Tamarind Chutney

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Tamarind chutney (yields 2 cups)

1 cup crumbled tamarind

1 1/2 cups water
1/2 tea spoon cumin powder
1 tea spoon salt
2 tea spoon sugar

1. Boil tamarind and water 5 minutes.
2. Remove from heat. Soak 1/2 hour.
3. Knead tamarind until it separates from fibers.
4. Pour into a sieve resting over a bowl.
5. Press and rub tamarind, forcing puree through sieve.
6. Scrape bottom of sieve, collecting as much puree as possible.
7. Put puree into pot.
8. Stir in cumin, salt and sugar.
9. Boil 2 minutes
10. Serve with any savory or over vegetables.

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