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Minutes of Meeting

Grade- One
ELLN Session

Topic: Language Learning M.3 L.1

Date: February 24, 2022
Time 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm
Venue: Gr. 1 Rm 1-B

 The session started with a prayer led by Ma’am Marivic Arzaga. Then, answering the
 The session was presided by Ma’am Maica Dumaicos.
 Learning Language in children begins learning by first getting acquainted with their
 The stages in the learning language explained through the first years of the child.
 In O+ age of the child, these sensorial experience increases in frequency and complexity,
but for the first few months of the infant’s life, they remain unlabeled
 In one year-old child, develops receptive language skills as they listen and watch other
people label their world.
 Toddlers learn to used words and phrases to label their world and learn language from
other people.
 In 3-year-old child, the child experience sequence of language learning. They begin to
use language in more creative way, sharing, make stories and engaging in imaginative
 Learning about language has three stages:

Experience  Oral language  Written language

 Explicit Instruction Support Language Learning

 Explicit instruction is about providing support
 There is an opportunity to organization teaching of content.
 There are multiple opportunity to organize/perform the skill
 There is active engagement.
 May be use for learners performing at varying levels
 The teachers share their ideas about the explicit instruction to be use in their lessons.
 Each teacher interposed in such way they present some ways in teaching language in
small children.
 The lesson design for explicit instruction composed of : Introduction, presentation and
modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and evaluation.
 After the discussion the teachers tried to apply the topic on making lesson plan following
the lesson design for explicit instruction where teaching language is the core and use the
assigned story for the group.
 The last activity was answering the Sel/per assessment tool
 The assignment to teachers was they will gong to accomplish a lesson plan base on the
explicit instruction.
 The session ended at 3:30 pm

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