Advantages-Disadvantages Internet

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In recent years there has been a technological revolution that has its origins in 1969,

which has promoted the development of new technological devices. Millions of people
around the world, especially young people, have been seduced by the internet,
incorporating them into their daily lives and personal communications. But, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of this great discovery for young people?

First of all, the internet has many advantages: thanks to social networks we can
communicate instantly with anyone anywhere in the world, whereas a message before
could take days to arrive or cost a fortune; it gives us access to all human knowledge,
we can search for information on any topic quickly; It gives rise to social movement and
you can help, for example, Facebook has a feature called `Crisis Response´ that allows
people to indicate that they are OK if they are near an area where a natural disaster or
terrorist attack has occurred.

However, everything has its `dark´side, and the Internet has several drawbacks for
young people. Firstly, you don´t know with whom you are really talking to.
On the other hand, it can lead to dependency and addiction, as it distracts you from
important things and limits your attention. But, the most dangerous thing that is
happening today, social media can create a false image of yourself and others, the
search for a perfect image on social media can hide negative aspects such as comparison
with other people and criticism of oneself, which can lead to serious consequences.

In short, the internet and social media can be a safe place that can create incredible
things, if we monitor how it is used and educate young people so that they can face the
real world behind it with confidence and respect.

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