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February 18th in 1880 was one the most important day in history of the National Technical University
of Ukraine. A group of owners of sugar refineries of the southwestern region came up with the idea
of setting up a technical educational institution. Collecting donations was started on the same day
with the support of the head of the Kyiv Stock Exchange Committee.

2. Accumulated money and guaranteed contributions from patrons of the city allowed on November
25, 1896 at a private meeting to make a decision to establish the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

3. Under the chairmanship and with the participation of representatives of the city government, the
administration of the South-Western Railway, engineers and industrialists, a protocol was approved,
"...which constitutes its own first factual document in the history of a higher technical educational
institution in the city of Kyiv."

4. In 31 august of 1898 year was celebration of KPI opening, where the director of Department of
Trade and Manufacture announced Supreme command. Was defined four departments:
mechanical, engineering, farming and chemical.

5. Back in June 1898, the first acceptance of applications to the institute was announced. In
accordance with the Charter, all applicants who had a certificate of completion of gymnasium, real
school or other secondary educational institutions equivalent to gymnasium were admitted to the
entrance exams. Applicants who have already graduated from other higher education institutions
were enrolled outside the competition. 1100 applications were submitted for 330 places.

6. An enormous part of entrants passed exams in math, physics and the Russian language successfully
but there were not enough student places. The Ministry of Finance allowed to admit 30 more
students above the norm at the request of the Council of the Institute. Classes began September 1,
1898 in the building for commercial college which was rented for a year by the university.
7. After construction(April 1901), the institute has got a full complex of buildings: main corpse –
engineering, mechanical and agronomy department, chancellery, fundamental science-tech library;
Chemical corpse – chemical department, mechanical workshops, offices of experimental fields,
farms and gardens, dwellings for professors and laboratory assistants
8. First director of KPI was V.L. Kyrpychov, as specialist of organization and creation institutions of
higher education. Sciently-metodic assistance during of organization and formation of institute was
provided by D.I. Mendeleev, M.E. Zhukovsky, K.A. Timiryazev and others.
9. For the first time in the country, the teaching staff of KPI consisted exclusively of persons with
academic degrees. This was the most expedient method of staffing departments with highly
qualified specialists. Many famous scientists from Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kharkiv were
invited to work at the institute.
10. The term of study at the institute was four years (eight semesters). Course training system. It was
assumed that reducing the study time by one year does not worsen the quality of the course, but is
achieved by increasing the intensity of teaching, shortening vacations and the examination period.
With this efficienty, we will notice specialists sooner, and young people enter independent life a
year earlier.
11. The first chairman of the State Examination Commission of the KPI in 1903 was D.I. Mendeleev. Only
93 graduates received a diploma - it was very difficult to study, it was necessary to pay tuition fees.
Along with diplomas, the first graduates of KPI were awarded with a badge of a graduate.
12. To improve the quality of training, the scientific research work and involvement of students,
especially of the senior year, had great importance. The main form of their participating in research
after the war was science classes, on which base in April 1946
13. the institute has created a student scientific-technical society. At the moment of creation, it had
nine sections, which had 30 clubs by specialty and 500 students. The sections were managed by
leading scientists of the institute.
14. For the entire time, the institute had 23 rectors. It changed own name several times: from the "Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute named after Oleksandr II" to the modern "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named
after Igor Sikorskyi". Today, the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is the largest higher educational
institution in Ukraine.

2: 1-2

3: 3-5

4: 5

5: 6

6: 7

7: 8

8: 9-10

9: 11-13

10. 14

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