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NAME: Manlangit, Genry Angelo T.

The Republic Act no. 1425 also known as Rizal Law by Claro M. Recto was
actually, in first read is a complete act stating entirely it’s desire to pursue the course,
“The Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal” in both public and private schools. However, what
I saw lacking is the 1.) What about the present? 2.) Will be better if politicians should also
have an alike orientation/seminar? 3.) Why do politicians need to do this as well?
As I read the RA no. 1425, I am wondering why is it just about the students? Is it
because of the idea that new generations are future leaders and in order to have a sense
of nationalism, they need to have a taste of history? But what about the present?
According to grammarhere (2019), there are three types of tenses, the Past, Present, and
Future tense. Yes! That is definitely true, so as in life, the past-present-future idea exist,
but the only difference is we cannot skip any of these parts life-wise. In order for one to
be in this present, they need to experience what they’ve been thru during the past, and in
order for one to achieve future, he must work out his today. I believe, it will be better if the
politicians as well should have a thorough study of the Life and Works of Dr. Rizal for they
are the future leader’s present and that they need to better lead and serve the country.
“Nationalism is nourished by a sense of history. It is the Essence to know profoundly the
past, so that we may be in complete openness with the men who made the history and in
intimate communion of their thoughts, their deeds, and their noble lives” (Recto, 1960)
thus, there is a huge possibility that true patriots shall have courage to lead and/or the
sense of honesty purged by nationalism nourished through history will awaken politicians
to better serve the country. Both our present and future leaders need to enrich their sense
of patriotism and nationality because the future or the future lies from the present and the
privileges or disfortune of the present comes from the past.
And thus, I really stand to the idea that, students shouldn’t only be the ones to do
this, but politicians as well. If they are all too busy. I won’t believe if they won’t have time
for a scheduled orientation or seminar. I believe, that a way is made out from ones will.

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