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(SHOW CAUSE NOTICE BEFORE ADMISSION) IN THE HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH AT AMARAVATI (Special Original Jurisdiction) TUESDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY ONE : PRESENT: THE HONOURABLE SRI JUSTICE M.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY WRIT PETITION NO: 19635 OF 2021 Between: ; Ravella Sudhakar Naidu, S/o Doraswamy Naidu. 5 Petitioner AND 1. The State of Andhra Pradesh, rep., by Principal Secretary, Revenue Department, Secretariat, Velagapudi, Amaravati Capital City, Guntur District. The District Collector, Chittoor District, Chittoor. The Tahsildar, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Ramachandrapuram, Chittoor District. 4. Mr. Ramesh, S/o Not known to Petitioner, Tahsildar, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Ramchandrapuram, Chittoor District The Station House Officer, Ramachandrapuram Police Station, Chittoor District Mr Yerti Swamy, S/o Not known to Petitioner, Station House Officer, Ramachandrapuram Police Station, Ramchandrapuram, Chittoor District. 7. G Vani, G Subhaskar Naidu, aged about 48 Years, R/o H.No.4-56/1 Sriktishna Nagar, Mutyalareddy Pally, Tirupati, Chittoor District. en oa . Respondents WHEREAS the Petitioner above named through his Advocate Sri Subba Rao Korrapati presented this Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit filed therewith, the High Court may be pleased to issue an appropriate Writ, Order or Direction more particularly in the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring the action of the Respondents No.3 and 4 in illegally incorporating the name of the 7th Respondent in the Adangal and IB contrary to the Proceedings Roc. B/2521/2011 dated 30-04-2013 of Revenue Divisional Officer, Chittoor District, and further action of Respondents 3 to 6 in interfering with possession and enjoyment of house, Rice mill property and open land in Sy.No.62/5A to an extent of 42 cents in Gurramkondamanaidu Kandriga Village@ Puligunta, Kammapally Post, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Chittoor District, at the instance of 7th Respondent as arbitrary, illegal, for extraneous consdierations and in violation of Article 14, 21 and 300A of the Constitution of India, and consequently direct the Respondents 3 to 6 incorporate the name of the Petitioner in the Revenue records and further direct not to interfere with the possession and enjoyment of the house property and open land in Sy.No.62/5 to an extent of 42 cents in Gurramkondamanaidu Kandriga Village@ Puligunta, Kammapally Post, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Chittoor District AND WHEREAS the High Court upon perusing the petition and affidavit filed herein and upon hearing the arguments of Sri Subba Rao Korrapati, Advocate for the Petitioner, GP for Revenue for Respondent No.1 to 3, GP for Home for Respondent No.5 directed issue of notice to the Respondent Nos. 4, 6 and 7 herein to show cause as to why this WRIT PETITION should not be admitted You viz 1. Mr. Ramesh, S/o Not known to Petitioner, Tahsildar, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Ramchandrapuram, Chittoor District 2. Mr Yerri Swamy, S/o Not known to Petitioner, Station House Officer, Ramachandrapuram Police Station, Ramchandrapuram, Chittoor District 3. G Vani, G Subhaskar Naidu, aged about 48 Years, R/o H.No.4-56/1 Srikrishna Nagar, Mutyalareddy Pally, Tirupati, Chittoor District. are directed to show cause either appearing in person or through an Advocate, as to why in the circumstances set out in the petition and the affidavit filed therewith (copy enclosed) this WRIT PETITION should not be admitted. IANO: 4 OF 2021 Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that the circumstances stated in the affidavit fied in support of the wrt pettion, the igh Court may be pleased to direct the Respondents 3 to 6 not to interfere with the possession and enjoyment of the house property and open land in Sy.No.6215 fo wont of 42 cents in Gurramkondamanaidy cerariga Vilage@ Puligunta, Kammapally Pos. Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Chittoor Brattice pending disposal of WP No. 19698 of 2021, on the file of the High Court. TANO: 2 OF 2021 Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit fled in support of the writ petition, the igh Court may be pleased to conduct af Snauiry against the Respondents 4 and for their illegal involvement in the chi Gisputes in between the petitioner and 71h Respondent and take appropriate action (0 sisp\ance with law, pending disposal of WP No 19635 of 2021, on the file of the High Court. WANO: 3 OF 2024 1ANO: 3 OF 2024 Petition under Section 151 CPC praying that 19 the circumstances stated in the affidavit filed in support of the wrt petition, the High Court may be pleased to direct the sreand 4th Respondents to produce the records relating to and connected with the 2 tion of land to an extent of Ac.0-11 cts in Sy No.62/B in the Adangal, infavor of 7th Respondent in Gurramkondamanaidu Kandriga Village@ Puligunta, Kammapally Post, Remachandrapuram Mandal, Chittoor District, pending disposal of WP No.19635 of 2021, on the file of the High Court. The Court made the following: ORDER “Issue notice to respondent Nos.4, 6 and 7 Learned counsel for the petitioner is permitted to take out personal notice to respondent Nos.4, 6 and 7 by RPAD and file proof of service into registry within three (3) weeks. In the meanwhile, there shall be an interim direction to both parties to maintain status quo as on date.” 4 09 Sdi-K.TataRao ASSISTANT REGISTRAR ITRUE COPY! vat SECTION OFFICER To, 4. Mr, Ramesh, S/o Not known to Petitioner Tahsildar, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Ramchandrapuram, Chittoor District 2. Mr Yerri Swamy, S/o Not known to Petitioner, Station House Officer, Ramachandrapuram Police Station, Ramchandrapurarh Chittoor District. 3. 6 Vani, G Subhaskar Naidu, aged about 48 Years Rio H.No.4-56/1 Srikrishna Nagar, Mutyalareddy Pally, Tirupati, Chittoor District, (1 to 3 by RPAD- along with a copy of petition and affidavit) 4. ne Pencipal Secretary, Revenue Department, Secretariat, Velagapudi, State of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati Capital City, Guntur District 5, The District Collector, Chittoor District, Chittoor 6. The eteidar, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Ramechandiapuram, Chittoor istrict. 7. The Station House Officer, Ramachandrapuram Police Station, Chittoor District (4 to 7 By RPAD) 8, One CC to Sri Subba Rao Korrapati, Advocate [OPUS] 8, ‘Two CCS to GP for Revenue, High Court of Andhra Pradesh [OUT] 40.One spare copy SP HIGH COURT MSMJ DATED: 07/09/2021 NOTICE BEFORE ADMISSION WP.No.19635 of 2021 STATUS-QUO

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