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Copyright BRAND FI ject_"OPS ELITTES” ‘Ay Ton Gabriel Anghelus ‘Tel o7a1736034 Prof univ Dr ec Ton Corba ‘Bucarest, Romania 2022 ‘Jurist, Dr ee. Monica Andresea Vasil Ee Silvin Craesew ‘Tel 0721162776 BUSINESS PLAN «One Place Shows ELITTES” Brand name and marketing: OPS ELITTES ! Concept exclusiv romanese Romania Romanian Great Business Plan for Events & Entertainments integrated. Unique international Brand Concepts & Features integrated Television. Best International FRANCIZE OPS ELITTES Project Pilot Bucarest, ROMANIA- 2023 EN Tel 0721730034 Bucarest, Romania 2022 Jnrist, Dr ee. Monica Andretea Vasa Be Silva Craesen ‘Tel o72i162776 - CONTENTS- 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS 1, Description of the business idea Copyright - Responsibilities of collaborators 2, Business strategy, goals and objectives 3. Deseription of the company 4. Description of the services offered 5. Location 6. Description of the environment in which the OPS ELITTES franchise is established and evolves IL THE MARKETING PLAN 1, Description of the market and the targeted market segment 2. Market trend 3. Competition and other influences 4. The company's suppliers 5. Marketing strategy Product policy. Price policy Sales and Profit Strategy Promotion and public relations 6 Sources of income and profits 7, Identification and analysis of risks ‘SWOT analysis, ‘ML THE FINANCING REQUIREMENT ANNEXES ~ Income and expenses Amortization from the net profit on the 4 location options 7 Lat Lacul Morii shows a total investment of 23,644,940 euros that is amortized in 3.2 years ~2.In the Therme version, 16,166,980 euros, which is amortized in 2.2 years ~ 3. In the Baneasa version 29,544,480 euros which is amortized in 4.2 years - 4. in the Pantelimon version with concession land, the investment is only 14,719,940 euros, which is amortized in 2 years ~ Estimated budgets - the 4 variants to 4 location estimated general budget Copyright © ream BRAN Conce “OPS ELITTES” “Av Tow Gabriel Anghelus ‘Tel O7aTTSG0S4 Prof univ Dre Ton Corba Bucarest, Romania 2022 Jurist, Dr ec Mosiea Andreea Vasa EeSivin Cracsea ‘Tel 0721162776 L_ DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS 1. Description of the fundamental concepts of franchising and the idea of integrated business and the consequences of standardization for the purpose of a franchise of international financial success 2. Copyright Franchise & Responsibilities of collaborators who, during negotiations, tend to steal concepts and concept structures or parts of business plans This business plan was developed in order to raise awareness and conceptual solidarity on a solid and future business plan that will outline the joint success of the Team of private investors closely and precisely linked to the Team of specialists with high standards of competence in the strategy and architecture of the Management and Marketing, all the reporting of the Stake of the conceptual strength ‘and the financial success of this real New Age Business industry at the top of the World in commercial and financial matters Events & Entertainments & integrated Television for the Best International Franchise OPS ELITTES. LEGAL PROTECTION of Copyright. ‘Management and financing concepts are protected by copyright and all collaboration structures are ‘subject to confidentiality and unfair non-competition clauses starting with any detail of this business Plan that is communicated in good faith to collaboration partners including financiers who if trying to ‘take ideas and structures, no matter how tiny, from the Franchise Plan will be sued under liability for civil damages under national and or intertational laws. Copyright protection (copyright ©) is in force ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS starting from the date of issue of the concept and the writing of the business plan and carries legal protection in time over all concepts and ideas, intellectual structures of marketing and management in the universal rights of the sole author and the intellectual design team, prototypes and concepts from the copyright legend with author's names and concepts and extends to all the concepts and structures that ‘concern this business The means of proof are common to national and international jurisdictions The rest of the aspects of the jurisdictions the monitoring and actions of the consortium are in themselves the administration of the legal department of OPS ELITTES The purpose of the current financing project is to evaluate the profitability of the new business Prototype in the field of events services under the brand Events & Entertainments integrated unique international Brand Concepts and Features & new Television for the Best International Franchise OPS ELITES. ‘2.Business strategy, goals and objectives 41. The current socio-psychological and anthropological perspective of human needs ‘The socialization and communication of ideas, for the general public, are today surprised by a Stagnation of solutions in the event and entertainment market, being disjointedly limited only to the classical concepts of entertainment and services ‘The concept of the Best International Franchise OPS ELITTES is based on the biggest and latest ‘management and marketing strategies in event and advertising that come to meet the new trends of the Copyright © TEAM BRAND FRANCIZE Concepts Project_”OPS ELITTES” ‘Av Ton Gabriel Anghelas ‘Tel 0721736034 Prof univ Dr ec Ton Corba Bucarest, Romania 2022 ‘avist , Dr ec. Monica Andreeea Vasitin Ee Silviu Craesen Tel 0721162776 ‘unexploited market that have not really been deepened by sociological economic and social psychology estimates on human nature ‘The need for entertainment, information, culture and socialization, the need for active spiritual nourishment of human nature. No virtual space REGARDLESS OF THE NEED AND EVOLUTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AD will be sufficient for humanity and will not overcome the psychological need of hhuman consciousness to socialize and communicate physically Man is @ social being as Aristotle defined him, in the sense thet he "needs the other man". The dynamics of these needs guide and regulate human, social, economic and cultural relationships. ( "Therefore, by nature there is in everyone the instinct for such a community; [...] For, just as man in his perfection is the noblest of beings, so, lacking law and justice, he is the worst of all ..] 5 but man is born with intelligence and firm will as natural weapons, [..] (and) justice is a social virtue." Aristotle - "Politics" : zoon politikon) ‘The utilitarian theories and the High Tech world experiments, AI related to the needs of the People will end up leading to global legal and economic bankruptcies, especially due to the increasingly excessive tendencies of manipulations and policies of censorship of opinions and content manifested among large companies that tendencies to distort the narrative and policy deviations that lead to distortions of real communication needs are more and more deeply disavowed by people who have already started looking for alternatives for social communication. The economic idea of total relocation of man and his spiritual needs for access to culture, Socialization and entertainment somewhere in virtual cloud and metaverse spaces are trending developments and do not represent the competition of the physical part of man's need to socialize face to face with members or VIPs human communities. On the contrary, our new event industry will fll the empty niche of high physical events and entertainment services for large communities of people and even these physical services of ours will be Possible and interconnected with technologies and more OPS ELITTES will achieve an increasing profit Curve from the monetization itself and other large sponsorships through the digital internet services of Google IT concerns, of social networks, Facebook, or YouTube, etc. The strategy is economic of exponential profit with precise goals and objectives of providing high quality services in the field of Events & Entertainments & new concept Television made to the highest standards of efficiency and creativity. One place shows is a new concept through which, for 7 days out of 7, high-profile public events and audiences are organized in the location within the premises of the company and the television, which bring portfolios of organized events and result in legal financial profits and a large audience and satisfaction. from the public. ‘The specially designed building and technical equipment wil represent a standardized recipe for success under the OPS ELITE brand and franchise ‘Through the marketing strategy, the investors and management team will adopt strategies to iversify the services offered in the field of Events & Entertainments within the First Bucharest Pilot Project, which will become franchise standards Depending on the financing possibilities, it is recommended that the building be the property of (OPS ELITTE and be specially designed according to the standards and needs of OPS ELITTE. ‘There is also the possibility of choosing the option of renting a location and paying a rent and ‘adapting the investments to the needs of OPS ELITE. ‘The quality of the services will be permanently ensured by maintaining a demanding control from ‘the management and periodic training sessions will be considered for the entire staf of the company 3., Description of the company Copyright © 7#AM BRAND FRANCIZE Concepts Project "OPS ELITTES” row Gare Anges Te OTS Prat unt Dre tor Cb ecare, Bamana 222 A ee, Dre Mos hanna Ysa | Resta Cree ra omer It is advisable to establish 2 new commercial company from the beginning in which both the investors and the technical management team will be shareholders in order to have a fair balanced control and co-interest in the development of the business and the achievement of high standards of r quality and profit under the OPS ELITTE brand and franchise. : In parallel with the technical construction of the documentation, the investment plans will be finalized and the OPS ELITTE brand and franchise will be officially registered. in the Register of Franchises Then we will proceed directly to the implementation of the investments, buildings and technical equipment including the Television according to the strategy and plan adopted by the investors and the technical teams of managers and consultants using specialized architecture firms, constructions down to i the smallest details, furniture , PSI security equipment, according to the legal/laws. standards, 4. Description of services - Services offered / OPS ELITTE offers clients a wide range of completely new and diversified services, in accordance | ‘with market requirements and current trends in the field of organizing Events & Entertainments & new concept Television, made to the highest standards of efficiency and quality. Everything will be organized by execution DIVISIONS, in which a vital role is played by the | departments of sales & event programming, those of event producers, etc., and not ultimately the technical television team, which will have editorial autonomy and program producers according to the specifics of television professional by attracting income from advertisements and making profits that | will reach the budget and profitability ofthe franchise and the company OPS ELITTE | Profits will come from a varied range of services that represent the secret recipe of the OPS ELITTE franchise In principle, itis about the fact that the OPS ELITTES location will work permanently 7 days out of 7, offering distinct services according to programs and departments, so that the large showroom and the smaller event rooms are always rented and used by the sales & events planning department In principle, there are two degrees of division of program sessions and service standards permanently hosted by OPS ELITTES: 1. Classic - from Monday to Friday, events and entertainment activities are held, . classic events and entertainment 2. Blittes - in the weekend, Saturday and Sunday are the days reserved for special events of high cultural, academic and scientific content, for example local national and international conferences with the participation of high cultural, scientific and artistic personalities, OPS ELITTES makes available to the public and the portfolio of clients event services programmed | and carried out cither by the technical team of the clients themselves who will address, in addition to the application with programming submitted at least 1 week before the event, accompanied by their project in summary, with which services they wish to and be organized. Separately, the client simply requests | the provision by OPS ELITTES of the service packages location, staff, catering, DJ, music, special L effects, directors, presenters, speakers on technical cultural specialties, making live reports or recording clips of events and or advertising ete Event scheduling can be done online or physically atthe sales & event scheduling office, where clients | will benefit from high-level consulting, guidance and scheduling of the purchase of integrated service packages. OPS ELITE will have a dedicated website on the Internet and its own television will ensure its Popularization and will run the MONTHLY PROGRAM of events and activities by hours and technical details including the cost ofthe ticket / access card. ‘The prepared halls will always have in operation the acoustic equipment made exclusively on the basis of special high-quality sound systems and the walls dressed in large panels of LED televisions will ‘harmonize the event to ensure the professional management of the specific environment OPS ELITE in which the audience will ive the most beautiful moments and images that will instantly be imprinted in “OPS ELITTES” ‘Tel o73i736084 Fa o721162776 the memory, clients wanting to return as soon as possible and as often as possible to such events and in the OPS ELITES building where these professional event services give instant spiritual and relaxation dependence on information and culture ‘From here, the company will face an effect of selling out tickets and reservations weeks before the scheduled events, so that OPS ELITTES will always have a full portfolio, showing the overload with events, so that the realization of the profit itself will reach exponentially increasing parameters. ‘The television will be an enormous source of income and will work with a specific program in specially arranged spaces, usually located on the comer tower on the dedicated floors of the OPS ELITTES building, and their specialists will provide separately, including the service of some professional technical services for the few hours at the events at the request of clients and the technical team of events releases, so as to ensure maintenance and mutual collaboration in the technical side of events and television, and this recipe for success is one of the Keys to the success of the OPS ELITTES franchise. cis the interface and niche of the OPS ELITTES franchise market which is now clearly unexplored, neither thought of nor realized as a business, neither by the common physical premises of restaurants, tourism, spa fitness conference ceiters, ete. nor by social networks and the Internet. A large part of the revenues will come from the monetization of the internet publication of entertainment events or clips and documentaries made by OPS ELITES, which will attract revenues in an exponential cascade, not to mention that other revenues to the budget will be the sponsorships of large companies that are in dire need of advertising of their products and services OPS ELITTES will be a fundamental market of non- stop events and advertising according to recipes made creatively and efficiently by our specialists. Soon after only one whole week since the LAUNCH WITH FAST ADVERTISING and the full operation of the OPS ELITES tocation and television, the satisfaction and curiosity of the public will be marked by positive jokes and advertising = "Ifyou haven't been to OPS ELITES, you don't exist" Effectively, the loop of the explosion of public interest will provide free publicity for OPS ELITTES. Last but not least, it should not be forgotten that the OPS ELITES franchise itself is and will be the ‘most successful and sought-after advertising industry provided to clients who want professional advertising and commercial advertising services. Dont forget that after the success of the pilot project in Bucharest, within a maximum of 1 year, the franchise will be able to be exported and entrusted both in the counties of Romania, but especially in the countries that have seen how this successful recipe of our industry works. It becomes logical that the revenues and the appetite of our company will increase exponentially, which will become 2 franchise and a concern with highly appreciated international subsidiaries. An intelligent strategy of high profitability and high service standards. 5. Location The OPS ELITES pilot project must have an obvious location in Bucharest in a location possible at ‘the intelligent choice of the technical management and the investors’ team, it can be at the beginning and in rent for reduced costs or, as the case may be, it is preferable to be directly owned and must have a ‘modern multifunctional building on metal structures and heat-insulating and sound-proof panels, all with a standardized architecture specially made for OPS ELITTES, which building will be the image of the franchise wherever in the world the franchise will be requested and installed. ‘The location must have large public or private parking spaces, just like the buildings and parking lots of supermarkets such as Peany, Kaufland, Lidl, Cora, ete. Baneasa. ‘The location must ensure easy public access and also the highest standards of civilized and technical services of PSI norms, guarding and protection of people and goods, according to the legislation in force. ERANCIZE OPS ELITTES”. “Tel 0731736054 Bucarest, Romania 2022 Tel 0721162776 In the investment amortization study, we chose 4 comparative cost options depending on locations, i. the variation in the prices of the land on which the construction of the building will be erected, which is itself the main machinery for the production of entertainment events. For example, location 1 at Lacul Morii shows a total investment of 23,644,940 euros that is amortized in 3.2 years 2. In the Therme version, 16,166,980 euros, which is amortized in 2.2 years 3. In the Baneasa version, 29,544,480 euros, which is amortized in 4.2 years 4. in the Pantelimon version with concession land, the investment is only 14,719,940 euros, which is amortized in 2 years 6. Description of the environment in which the OPS ELITTES franchise will evolve ‘The environment for the development of the business is relatively favorable and predictable, knowing the demographic data related to the evolution of the population and the entertainment market and social events both at the level of Bucharest, the capital of Romania, and at the level of the capital counties of the county or region Furthermore, once the OPS ELITES franchise is launched at an international level, the brand will ‘pass into the sphere of large international companies such as Mc Donalds, KFC, Mall Industries, hotels, event and conference centers and other international brands. Practically, now the market is divided with historically established specialized event and entertainment services, such as international conference halls, malls with retail sales business and multiplex cinema shows, established theaters, opera, operetta, the Romanian Athenaeum, local businesses of private conference locations Halls for stand-up comedy, outdoor concerts, SPA locations, Fitness rooms, bars and restaurants for family or collective events, weddings, anniversaries, taining & tourism concepts, etc. which all have their own specifics, their market and their customers and do not ‘represent a serious competition or any reason in which the OPS ELITES franchise should not operate complex commercial activities of inalete services. Against the competition, the study will be our clients and collaborators on the basis of contracts, sending them prize winners on stays in tourist locations. The strength of the OPS ELITES franchise will even determine a rise in quality and standards in the industry where we operate. Separately, we will establish a legal division to combat and Sanction with compensation natural or legal persons from the competition that infringe copyrights and franchises such as the KFC apple brands, etc. I. THE MARKETING PLAN 1. Description of the market and the targeted market segment OPS ELITTES is an integrated industrial complex of business launching events and entertainment ‘with television stations, online on the Internet and on satellite, classically broadcast on cable networks ‘and with a division of advertising and professional commercial advertisements. All the mentioned businesses have distinct and specialized segments and do not represent an internal Competition, and on the contrary, they assure us that we have benchmarks to always exceed the standards of quality and services provided by the competition 2. Market trend After the two-year experience of the 2020-2022 global "plandemic” with restrictions on human tights and freedoms, which as a physical being was artificially isolated at home under penalties of fines and other slips, we have not forgotten the blockages and closed abusive business classic locations of Festaurants, theaters, malls and an effective collapse of an entire HORECA industry - restaurant tourism, It BRAND FRANCIZE Pr OPS ELITTES” ‘Av Ton Gabriel Anghelus "Tel O7B1730034 Prof univ Dr ee Ion Corbu Bucarest, Romania 2022 ‘Jurist , Dr ee. Monica Andresea Vasilix Be Silvia Craesen Te orn182776 event and entertainment under globalist medical pretexts, including the imposition of the false trend of moving online human needs for socialization, stupid experiments that failed in the two years. The studies demonstrate a wide opening of people's appetite to socialize directly physically with each other without restrictions in physical locations and cultural programs physical, classical entertainment, or where in opera houses, restaurants, conferences, festivals, public celebrations People and they took the .g0al of freedom and simply gave up on the resumption of their rights to classic meetings and events ‘The market force is always given by the human need for physical socialization ‘Humanity has understood that they cannot be lied to in such ways and that business industries cannot be closed and that there are no limits in accessing loyal and fair human services at good prices in which to recover culturally, socially and enjoy the pleasures innocent cultural and spiritual life between the walls of physical locations with old friends and in order to make new friendships and collaboration exclusively through physical dialogue, just as the human species will never leave the trend of real physical socialization of physical evaluation of language verbal and non-verbal dialogue and Communication partaers. Humanity is simply fed up with the manipulations of the counterfeiting of narratives and characters on the internet. People want real physical, cultural, scientific dialogue, they want entertainment even's with people and for people, and they refuse to be just simple pieces ‘manipulated in their lives by AI, artificial concepts They want to taste the freedom to choose shows, events, to talk, to listen, to vote physically elites prizes at contests they want cultural, scientific and entertainment elites They want to touch them, talk to ‘hem, criticize thera, encourage them or to ask for their autographs... So simple is the direction and the opportunity of the new OPS ELITTES brand in the events industry The boomerang effect of the tendencies of mankind to move away from their human nature was ‘that people, being eminently social beings in 2023, returned with an exponential force to demand physical services of events and entertainment to meet physically in social events physical repudiating the lost years of lies and manipulations on internet networks, including the sphere of online culture and education, ‘The market is already open to the maximum and as such our team of investors, management and marketing has a huge market at its disposal and to do wonderful things and exponential profit it has this successful recipe mounted in this ONE PLACE SOWS ELITTES project. 3. Competition and other influences ‘Simply for our OPS ELITTES brand and franchise, competition from our point of view does not exist, it is insignificant, it is disaggregated, and it does not matter who we compete with, whatever their brands and quality experiences are.. It is obvious that on the Industry Market, the competition will try to adapt on the fly, but to how ‘we will be organized in terms of management and marketing, the competitors will not soon be able to catch up with us at the speed and diversification of the services offered by us. Probably the competing, companies will try to steal ideas and copyrights from our franchise methods without paying, It is possible that in the future we will see small attempts at copying by poor pubs, taverns, ‘estaurants, hotels or reputable conference centers, such as for example copying the idea of a video event with those big walls with LED TV, an idea taken from us only as they visited our location only once. They will be insignificant and will be forgiven as much as they can.. Let them survive. They should not be executed judicially for insignificant details. Competition is good for quality!.. The legal division within our consortium will clearly deal with these crimes of franchise theft in our defease of copyright and franchise. ‘The competition itself will be limited only to what it knows and can do. It is the competitor's right to survive economically according to his experience in the field of entertainment events and television, including in the field of advertising and advertising concepts. We have only one amendment ... if the Copyright © TEAM BRAND FRANCIZE Concepts Project "OPS ELITTES” ‘Av lon Gabriel Anghelas ‘Tel o731736084 Prof univ Dr ee Ton Corba Bucarest, Romania 2022 Jurist, Dre. Monica Andreeea Vasilis Ee Silviu Craesen ‘Ta 0721162776 ‘competition raises its standards close to our level through fair legal means of competition... well done, it ‘means that we too 4. The company's suppliers 4.1. Commercial contracts are structured in stages as follows: ~ The legal, legal and economic stage of establishing the company, AGM, shareholders, obtaining the brand, brand franchise and financiers who already sign the contracts and the legal bureaucratic documents for the start of the ongoing projects on the bank relationship, financing decisions according to the FINAL BUSINESS PLAN ‘Then we need to the detailed feasibility study ~ The design and investment stage of building land acquisition - Unique architecture project authorizations firm ~ Construction stage - Specialized companies and contracts for the execution of buildings, utilities, ete ~ Authorization stage for taking over Television and equipping equipment and professional teams ~ The stage of hiring minimal professional staff for carrying out activities in all departments of the commercial company ~ The reception stage of the completed construction works and the OFFICIAL launch of OPS ELITTE event location and entertainment simultaneously with OPS ELITE Television Afier commissioning, the suppliers are Catering companies, ~ Security companies ~ Accounting company ~ Consulting and maintenance technology companies ~ Companies etc. providing other services necessary for the functioning of our business activity 5. Marketing strategy ‘Through the services they offer, OPS ELITES. aims to reach the proposed market share, adapting the service offers to the needs of the customers. ‘The policy of integrated or separate service packages adapted to the needs of clients Price policy ‘The price policy involves the practice of distinct tariffs adopted by the sales division controlled and Permanently approved by the GENERAL MEETING OF ASSOCIATES based on the reports of Specialists in strategy and price policies. Revenues will be collected, their record will be kept electronically according to legal accounting standards in accounting and taxation, Practically, the revenues and prices of the services involve detailed annexes Prices and receipts have more areas of income, which as a priority must satisfy the Programmatic rate of amortization of the shareholders’ investments and also amortize the snses with utilities, salari and taxes ‘owed to the state, it © BRAND FRANCIZE Conc ject_" OPS ELITTES” ‘Av To Gabriel Anghelas "Tel 0721736084 Prof univ Dr ec Ton Corbu Bucarest, Romania 2022 ‘Jurist , Dr ec. Monica Andreeea Vasilia Ee Silviu Craeseu Tel 0721162776 6 Sources of income and profits - 1, Income from the rental of event_halls. SERVICE PACKAGES examples: + Basic package - Events requested by clients who have in their event Project logistics directors, producers, caterers, speakers, DJ drivers, ete. lower rates are applied for rental per hour or for the entire event - Elite Package - Events at which OPS ELITTES makes available to clients the organizers not only the hall with precise rental hours but all the necessary technical and artistic services The service packages will be very numerous and detailed in price lists and requirements requested by customers and made available to them by OPS ELITTES - 2. Income from public ticket prices - In general, the cost of the ticket/access card will be reasonable and accessible to the public and will always be related to the nature of the event to cover the payment of entertainment artists as well as the costs of renting and producing the event, events, conferences or cultured or popular music events can be free of charge, considering that event production costs are covered by SPONSORSHIPS ~ 3. Revenues from the commercial addition of food and beverages All products_will_be exclusively produced and brought by the catering companies, so that the quality and hygiene and food protection rules are their responsibility ~ 4. Income from sponsorships of commercial compani - 5. Income from the OPS ELITTES TELEVISION Division industry - 6. Income from the Advertising Division industry _- commercial advertising spots ~ 7. Income from the Internet, monetization of clips and sponsorship contracts with apples also concern social networks, Chatbot GPT, etc. -8. Incom from the national and international export network of the OPS ELITTES FRANCHISE Copyright TEAM BRAND. ‘Av Toa Gabriel Anghelas Prof univ Dr ee Ton Corba Jurist, Dr ec. Monica Andreeea Vasiia NCIZE Concepts Project ™ 7 "Tel OTRIT3OOSE Bucarest, Romania 2022 e'sitvin Craescu ra onuisr76 7. Identification and analysis of risks SWOT Analyze Strong points (Strenghts) ‘Weak points (Weaknesses) Hi very good image on the market; = young and creative team; + favorable location; + effective marketing strategy; varied and quality services; + favorable price/quality ratio; ~ huge revenues from 8 sources that fuel the company's budget and activities - lack of experience in such a broad activity; It can ‘compensated by using only professionals with }xperience in the fields of activity ~ advantageous prices sometimes lower than those jracticed by the rest of the companies in the fiel ‘The relatively high costs of ownership and fonstruction of the building, But these are amortized uch faster than, for example, those in the real tate developer industry can take © © ities ~ = Work schedule that seems busy, but in reality the events last afew hours, but ‘heir preparation is quite time-consuming; = = favorable legislative framework for events business ; + =telatively weak competition inthe market Amenintari (Threats) + =the possiblity of introducing additional taxes and fees during the development of investments and during the operation of ‘the business | ~~ the opening of similar locations by, | competitors theft of franchise concepts, ate. ul Co ht "OP's (ES”” Gabriel Anghelus "Tel o731736084 Prof univ Dr ec Ton Corbu Jurist, Dr ec. Monica Andreeea Vasiia Ee Silvu Craeseu Tel 0721162776 INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT STAGES Main steps: Following the technical discussions with the investors, a design theme and a preliminary re-feasibility study will be developed. ‘Then, contract and preparation of pre-feasibility study on one or two land variants Then the detailed feasibility study, according to HG no. 907 of November 29, 2016 regarding the elaboration stages and the framework content of the technical and economic documentation related to the investment objectives/projects with agreements, opinions, based on the Urban Planning Certificate. ‘You have to find a formula for the urban planning certificate based on a pre-contract for obtaining the land, Then the technical project, execution details, documentation. obtaining the execution authorization, starting the execution according to the scheduling schedule, technical assistance, commissioning, reception. In what follows, we give preliminary calculations as a starting point. Depending on the investor's options, they will be detailed more precisely. 2 TET TST aT] aT era SHOOT See renee eT aa saa ey cues even | 3 | Perera “HORT Puy 7H 20) Wand oa 87 wy NOMENON ANON perme ae mere TaN loom looms — looser — aver a f = porns booze lo F a oars fs —f¥- ——fr — for —f jroowsrar —losro0osr porors —foovoee los —p- —f- —foe —fy se —osoa50 ost 5 rosbos pastor —oos —fs-——- (2 zm oaroors —[paooez foot — > —fer ——f a Spree ey a | asa a ey | em | oe | eee, |e | BREE [na mee | woutsa | worrpoe |S, auijosep | “mone jomeums| wn * [mien menos) Hite | ene ea Building model for OPS ELITES ona steel structure with sandwich panels and masonry (The final design will of course be totally different according to the final Architecture established by the investor and the technical team) Example land 30.000 mp for location Pantelimon Sector 2 Bucharest about 7 km from the center of Bucharest) o'r loc ree 34 jmayoud uip eer you] sereser [oer aseT [oer ET Tv wo 6 TL'vT [OBY'bSs'6z ]0R6'99T OT love DYo'EZ ‘BAASBAL] FIeIO} azeOEA| 5 ‘eseoupg | euueys | msoyyjne7, sumer | exmyen | ewueuen GEPBSET [aD TONT [ov OsC a [DOUCET OE [DOOTETTE [Jooo0e —Joooo0e T looo'e0s Jooorozz \o00'zT joo Ss ooaeae —foooroez — [sanz (os = ose —~Jooore Js > Jor sesoac ae [oooTeO EE ooses —fooraee Joe fF Jar Jour —Fr Jo00'esz'z ooo'000" Jost |S Iz ooo }o00'006 = joon'o0z"T joos ]z 7 oor I fo }000'00%'s Jooo'o0z"z Joot fe 2 ooo" a C oa] ar ag =e ie 3) yanyuanl 1h] inn} jenue 2| j2e| smu you] MOMSS] afta) ro mate S| stnere| Name ness] wredwyl youd) oxinpoud] Te ra ene euednuen|°P 222 ‘ap 1anyso9} 4) ap spun TRS Fa Pag. 38 din 39 Act sintetic la data 04-ian-2017 pentru Hotarirea 907/2016 Proiectant, (numele si semi Ls. ANEXA nr. 11: ETAPELE DE ELABORARE a documentatiilor tehi economice*) aferente obiectivelor/proiectelor de investi finantate din fonduri publice ira persoanei autorizate) 2). Continutul documentatiilor este prevzut in anexele nr. 1-10 la prezenta hotiirare. **) Studiul de i Valoare totalii estimaté depaseste echivalentul a 75 milioane euro in cazul investitilor Pentru promovarea sistemelor de transport durabile si eliminarea blocajelor din cadrul infrastructurii retelelor majore sau echivalentul a 50 milioane euro ta cazul investiillor Promovate in alte domenii; S*) {ndicatorii tehnico-economici din studiul de fezabilitate se aprob’ potrivit competentelor stabilite prin Legea nr. 500/202 privind finantele publice, cu Text creat de SintAct® Wolters Kluwer - tel:031/2244100, contact@wolterskluwer.r0 foo" joo" Tr | 2218}5 e| Injnuasey easoonpe [8 njhipoul effoaioid Nijued NpIeUDUy| al 00‘OEr'stT ___[o0’OEr'aT 11000" Injnuese} easefevawy] 71] [o0"00'se6'e Joo'o00'sebt Joo'o00 008 njnuaiey eavauitao] TT Injnuaio) eoiejeusue (6 eorourtqo nawed jjoImauD T MTOLIAVO] z v z T ine ana i WAL] vq, rome 9p zreudeagns sodas voqunuog zs no aseojen (fiasenur op finapaarqo Daumvap] ov'zz soon aati st‘ote'9 00'000"E 00'000"00s"2 o0'00E o0'o00'sz ong duy/ang ut e1e203 s1e0en OIA [Ne] BUOZ S3LI1] Sdi SEAL] ap InjnajDaIgo je AILWINILSA TWYINID ZIAIG any 21029024 9p wong 6 ‘ayonup ajpuosiniado jyainajauy g -Jonua psoouy Jonua yuan 9 Ww+9 axe up 5 atsis@nut je103 1509 p preunseysap gieyeidns € 10s e} gunnsuoo gleyeidng 7 ‘wasa greyoa piejesdns 7 wow 1noe7 euo2 Agounang euoz laLLUSaANI a1v yzva aq ava HS XadIWI ODLLAS 9s [esoU—8 qUeWaIOIg Snjayfuy jariqey “ae ayinasonuy 1ox0W01g vay __ puyar pussy] oF Jepueuy IMipny 7 Z'e| TinseAu ap jnatoaigo nied pejoxd ap muoweROUBW TLE wivewnsuo9| ‘aifizype ap sojanpaoord easeziuesio| Slits op Heap [uy osI004 ITE ‘aifnaexe ep JOU e18P| © 1S 9]UYay InjNyDaIOUd e aYeW}eD Bp LI}UYAX eaLED'LIEA “s's'¢| ToUNfez1u03ne/sojNpIODe j0}exNe lwourgo easopen uy esea9u sojuyar ajufewuawnaog “y's¢| ToyifexZoane oqanpr03e7s0jane tuauiigo wasopon u aseseoau aajuyer ajrfewawnog ys Teraued zap fF yuna joo'ovr'z ——foo'owtt ~—‘fovroone joo‘osv'ez —_foo'osz® jootoeet —foorooo pA oo'sez ooo t ‘sueypoj01d ap BulaL Tse] loo’oos'28, arewparo1d] S| [oor soypeds ipms av eT E| joo‘os 000" Ininipew eadnse jmoeduy puywnd wodey ZT €| joo'svs'9 Joo'svorr ooros's {u318) 2p IPMS "TT'E| joo'ses’et _loo’sere _|oo'oos'at upms| Te] s01uYs) Pluaasise |f aseysoyoad nawed JemyouD 6 IMOLl Zonideo [o0"ose oor 000 [oo%o {000 loo’ co zz loo'oss tes Joo'osroor__ac‘aco tes rq Winsanu! 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