Language Learning Materials

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Republic of the Philippines


San Juan, Southern Leyte 6611

Language Learning Materials


Submitted by:
Abrenilla, Jolina G.

Submitted to:
Module 3:



Topic 1:


1. Is the poster creatively made?
- Yes
2. Is the poster appealing to your eyes? Why do you say so?
- Yes, because the colors are simple, pleasing to the eye, and high contrast.

3. Did you learn from the poster? Why? Why not?

- Yes, because it is creatively made

4. What are the qualities/ characteristics of the sample poster?

- The qualities/characteristics of the sample poster are the following;
• Layout
• flow
• the content
• design idea
• colors are simple that affect the order

5. List down topics where the poster presented to you can be integrated.
- Topic 1: Designing graphic materials
- Types of Graphic Instructional Materials and how to properly create and design them.
Since you already have the knowledge on how to make/create/design a graphic material, I
want you to make a poster of any of the topic of your choice. Make sure your poster is
based on current situations. Also list down what English topics/lessons your poster can be
integrated. You will be graded based on the following rubric:

Topic 1: Designing graphic materials

Topic 2:
Try to examine the sample bulletin board on the next page to answer the questions below.

1. Is the bulletin board creatively made?

- Yes
2. Is the bulletin board appealing to your eyes? Why do you say so?
- Yes, because it’s colorful and attractive and a unified theme for clarity

3. What can you learn from the bulletin board? Why? Why not?
- Bulletin boards convey information and encourage participation. Bulletin
boards impart information and facilitate communication. Both traditional
and online bulletin boards save time, keep people informed and can serve a
variety of purposes, from inspiring students to providing information about
community resources.

4. What are the qualities/ characteristics of the sample board?

• It should be with finished edge
• It must be fixed on the wall to prevent accidents
• It must be colorful and attractive
• Have at least a unified theme for clarity
• Avoid overcrowded display
• Be guided by the principle of balance, unity, harmony, portion, and contrast

5. If you were to design your own bulletin board, how would you design it?
- I would design it by following the qualities/characteristics of bulletin board
to make it creatively made and to achieve clarity outcomes.

6. List down topics where the bulletin board presented to you can be integrated.
- Topic 2:
Since you already have the knowledge on how to make/create/design a graphic material, I
want you to create your OWN display media instructional material. List down the steps in
creating it (with picture, if possible). Also indicate the topics/lessons that this material
might be integrated into. Have a selfie with your instructional material. You will be graded
based on the following:

Topic 2:

The steps of creating the bulletin board
A.Prepare the materials needed. You will be needing a plywood/illustration board,
fancy cover, cork/pins, and art materials.

B. Cover the plywood/illustration board with fancy paper.

C. Design your plywood/illustration board with the things that you want. Be sure that
your design will catch the interest of your viewer.
D. Tack on the things that your bulletin board will display using cork/pins to easily
remove it.
E. Mount your bulletin board on the wall.
Module 4:
Topic 1:


Look for at least eight instructional materials, either your own IM’s or from other teachers
and try to critique EACH. Your critique should contain the following:

1. Textbooks
Relevant information about the material
• Textbooks- a structured arrangement of subject matter that assists the instructor of a
particular lesson to learners at a specific grade/year.

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Most textbooks are accompanied by teacher guides, which provide you with
supplemental teaching materials, ideas, and activities to use throughout the academic year.
• Textbooks provide organized units of work. It gives you all the plans and lessons you
need to cover a topic in some detail.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• It helps learners to gain information when that information is not found in the book or
when students wanted to learn more about what is written in the book.

What are the advantages of using this material?

• It is always available, adaptable in any lighted environment, handy, simple to make us
of and enable learners to practice skills.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Textbooks doesn’t take students background knowledge into account so teacher must
discover what students know about a topic prior to teaching. Also design the lesson based
on that knowledge.
Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?
• Textbooks are especially helpful for beginning teachers. The material to be covered and
the design of each lesson are carefully spelled out in detail. Textbooks- are excellent
teaching aids. They’re resource for both teachers and students.1
2. Cartoons and Strip Drawings-

Relevant information about the material

•Cartoons and Strip Drawings- materials that normally appear in newspapers,
magazines, and textbooks. Colorful drawings with exaggerated features or symbols that
provide humor or satire are presented here.

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Teachers understand the power of visual aids in helping students grasp content.
Teachers value the support that visuals lend to classroom instruction because they
encourage students to make associations between pieces of information, soak up chunks of
course content quickly, and function as a memory aid.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

•Cartoons and Strip Drawings are fun, interesting and motivating. They promote a wide
variety of skills: cognitive, intellectual, social, and cultural. They can help students develop
higher-order thinking skills (sequencing, predicting, inferring, synthesizing, analyzing,
evaluating etc.

What are the advantages of using this material?

• It is easily made ready, easily convey a message and catch consciousness.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• The expenses of using digital materials, both for schools and students at home, were
the most commonly cited barriers to digital material use, with these barriers being
particularly prevalent among teachers with more low-income students

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Cartoons and Strip Drawings are helpful and an effective instructional strategies to use
in class with students from different grades. They are effective because they engage
students in meaningful learning experiences where they get to practice key thinking and
literacy skills including writing, reading, speaking, communicating, and critical thinking.

3.Educational Television
Relevant information about the material
• Educational Television- is the use of television programs in the field of distance
education. It may be in the form of individual television programs or dedicated specialty
channels that is often associated with cable television in the United States as Public,
educational, and government access (PEG) channel providers

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Educational Television is both accessible and user-friendly, allowing a program to be
recorded for later use. Teachers can use the functions of the video player to tailor the
recorded program to their lesson plan. It also help teachers to reinforce and expand on
content being taught, to respond to a variety of learning styles, to increase student
motivation to learn, and to stimulate other learning activities.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• Educational Television caters to the different learning styles of students, by offering a
unique combination of sight, sound, motion and emotion, which can give students a greater
understanding of the world around them. They can see historical events enacted, the solar
system explored and novels come to life.

What are the advantages of using this material?

•It can employ all other audio and visual aids and combine their effectiveness in the air
medium. Pictures, charts, films, micro slides, graphs, boards, overhead projector can all be
employed in the technique of teaching by TV. Educational authorities can produce TV
lessons made to their own requirements for specific local needs. The TV teacher is more
real because of his frequent visual appearance in the classroom.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Because of no individual contact no further action is possible other than viewing and
listening. This can be overcome by organizing a kind of group discussion between
instructors and learners soon after the programme.

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Yes, because it broaden and enrich the classroom learning experiences of the students. Create
genuine interest in the topic or the subject that is being taught. Evaluate the quality of classroom
teaching process. Also, to provide a wide variety of experiences, those are quite different from the
routine classroom-instruction.

4.Power Point Presentation

Relevant information about the material
•Power Point Presentation- can be used to prepare lectures and presentations by
helping instructors refine their material to salient points and content. Class lectures can be
typed in outline format, which can then be refined as slides

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• PowerPoint help the teacher deliver the topic and can enhance your teaching sessions
by providing a roadmap, reinforcing what you say and allowing you to use graphics and
other multimedia to clarify understanding and to support different learning styles.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• By doing presentations, students learn how to speak in front a group, a broadly
applicable professional skill. They learn how to prepare material for public presentation,
and practice (especially with feedback) improves their speaking skills

What are the advantages of using this material?

• It can be used virtually anywhere, it is a collaborative solution, It facilitates an
effective way of communication with the audience and It is accessible for all categories of

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Common barriers to its use. Staff are often reluctant to invest the time required to
convert materials to an appropriate PowerPoint format. Those that do convert current
materials may not do so in a very acceptable way, simply using PowerPoint as an
alternative way to provide text-based notes.

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Yes, because power point is easy to use and has versatile features that helps in making view
points of teachers more clear to the students. Hence, power point has proved itself to be an effective
learning tool in the classrooms

5. Photographs
Relevant information about the material
•A Photograph is worth a thousand words through which a complex idea can be
conveyed with just a single still image. Pictures make it possible to absorb large amounts of
data quickly. Using photographs for explaining complex phenomena is one of the teaching
aids of modern education system all over the world

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Teaching with objects and photographs creates a direct, sensory connection between
learners and their subjects that results in new levels of interest and attention. Teaching
with objects also creates students with higher levels of visual literacy.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• Images can be used to promote positive learning experiences for students when used
in ways that are consistent with the cognitive theory of visual learning. Therefore, pictures
have an added advantage over text, as dual coding takes place in the memory, hence it is
easier for the learner to make cross connections between the two different codes and later
retrieve information.
What are the advantages of using this material?
• .Images can help to support or add extra impact to textual information and Images
such as road signs are easy to see from a distance

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Poor quality or fuzzy images might be confusing or lose their impact and Charts and
graphs need to be correctly labeled otherwise they are meaningless

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Yes because today’s students are surrounded by visual media in their everyday lives.
With their heavy use of the Internet, they are accustomed to accessing information in both
textual and visual forms. The use of images in the classroom is a pedagogical strategy
aimed at engaging students who have grown up in a media-rich environment. Digital
technology has made images more readily available and easier to incorporate into teaching
and learning materials.

6. Handout

Relevant information about the material

• Handout - is a document passed out to give information. Handouts are commonly
given by a teacher to students during classes; however, students might also make handouts
for presentation purposes. Teachers or school officials might give handouts to parents and
they are also useful for school speeches

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• it help the teacher deliver the topic easily. It providing a road map for the presentation
Handouts can be an effective teaching tool whether they are professionally produced
masterpieces or simple, hand-lettered sheets. They are most effective when they are
organized according to the planned learning outcomes for your class. The student can then
see clearly where the information fits in the overall picture

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• Handouts have been a primary tool to help students learn and understand class
content in lectures better. Providing handouts does not spoon-feed students with
information. Rather, handouts help offer qualitative improvements to lectures.

What are the advantages of using this material?

• Concentrate on the ideas without having to take notes. Capture any non-verbal data
accurately. Personalize the presentation with notes of their own ideas. Hear, see and apply
the presentation.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• You risk losing control of your audience’s attention . Students will be tempted to read
ahead and so may discover information that you don’t want them to know until later in the
presentation. When you ask questions, students may look at your notes for the answers
rather than think for themselves

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• A handout not only means that you can create a clean and uncluttered presentation, but allows
your audience to understand your points better and remember them afterwards. It's also very
useful for conveying your arguments to anyone who may have missed the actual presentation.

7. Chart
Relevant information about the material
• chart is a good means or aid of teaching. It brings environment to the process of
teaching inside the class indirectly. Instead of visiting the actual fields of a lesson in real
life, the chart can bring such scene into class to be seen by learners.

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Teachers can purchase or make charts to display around the room, or create a chart as
part of a lesson. These tools are especially useful in elementary school, where children tend
to have shorter attention spans.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• It helps learners to see ideas visually laid out in an organized way. Also, visual tools
can help the students process content and to make connections more easily.

What are the advantages of using this material?

• It is easy to use, demonstrate the level of knowledge and gaps in understanding,
motivate and engage students in the learning process, track progress and learning
outcomes and present a simple method for organizing note taking.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Using a chart is that, by design, a chart will likely not be as precise as the raw data. The
data that would make up the chart includes the numbers that make up the data, which is as
accurate as it gets.

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Yes it’s is very helpful because charts are especially helpful, as they enable students to
see ideas visually laid out in an organized way. Also, visual tools can help the students
process content and to make connections more easily. Teachers can purchase or make
charts to display around the room, or create a chart as part of a lesson.

Relevant information about the material

• Chalkboard instruction assists classroom management because it requires light. Visual
aides that require lights off hinder a teacher's ability to monitor students' behavior. Visual
reinforcements, like diagrams, can be displayed on a chalkboard to keep students' attention

How would it help the teacher deliver the topic?

• Chalkboards allow teachers to maintain greater control of their classrooms by
providing a place to notice and monitor disruptive students. The use of chalkboards also
requires classroom lights to be on, which holds students’ attention and helps teachers more
closely monitor student behavior.

How would it help learners learn the topic?

• Chalkboards are a great way to maximize your students' ability to learn and retain
new information. By writing out key points and drawing helpful illustrations on the
chalkboard, students are also able to take better, more accurate notes.

What are the advantages of using this material?

•.As an old method of teaching aid, the blackboard has advantages of being inexpensive
reusable, allow students to keep pace with the teacher and not dependent on electricity.
The chalk used for writing requires no special care, is cheaper, without any smell, good
impact on presenting written and visual ideas.

What are the flaws? How can we correct it?

• Use of chalkboard does not cater for individual differences, especially learners with
low writing speed and reading problems. Use of chalkboard poses health problems, Use of
the chalkboard is dusty and messy and this discourages some teachers from using it

Do you think the instructional materials is helpful? Why or why not?

• Yes, because having visual reinforcements on the chalkboard increases the attention
span of students. Allowing them to participate in class through board works enhances their
interest in learning which makes classroom management easier for the teachers. Utilizing
one of the chalk boards for sale in the classroom improves teacher-student interaction.
Students have the opportunity to participate in the lessons in class.
A. Based on your recent activity wherein you have critiqued instructional materials
and identify its intensity of achieving the target learning objectives. Use the
following table below as a guide.

Type of Learning Learning Learning Learnin Performing Developing

Instructional factual visual principles, g skilled attitudes,
Media/Material information identification concepts Process conceptual opinions,
and rules motor arts and

1.Textbooks Medium Low Medium Medium Low Medium

2.Drawing and Medium High Medium Medium Low Low

3.Photographs Medium High Medium Medium Low Low

4.Radio and Medium Low Low Medium Low Medium

5.Educational Medium Medium High Medium Low Medium
6.Chalkboard Low Medium High Medium Low Medium
7.Power point Medium Low Medium Medium Low Medium
8.Demonstrations Low Medium Low High Medium Medium
B. Choose at least five instructional materials and create your own rubric for each of
the material that you have chosen.

1.Power Point Presentation Rubric Score

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Text Easy to read Fonts are generally Overall readability Text is difficult to
easy to read is difficult read

Graphics All graphics are All graphics are Some of the Most of the
related to content. related to content graphics are graphics are
All graphics are unrelated to unrelated to
appropriate size content content
and good quality
Animation Animation creates Animation helps Some of the Much of the
an overall theme audience animation distract animation distract
and connections understand the from the text from the text
that helps the flow of content
understand the

2.Chalkboard Rubric Score

Criteria 15 10 5

Purpose and Focus Establishes and An attempt to establish Limited awareness of

maintains clear focus, and maintain purpose audience and purpose
evidence of distinctive and communication with
voice and/or the audience
appropriate tone
Development of Ideas Depth and complexity of Unelaborated idea Minimal idea
ideas supported by rich, development development limited
engaging and/or and/or unrelated details
pertinent details;
evidence, analysis,
reflection and insight
Organization Careful and suitable Logical organization Random or weak
organization organization

3.Demonstration Rubric Score

Criteria 3 2 1

Organization Information is presented in Organization pattern Lacks organization.

a logical sequence and make sense Points are presented
contain visuals or in a random fashion,
manipulatives making it difficult for
the audience to follow.

Content Responds directly to the Responds to the Does not respond to

assignment assignment the assignment
Delivery Delivery is varied and Vocal delivery is clear Delivery distracts
dynamic. Rate of speech, and understandable. from presentation.
volume, and tone enhance Some vocal Speech may be too
listener understanding and expressiveness is soft, too fast, or too
interest delayed but it may not long. Pauses may
be polished distract audience.
Language Language is appropriate Language is clear, but Limited or
professional and is there may be some inappropriate
compelling to the audience awkwardness. vocabulary used.
4. Educational Television Rubric Score

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Creativity and The contents and The contents and Students need help Students copy ideas
original work way of presenting way of presenting to get some ideas from other groups
the students the students about how to and they don’t
outcomes are really outcomes are quite produce original know how to
original original outcomes present their work
in an original way
Text structure The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is The reader cannot
really easy to read quite easy to read not very easy to follow the ideas
and understand and understand follow and some expressed in the
connectors are not paragraph easily.
used adequately
Vocabulary There are not any Some grammar Student make some Students messages
Adequacy grammar mistakes mistakes are found grammar mistakes contain a lot of
in students written in students written but their messages grammar mistakes
and oral messages. and oral messages can be understood that prevent the
quite clearly audience from
understanding the

5.Drawing and Illustrations Rubric Score

Criteria 4 3 2

Effort and Conduct Always tries best , Usually tries best , Sometimes tries best
participates, and seeks participates, and seeks participates, and seeks
help when needed help when needed help when needed
Art skills Demonstrates advanced Demonstrates full Demonstrates some
understanding of understanding of understanding of
concepts concepts concepts

Craftmanship and work Presents all work nearly Presents most work Presents some work
quality and with care nearly and with care nearly and with care

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