Lecture 21 Done

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Trajectory transfer is change in orbit through change in velocity vector usually by the application of
impulse. Often one or more trajectory transfer may be needed to complete a space mission. Often a parking
orbit may be established. It is a temporary orbit which may sometimes be necessary from different point (a)
logistic convenience (b) further maneuvering

Why is trajectory transfer required?: Satellite launched may not be in the desired orbit, therefore, it may be
necessary to put it in the proper orbit.

The first satellite maneuver most likely occurred on Jan 2, 1959 with the Soviet Luna 1 mission to the
moon. This missed moon by 6000 km. Soviet corrected some difficulties and Luna 2 crashed into the lunar
surface, near the crater Archimedes (Sept 12, 1959). The crash was intentional because retro-rocket
technology for a soft landing had not matured enough to be installed on a satellite.

On March 18, 1965, Alexci A. Leonor became the first man to walk in space.

Question: why to go for parking orbit

Reasons: 1) Greater reliability-satellite undergoes sever launching conditions, so it is parked in the parking
orbit and all the components are checked.

2) Photography mission

3) For other secondary mission objectives.

4) Saving of fuel


Apollo lunar mission: Apollo consisted of command module and lunar module. Command module was
dumped to save fuel.

Classification of trajectory:

1) Based on the center of force

(a) transfer between orbits with same center of force

(b) transfer between orbits with different centers of force

(2) Based on number of impulses applied-

(a) Single impulse

(b) Two impulses

(c) There impulses transfer

(d) Continuous thrust transfer

For preliminary design purpose we assume that impulse is applied for a short period only

Other than the above two categorization we can have

(a) Coplanar maneuver

(b) Non coplanar transfer

(c) Combined maneuver

(A) Coplanar maneuver (with same center of force). This maneuver can change

(a) semi major axis

(b) Eccentricity
(c) Argument of perigee

For maximum efficiency of the burn the flight angle should be zero.

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