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Mathematics in the Modern World

Language is a “systematic means of communicating by
the use of sounds or conventional symbols”. It is the code
humans use as a form of expressing themselves and
communicating with others. It may also be defined as a
system of words used in a particular discipline.
These definitions describe language in terms of the following

•a vocabulary of symbols or words

•a grammar consisting rules on the use of these symbols
•a community of people who use and understand these symbols
•a range of meanings that can be communicated with these
Elements of Mathematics
Like other languages, mathematics has nouns, pronouns, verbs,
and sentences. It has its own vocabulary, grammar, syntax,
synonyms, negations, sentence structure, paragraph structure,
conventions, and abbreviations. It is designed in such a way that
one can write about numbers, sets, functions, etc. as well as the
processes undergone by these elements ( like adding, multiplying,
grouping, and evaluating.

(0, 1, 2,…,9) (+ , —, x, ) (x, y, z, etc.) (=,>, <, etc. )

Start of the alphabet a, b, c For constants (fixed values)

From i to n i, j, k, n Positive integers (for
End of the alphabet x, y, z For variables(unknowns)
Propositional Calculus

A proposition is a complete declarative sentence that

is either true or false, but not both.

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