14.02 Kaltrina

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Tuesday -14/02/2023

Portable meal- vakt ushqimit

Indeed- me te vertet
Introduced- njoftu
Directions- drejtime

Pieces- pjese/grishe
ham- pershute
between- ne mes
appeared- shfaq
gamble- kumar/bixhoz
beef- mish lope
plates- pijate
Spices- ereza

Thick- e trash
warm- e ngroht
Thin- e holle

Bacon- pershute derri

chopped- coptune
raw- jo e pjekur/jo e perpunuar
Scissors- gersheret
Plasters- fllasera
sellotape- izelir
Screwdriver- shafciger

Unit 9

Comparative and Superlative forms

Shkalla krahasore dhe siperore

Comparative Form
We use C.F to talk about or to compare things between each other.
We two types of Adjectives
Short Adj.- ER
Short- Shorter
Tall- taller
big – bigger
Old- older
Mirjeta is shorter than Kaltrina
My sister is taller than my brother
My house is bigger than my friends’
Brikena is older than Merita.

Long- Adj- more than/less than

My cars is more/less expensive than yours.
English is more /less interesting than Maths.

Superlative Form
Shkalla siperore
We use s.f to talk or compare things in general.

Two types of adjectives

Short adj. – the est
Tall- The tallest
Big- The biggest
Short- The shortest
Kaltrina is the tallest in the class.
My dog is the biggest in the town
My sister is the shortest in the family

Long ajd. The most/ the least

My house the most / least expensive house in my village
Art is the most/least interesting subject
Suela is the most beautiful/least girl in Skenderaj.

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