12 HUMSS - PR2 - Group 4

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Practical Research 2: Hypothesis

(Group 4)
Gonzales, Kervy
Magtalas, Ricardo
Mendoza, Angel
Roxas, Ma. Channel
Soriano, Anthony

Theory-Driven Hypothesis- Null (Ho)

It is theorized that Students who experience low levels of Academic burnout do not affect
their Academic performance in school.
Data-Driven Hypothesis- Alt (Hi)
A previous research study revealed that academic burnout was significantly and negatively
correlated with academic achievement. Thus, indicating that when a student undergoes an
Academic burnout it decreases their academic performance in School.

Theory-Driven Hypothesis- Alt (Hi)

It is hypothesized that academic burnout will continue to affect the student's academic
performance in their way of dealing with education if not immediately addressed due to a
lack of self-trust.
Data- Driven Hypothesis- Null (Ho)
Academic burnout has no significant effects on the student’s poor academic performance
because of “emotional exhaustion” which provides a negative attitude toward academic work
and is likely to experience high academic burnout.

Additional set:
Theory-Driven Hypothesis- Null (Ho)
It is hypothesized that family stress doesn't affect students' study habits.
Data-Driven Hypothesis- Alt ( Hi)
In a study, 75% of students experience family stress which impacts their study patterns at
home resulting in poor academic performance.

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