donation years of age, have no serious
patients with life threatening illnesses systemic diseases, no serious
can look forward to a new lease of life. infection and no malignancy (aside
For heart and liver recipients it is from primary brain tumour). However
literally the difference between life and these criteria have been relaxed given
death. For kidney transplant recipients the good results shown in recipients of
the quality of life improves dramatically organs from extended criteria donors
and transplantation is the most cost (ECD). Therefore in the modern era
effective way of treating end-stage organs will be considered for
kidney disease, not to mention the transplantation if organ function is
improvement in life expectancy. preserved even in donors with
systemic disease e.g. hypertension or
However the demand for organs far diabetes and regardless of age.
exceeds supply throughout the world.
And while living related transplantation Donation after circulatory death (DCD)
has increased it has risks for the donor has allowed organ donation to take
and is not a viable option for most place in donors where the strict criteria
organs. Sadly deceased donation has for brain death are not met. Medically
been decreasing in South Africa the patient is assessed as having no
despite the criteria and methods for chance of recovery and together with
donation being expanded. Action the family the decision is to withdraw
needs to be taken to address this futile intensive care support. In this
problem and begins with the education setting it is possible to donate all
of health professionals such as organs except the heart, as upon
yourselves. withdrawal of support and cardiac
arrest the patient can, after 5 minutes,
The purpose of this chapter is not to be certified dead. The transplant team
teach you how to do a transplant, is required, prior to this, to be in
although an overview of the process is theatre and ready to operate
given. Rather emphasis is made on immediately in order to limit the warm
how to assess patients at the end of ischaemic damage which occurs in
life and the correct processes to this type of donation. Logistics are
follow. It is these crucial steps that challenging and while results are not
ensure opportunities for organ quite as good as donation after brain
donation are maximized and empower death they are still much better than
you as doctors to be knowledgeable no transplant at all.
advocates for transplantation.
If there is any doubt about whether a
POTENTIAL DONORS – WHO CAN donor is suitable there is always a
BE A DONOR? transplant co-ordinator on call who will
be only too pleased to offer advice.
All certified brain dead patients, and Always err on the side of considering
patients in whom there is no chance of donation.
survival upon planned withdrawal of
life support, can be organ donors. In Canada it is a legal requirement for
Typical causes of death include any doctor involved in certifying death
traumatic head injuries, sub-arachnoid or planning withdrawal of life support
to discuss the case with the transplant
co-ordinator and document the 3. The rectal temperature is >
discussion in the notes, so called 35°C and systolic BP is
“required referral”. South Africa has no >90mmHg.
such policy but it is good clinical
practice. 4. There is no endocrine or
metabolic cause of coma.
Brainstem testing:
Organs that can be transplanted
include kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, 1. Pupillary reflex: Pupils should
pancreas and small intestine. Tissues
be fixed (unreactive to light)
that can be donated include corneas,
skin, heart valves, bones, veins, although not necessarily
cartilage, tendons and ligaments which dilated.
can be used to restore sight, cover
burns, repair hearts and mend 2. Corneal reflex: No response to
damaged connective tissue. light touch with cotton wool.
The slogan of the South African Organ Don’t damage the cornea.
Donor Foundation is “one donor saves
seven lives.” In reality each organ 3. Gag reflex: Absent on
donor can an even greater impact than stimulating the back of the
purely the people benefiting directly. pharynx.
Each transplant frees up places on
dialysis programs and ICU beds for 4. Cough reflex: No response to
other patients. suctioning via endotracheal
5. Pain response in facial
Brain death certification is a standard distribution: Supra-orbital
of medical care. It must be performed compression must not elicit any
rigorously and removes any and all response in a facial
doubt about prognosis. When distribution. Spinal and tendon
brainstem reflexes are absent and reflexes may be present.
there are no confounding factors the
patient is 100% dead. It offers the 6. Oculo-cephalic reflex (Doll’s
family closure in a complicated eye movement): Ensure there
situation where machines and
is no cervical fracture. Lift the
medications are supporting organ
systems. head to 30°. Turn the head to
one side and open the patient’s
Before commencing brain death eyes. Keeping the eyes open
testing ensure that: turn the head rapidly through
180° to the opposite side. Any
1. The cause of brain death is movement in relation to the
specifiable and irreversible. head indicates an intact reflex.
In the brain dead donor the
2. The effects of CNS depressing
eyes will stay fixed looking
drugs and muscle relaxants
forward (like in a doll).
have been excluded - 12 hours
is the accepted norm in 7. Oculo-vestibular reflex (Cold
patients with preserved renal caloric test): Confirm the
and liver function. tympanic membrane is intact
and free from wax with an spontaneous respirations
otoscope. Inject 20ml of iced then although the full 10
water onto ear drum while minutes is not up the
holding the eyes open and look patient may be certified
for any eye movements or brain dead.
nystagmus. In a brain dead
patient there won’t be any · At the end of the test it is
movement. essential to reconnect the
ventilator as breathing or
8. Apnoea test (Done last): not breathing through an
Ventilate the patient fully on ET tube unsupported
100% oxygen for 10 minutes. hastens cardiac arrest.
Do an arterial blood gas to
check the pCO2 is within An EEG is not required, nor is an
atropine test, CT scan or angiogram.
normal limit(4.0 – 5.3kPa or 35
Legally the certification of brain death
– 45 mmHg). Then disconnect must be performed by two registered
the ventilator and place patient doctors independent of the transplant
on a T-piece with O2 flow rate team, one of whom must have been
of 15l/min. One of three things registered for 5 years or more. The
may take place: tests do not have to be done
separately or within any specified time
· The patient may show frame. The time of death is recorded
some respiratory effort. The as the time when the brainstem testing
has been completed and is recorded
patient is not brain dead,
as such in the paperwork.
although he may become
brain dead at a later time. REFERRAL PROCESS AND TAKING
Replace on the ventilator. CONSENT
Consider for donation after
circulatory death if decision In South Africa we have an opt-in
is to withdraw support and organ donation policy. There is no
presumed consent and the family is
death is expected.
asked to consent to the donation of the
organs. Obtaining consent is often
· After 10 minutes there may
difficult in the grieving family and is a
be no signs of spontaneous highly specialized field best performed
respiration. A blood gas is by the transplant co-ordinator who has
done to confirm a raised time to deal with the family and is
pCO2 of >6.6 kPa intimately familiar with the transplant
(50mmHg). In this setting process. (How long does the
transplant take? What will be taken?
the patient may be certified
How is the body to be released to the
brain dead. family? Who will the organs be given
to? What incentives are there to
· The patient may desaturate donate the organs?) Correct protocol
or become is for the treating doctor to explain the
haemodynamically clinical situation clearly and
unstable. Reconnect the unambiguously to the family and to
ventilator but do a blood allow the transplant co-ordinator to
gas to see if the PCO2 is take the discussion further.
adequately raised. If it is
and there were no
Inappropriate choice of words or lack no culture or religion on earth that
of clarity can be the difference prohibits the principle of giving or of
between successful donation and preserving life.
refusal by the family. Families will cling
to any scrap of hope and merely by The most important aspect is open
saying the ventilator is all that is communication that allows the entire
keeping the patient “going” can imply process to be as transparent as
life to a desperate family. To stress possible, allowing trust to develop
again, it is important for the treating between the medical teams and the
clinician to be very clear about the family. Wishes must be respected and
prognosis of the patient (there is none) no unnecessary duress added.
and to call in the transplant co- Forcing the issue is counter-productive
ordinator early so that there can be and the counseling process is best
every chance of obtaining consent handled by someone well versed in all
from the family. the possible situations. Merely asking
does not add undue pressure and
Absolutely no incentives are allowed to actually helps families to come to
be used in obtaining consent. terms with the death.
Financial or otherwise. Ethically it
would start a slippery slope which is Although deceased donation was
best avoided completely. No initially not practiced in most Muslim
assistance with the funeral costs is countries. It is now routine throughout
possible. There is no prioritizing of the Muslim world with most countries
another family member who may be having started with living related
awaiting a transplant. Donation is an donation. Once the obvious benefits of
altruistic event. The donation is not transplantation became apparent, and
publicized to prevent unwanted with religious leaders support, these
contact between the donor family and countries have expanded into
recipient. Recipients often write a deceased donation in order to meet
personal letter to the family thanking the need for organs.
them and the transplant co-ordinator
follows up with all families to check LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
that they are satisfied with the Consent is required from the next of
process. kin – spouse, parent, brother, sister, or
child (providing they are over 21 years
In Spain there is presumed consent of age) or legal guardian. Make sure to
and all end of life cases are record all the contact details of the
considered potential donors by default. next of kin. If the cause of death is
This combines with an excellent unnatural and therefore requiring a
transplant co-ordinator program and a post-mortem - consent is needed from
very active donation after circulatory state pathologist/district surgeon.
death program to result in one of the Consent is also needed from the
highest organ donation rates in the medical superintendent/hospital
world. In South Africa we rely on manager at the hospital where the
clinicians to refer patients. Spain has a donor operation is to be done.
donation rate of 38 pmp (per million
population) compared to the 2 pmp of In the absence of family the medical
South Africa. superintendent/state pathologist is
able to consent for organ donation but
RELIGIOUS CONSIDERATIONS in practice this is not done. Therefore
Donation of a family members’ organs every attempt must be made to
is a very personal decision and contact family members in order to
numerous factors come into play such allow consent to be obtained. The
as education, socio-economic status transplant co-ordinator has all the
and religious beliefs. There is however
appropriate documents and will obtain cardiac team and the solid organ team
all the consents. work concurrently to isolate the great
vessels throughout the body. Once
MANAGEMENT OF THE DONOR proximal and distal control is obtained
in both the chest and the abdomen
The best place for the organs while all cannulas are placed in the aorta
logistics are being sorted out is within allowing for in-situ cold perfusion of
a well-functioning body. Therefore the the organs. When everything is ready
brain dead donor is fully ventilated to the ventilator is switched off and up to
maintain a saturation of > 90% (Pa02> 12 liters of ice cold preservation
12 kPa). Body temperature is kept> solution is run in. The body cavities
35°C. The blood pressure is are also filled with ice cold saline to
maintained with a systolic BP > help rapidly cool the body. The organs
90mmHg. Two reliable IV lines are will become pale as all the blood is
required (preferably one central line) flushed out - vented from an IVC
as fluid resuscitation is often ongoing. incision into the chest cavity. Once
If inotropes are required a dopamine adequately flushed the organs are
infusion at 3-5 µg/kg/min titrated to the dissected out. First the heart, then the
BP can be used. liver and lastly the kidneys. The
organs are triple bagged, suspended
A catheter is essential to monitor urine in preservation solution and placed on
output which is targeted at 100ml/hr. ice. The eye and skin teams have up
Donors may become polyuric to 24 hours to procure their organs.
(secondary to the brain injury and ADH The eyelids are closed afterwards and
secretion) and require large volumes skin is only taken once the body has
of fluid to maintain adequate urine been turned enabling less traumatic
output (can even be > 1 liter per hour). viewing by the family.
Check arterial blood gases, serum
electrolytes, urea, creatinine and TIME-FRAMES – WHAT IS THE
glucose regularly and correct when RUSH?
All organs function better and last
Once consent is obtained for donation longer the sooner they are
management of the donor becomes transplanted and reperfused in a
the responsibility of the transplant recipient. Heart transplants have a
team. The transplant coordinator is an limit of 2 hours of cold ischaemic time,
ICU trained nurse and will manage the a liver 12 hours and kidneys up to 24
patient up until the donor operation. hours.
This helps minimize the disruption to
clinical services and not divert staff ALLOCATION PROCESS – HOW IS
away from their existing clinical duties. IT FAIR?

In China there is concern over the use In South Africa organs are allocated
of organs from executed prisoners. within each province. This helps to
Due to this ethical concern no limit cold ischaemic time. Recipients
publications from China are published must be an ABO blood group match to
in the international literature and receive a solid organ. The recipients
speakers are not invited to have blood taken every 3 months
international conferences. which is kept at the tissue typing
laboratory - this is used to screen for
DONOR OPERATION preformed antibodies as their
presence would preclude
The brain dead donor is taken to transplantation. The recipients are
theatre, cleaned and draped for a full selected based on a combination of
sternotomy and laparotomy. The how good the match is and how long
they have been waiting for a from just above the iliac crest to the
transplant. Race and socio-economic symphysis pubis. This position is easy
status do not come into the equation. to access, provides good exposure of
In South Africa the average waiting the vessels and is close to the bladder
time on dialysis before transplantation for the ureteric anastomosis. The vein
is 5 – 6 years. The mortality rate while is done before the artery and the
waiting for a kidney transplant is 5% kidney is reperfused prior to
per year and a further 2% of patients connecting the transplanted ureter
will become too ill to transplant. The onto the bladder.
waiting list for heart and liver
transplantation is much shorter as Post-operative stay varies but patients
these patients die while waiting due to require very close monitoring of their
the lack of a method of long term fluid status and may need temporary
organ support. Donors for these organ support in the ICU to help them
organs also need to be matched for recover. They were until quite recently
height and weight. If there is no ideal dying. Initially very strong
recipient locally (within the province) immunosuppression is given to
the organs are allocated nationally. prevent acute rejection but this places
patients at increased risk of infection.
The Declaration of Istanbul provides Immunosuppression is lifelong but is
ethical guidelines regarding the tapered over time to balance the risk
practice of organ donation and of rejection and against infection.
transplantation. It states that organ
trafficking and transplant tourism In Pittsburgh, a major pioneering
should be prohibited because they centre in transplantation, the operation
violate the principles of equity, justice would be done the same way every
and respect for human dignity. time in order to standardize it and
Recipient Operations allow Professor Thomas Starzl
Heart and liver transplants require the (famous for the first liver transplant) to
removal of the existing organ prior to walk into theatre at any stage and
replacement. A cardiac transplant know immediately what had been
recipient is placed on bypass prior to done and what still needed to be done.
removal of the heart and the heart is
anastomosed directly in place of the LIVING DONATION
old heart - donors and recipients are
size matched. Donating a kidney carries a mortality
risk of 0.03% and is widely practiced.
The liver is unique in that it has the Living donor liver transplants are also
ability to regenerate and hence can be performed but the risk to the donor is
altered in size during back table more substantial, carrying a mortality
preparation to fit a child or split to of 0.6% and a morbidity of 10%. Living
supply two recipients (usually a child related liver donation is possible
and an adult). First the new liver is because the liver is the only organ with
connected to the IVC and portal vein. the ability to regenerate and 30% of a
The liver is then reperfused - it gets good liver is enough to prevent acute
70% of its blood supply from the portal liver failure.
vein. The hepatic artery is next
followed by the bile duct which is Living donors are extensively
anastomosed to the remnant bile duct investigated to ensure that all risks are
or to the bowel with a hepatico- minimized and that the transplant will
jejenostomy. have every chance of success. Initial
workup entails determining that the
Kidneys are transplanted in the extra- blood group is a match and screening
peritoneal space onto the external iliac for factors that would preclude
vessels. An oblique incision is made donation. Criteria are stringent as
these patients are unique in medicine, Thank you for helping to turn the loss
in that they do not have any indication of a patient into an opportunity for new
for the surgery themselves. Any co- life in others. Not an easy thing.
morbid disease, end organ damage or
lifestyle that may put the potential FAMOUS ORGAN TRANSPLANTS -
donor at future risk of organ failure WITHOUT THE UNSUNG DONORS,
would result in them being turned DOCTORS AND NURSES THE
away and referred to the appropriate FOLLOWING WOULD NOT BE
medical team. The work-up includes a POSSIBLE…
full social and psychological
assessment. In cases where multiple Jonah Lomu – New Zealand rugby
donors come forward the lowest risk player – received a living unrelated
patient with the best HLA match is kidney transplant in 2003 for nephrotic
used. syndrome. The kidney was
transplanted in a deeper position than
In Iran there is a formal system of paid normal to allow him to play contact
living unrelated donation. This is the sports.
only country with such a system. Other
countries do not practice this due to Dick Cheney – US Vice president
ethical concerns regarding perverse under George Bush – received a heart
incentives and that the net flow of transplant in 2012 for ischaemic
organs will be from poor to rich. In cardiomyopathy having been on
South Africa all living unrelated waiting list for 20 months. He had
transplants have to be approved by previously had 5 heart attacks related
the Minister of Health. e.g. Husband to his 60 pack year history.
donating to wife. There is evidence to
support that transplants between Evil Knievel – motorcycle stunt rider –
emotionally linked individuals have a contracted Hepatitis C from a
better long term outcome than cases contaminated blood transfusion. He
where there is no link. received a liver transplant in 1999 but
died from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
SUMMARY in 2005

Organ donation in South Africa Manto Tshabalala Msimang – South

depends on you the treating clinician African Health Minister - received a
to continually be on the lookout for liver transplant for autoimmune
potential donors. The correct process hepatitis in 2007 but succumbed to
needs to be followed in terms of brain complications related to the transplant
death testing and an early referral to in 2009.
the transplant co-ordinator allows the
best chance of consent. Eric Abidal – Barcelona football player
– underwent a living related liver
The number of potential donors has transplant from his cousin in 2012. He
been expanded by using extended returned to play for Barcelona but was
criteria donors and the possibility of traded to Monaco in 2013.
donation after circulatory arrest. It is
important to be aware of this and to Chris Klug – Olympic snowboarding
refer early in cases where there is bronze medalist – received a liver
planned withdrawal of support and transplant in 2000 for primary
death is expected to occur rapidly. The sclerosing cholangitis. He won his
transplant team is responsible for medal after his transplant.
managing the donor and will arrange
all logistics. Steve Jobs – Apple founder and CEO
– underwent a liver transplant in 2009
for metastatic neuroendocrine tumour
of the pancreas. He died in 2011 from and friends need to be informed of
metastases to his lungs. your decision.
Stay informed and active.
Linda Lovelace – actress in the movie Transplantation is a rapidly evolving
Deep Throat – received a liver field but it is the shortage of donor
transplant in 1987 for Hepatitis C organs and misinformed people which
related cirrhosis. She died in a car are the biggest obstacles to saving
crash 15 years later. lives with transplantation.

Alonzo Mourning – Miami Heat Stay alert to any opportunity for organ
basketball player – developed renal donation and always consult rather
failure from focal segmental than not. The effort is always
glomerulosclerosis and received a appreciated.
kidney transplant in 2003. He won the
NBA championship in 2005 with the
Miami Heat and Shaquille O’Neal.

Sarah Hyland – actress Modern This work is licensed under a Creative

Family – born with renal aplasia Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
received a kidney transplant from her
father in 2012 when her renal function
had deteriorated to a point
approaching dialysis.

Tracy Morgan – actor from 30 Rock –

underwent a kidney transplant in 2010
for diabetes associated renal failure.

South Africa currently has a waiting list

of 5000 patients awaiting
transplantation and we have a
deceased donation rate of 2 per million
of the population. South Africa
performs an average of 320
transplants per year.


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Take every opportunity to discuss and

educate fellow professionals and the
public correctly about organ donation.
Aside from just registering with the
organ donor foundation (ODF) family

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