Manila Declaration Omt

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MANILA DECLARATION ON WORLD TOURISM - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:29:42 AM - IP Address:

The World Tourism Conference,

HELD at Manila, Philippines, from 27 September sion and in developing international cooper-
to 10 October 1980, convened by the World ation in a spirit of friendship, respect for
Tourism Organization with the participation of human rights and understanding among all
107 delegations of States and 91 delegations of States,
observers, in order to clarify the real nature of
tourism in all its aspects and the role tourism is
bound to play in a dynamic and vastly chang- CONVINCED that world tourism can be a vital
ing world, as well as to consider the responsibil- force for world peace and can provide the
ity of States for the development and enhance- moral and intellectual basis for international
ment of tourism in present-day societies as understanding and interdependence,
more than a purely economic activity of
nations and peoples,
CONVINCED further that world tourism can
contribute to the establishment of a new inter-
NOTING with satisfaction the addresses of His national economic order that will help to elim-
Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the inate the widening economic gap between
Republic of the Philippines, and Madame developed and developing countries and
Imelda Romualdez Marcos, Governor of Metro- ensure the steady acceleration of economic
politan Manila and Minister of Human Settle- and social development and progress, in parti-
men~s, as well as the messages of the Heads of cular of the developing countries,
State and of Government to the Conference,
the statements of delegations and the report of
the Secretary-General of the World Tourism AWARE that world tourism can only flourish if
Organization, based on equity, sovereign equality, non-inter-
ference in internal affairs and cooperation
among all States, irrespective of their economic
CONSIDERING that world tourism can develop and social systems, and if its ultimate aim is the
in a climate of peace and security which can be improvement of the quality of life and the cre-
achieved through the joint effort of all States in ation of better living conditions for all peoples,
promoting the reduction of international ten- worthy of human dignity,
ACREES, in this spirit, to declare the following: the right to access to holidays and to freedom
of travel and tourism, a natural consequence of
1. Tourism is considered an activity essential the right to work, is recognized as an aspect of
to the life of nations because of its direct effects the fulfilment of the human being by the Uni-
on the social, cultural, educational and econo- versal Declaration of Human Rights as well as
mic sectors of national societies and their inter- by the legislation of many States. It entails for
national relations. Its development is linked to society the duty of providing for its citizens the
the social and economic development of best practical, effective and non-discriminatory
nations and can only be possible if man has access to this type of activity. Such an effort - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:29:42 AM - IP Address:

access to creative rest and holidays and enjoys must be in harmony with the priorities, institu-
the freedom to travel within the framework of tions and traditions of each individual country.
free time and leisure whose profoundly human
character it underlines. Its very existence and 5. There are many constraints on the deve 1-
development depend entirely on the existence opment of tourism. Nation and groups of
of a state of lasting peace, to which tourism nations should determine and study these con-
itself is required to contribute. straints, and adopt measures aimed at
attenuating their negative influence.

2. On the threshold of the twenty-first cen- 6. The share tourism represents in national
tury and in view of the problems facing man- economies and in international trade makes it a
kind, it seems timely and necessary to analyse significant factor in world development. Its con-
the phenomenon of tourism, in relation funda- sistent major role in national economic activity,
mentally to the dimensions it has assumed in international transactions and in securing
since the granting to workers of the right to balance of payments equilibrium makes it one
annual paid holidays moved tourism from a res- of the main activities of the world economy.
tricted elitist activity to a wider activity inte-
grated into social and economic life. 7. Within each country, domestic tourism
contributes to an improved balance of the
3. As a result of peoples' aspirations to tour- national economy through a redistribution of
ism, the initiatives taken by States regarding the national income. Domestic tourism also
legislation and institutions, the permanent acti- heightens the awareness of common interest
vities of voluntary bodies representing the var- and contributes to the development of activi-
ious strata of the population and the technical ties favourable to the general economy of the
contribution made by specialized professionals, country. Thus, the development of tourism
modern tourism has come to play an important from abroad should be accompanied by a simi-
role within the range of human activities. States lar effort to expand domestic tourism.
have recognized this fact and the great major-
ity of them have entrusted the World Tourism 8. The economic returns of tourism, however
Organization with the task of ensuring the har- real and significant they may be, do not and
monious and sustained development of tour- cannot constitute the only criterion for the
ism, in cooperation, in appropriate cases, with decision by States to encourage this activity.
the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations The right to holidays, the opportunity for the
and the other international organizations con- citizen to get to know his own environment, a
cerned. deeper awareness of his national identity and of
the solidarity that links him to his compatriots
4. The right to use of leisure, and in particular and the sense of belonging to a culture and to a
people are all major reasons for stimulating the a factor contributing to social stability, mutual
individual's participation in domestic and inter- understanding among individuals and peoples
national tourism, through access to holidays and individual betterment. In addition to its
and travel. well-known economic aspects, it has acquired a
cultural and moral dimension which must be
9. The importance that millions of our con- fostered and protected against the harmful dis-
temporaries attach to tourism in the use of their tortions which can be brought about by econo-
free time and in their concept of the quality of mic factors. Public authorities and the travel
life makes it a need that governments should trade should accordingly participate in deve- - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:29:42 AM - IP Address:

take into account and support. lopment of tourism by formulating guidelines

aimed at encouraging appropriate investments.
10. Social tourism is an objective which
society must pursue in the interest of those 15. Youth tourism requires the most active
citizens who are least privileged in the exercise attention since young people have less ade-
of their right to rest. quate income than others for travelling or tak-
ing holidays. A positive policy should provide
11. Through its effects on the physical and youth with the utmost encouragement and
mental health of individuals practising it, tour- facilities. The same attention should be pro-
ism is a factor that favours social stability, im- vided for the elderly and handicapped.
proves the working capacity of communities
and promotes individual as well as collective 16. In the universal efforts to establ ish a new
well -being. international economic order, tourism can, un-
der appropriate conditions, play a positive role
12. Through the wide range of services in furthering equilibrium, cooperation, mutual
needed to satisfy its requirements, tourism understanding and solidarity among all coun-
creates new activities of considerable impor- tries.
tance which are a source of new employment.
In this respect, tourism constitutes a positive 17. Nations should promote improved condi-
element for social development in all the coun- tions of employment for workers engaged in
tries where it is practised irrespective of their tourism and confirm and protect their right to
level of development. establish professional trade unions and collec-
tive bargaining.
13. With respect to international relations
and the search for peace, based on justice and 18. Tourism resources available in the various
respect of individual and national aspirations, countries consist at the same time of space,
tourism stands out as a positive and ever-pre- facilities and values. These are resources whose
sent factor in promoting mutual knowledge and use cannot be left uncontrolled without run-
understanding and as a basis for reaching a ning the risk of their deterioration, or even their
greater level of respect and confidence among destruction. The satisfaction of tourism require-
all the peoples of the world. ments must not be prejudicial to the social and
economic interests of the population in tourist
14. Modern tourism results from the adoption areas, to the environment or, above all, to
of a social policy which led to the workers gain- natural resources, which are the fundamental
ing annual paid holidays and represents the attraction of tourism, and historical and cultural
recognition of a fundamental right of the sites. All tourism resources are part of the heri-
human being to rest and leisure. It has become tage of mankind. National communities and the
entire international community must take the form part of the process of youth education
necessary steps to ensu re their preservation. and training. For these reasons, the integration
The conservation of historical, cultural and reli- of tourism into youth education constitutes a
gious sites represents at all times, and notably basic element favourable to the permanent
in time of conflict, one of the fundamental res- strengthening of peace.
ponsibilities of States.
23. Any long-term analysis of mankind's - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 9:29:42 AM - IP Address:

19. International cooperation in the field of social, cultural and economic development
tourism is an endeavour in which the charac- should take due account of national and inter-
teristics of peoples and basic interests of indivi- national tou rist and recreational activities.
dual States must be respected. In this field, the These activities now form an integral part of the
central and decisive role of the World Tourism life of modern national and international socie-
Organization as a conceptualizing and har- ties. Bearing in mind the acknowledged values
monizing body is obvious. of tourism which are inseparable from it, the
authorities will have to give more increased
20. Bilateral and multilateral technical and attention to the development of national and
financial cooperation cannot be looked upon as international tourist and recreational activity,
an act of assistance since it constitutes the based on an ever-wider participation of peoples
pooling of the means necessary for the utiliza- in holidays and travel as well as the movement
tion of resources for the benefit of all parties. of persons for numerous other purposes, with a
view to ensuring the orderly growth of tourism
21. In the practice of tourism, spiritual ele- in a manner consistent with the other basic
ments must take precedence over technical needs of society.
and material elements. The spiritual elements
are essentially as follows: 24. The States and other participants in the
Conference, together with the World Tourism
a) the total fulfilment of the human bei11g, Organization, are strongly urged to take into
b) a constantly increasing contribution to edu- account the guidelines, viewpoints and recom-
cation, mendations emanating from the Conference so
cl equality of destiny of nations, that they can contribute, on the basis of their
d) the liberation of man in a spirit of respect for experience and in the context of their day-to-
his identity and dignity, day activities, to the practical implementation
e) the affirmation of the originality of cultures of the objectives set with a view to broadening
and respect for the moral heritage of peo- the process of development of world tourism
ples. and breathing new life into it.

22. Preparation for tourism should be inte- 25. The Conference urges the World Tourism
grated with the training of the citizen for his Organization to take all necessary measures,
civic responsibilities. In this respect, govern- through its own internal machinery and, where
ments should mobilize the means of education appropriate, in cooperation with other interna-
and information at their disposal and should tional, intergovernmental and non-governmen-
facilitate the work of individuals and bodies in- tal bodies, so as to permit the global implemen-
volved in this endeavour. Preparation for tour- tation of the principles, concepts and guidelines
ism, for holidays and for travel could usefully contained in this final document.


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