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Its ok to let our kids to use the

In my opinion, for many parents a cell phone seems like something else that
kids bug them about getting, such as an iPad, Xbox or a new laptop.Kids likely a
cell phone seems like something else that kids nag them about getting,  see the
cell phone issue differently. For them, getting a cell phone is a step towards
independence. It is also often a status symbol among their friends.
Firstly, one very good reason to get to a child a phone is that it lets parents stay
in touch with them or friends at almost all the time. The child can let his
parents or friends know that a gymnastic lesson or a baseball practice has
finished earlier the usually, for example.
Secondly, when the child has a phone, the parents can easily get in touch with
them in case of an emergency. This extra sense of security and safety is
probably the only reason that perents should even counsider getting a younger
child a cell phone. In the case pf a real tragedy, for example the school burns, a
cell phone can be the parents only lifeline to their child.
On the other hand, cell phones may be a distraction for kids. It knows that they
are a distraction for ddrivers, but cell phones can also be a big distraction for
kids when they are crossing the street, leading to more accidents and injuries.
In conclusion, its a good idea to get the kids smartphones because in this days
their education depends on it, but its also a bad idea because some kids will
become obsest with the phones and its bad for their eyes.

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