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Pnnce HaidjrclLl , Instrucl-ion n| 015 Prize

FRINGE HARDJEDE& INSTRUCTION OF. S« under pukterY Ruard bn * amp nr in liw lr i wn

hardjedef; ins 1 m i i ; t h >n i ¥ prince. h a m a Hpu«f ones jt4 better living ccmuions wen 1
often pasnlhk lor parmnen of high »cLHl swutk
PRISCa, i'his: : n [ .’■ jwb’kuh. pn-wl un |npioico Uterary wmras offer anecdoal fljunpse Ima Ibe
PribU, IlfiieMsAXoL |*r .-.k ih a pmnilririii w-iman In canditkiito nf impmatrariiL Alihoiuh pmctkr; vaned
the Qflyctiujch, frlbca (Rpra EGt3; I Got kfr I U: 2 Tim wtMly acit«$ time, gcmgrapivMml iKWi-Rjati. prlnia
J IQ I, 4il Prudlla lAit s fl 2P EB„ 2 f nP o iivrapi paired w r i r k.inr4it Pi- InUlttitig severe tardih'ft espt>.jiUy
wflh her iHiMand, Aquila. The coufdr mveled both W n pnwmi>r wat clt.iiawil in phec or ru p rdih
l H drpctldcl itlT and WUh Paul, Fipm'ading t|ip j?wp-:l to Fn£lcr3 - rtr kimwn s AMD ul iizircl Ctucl Ow
fcciP. EphftuG, and Lultnlh. Paul parrimiirty nonur- d cfwctiflg, darluitsfi, pcythologKal ditinnc, and nul
their mutual sacrifice and lahumcr In laHWllns 'All nutridEm dcaracterlzcd the btartncratiiMl EiptrlrhCe.
the churches of th-c GentUis"' I Horn IteJJ; compare Moat prisoner* required frkreta or rtiaUvei id Gup y
I r.jor 10: 1Q|. PrhcUli and Aquila supported iheitMta their hod ami ramiitia. In addition lu ptiysluil and
by the trade- nl tentnialcing, or to? 'kq-diftworkln ' flfliodQeiil dlnresp pftan uuk fi Also brougbi ntiil
whitt w*s eally tmmpwtob and ■ nirabk Hr.tir.n- shame upon their hhabiums jjlJ mecr anDdates. Ni"-
llstk ihcpoLk with cuitomm. Although a ptiwfciUy nrthi*H,iomf prtwiDim r mckIIIIimb permuted pwdert
demindtr u ciccophnh. theft h n o i r awn to doubt Ttib- freedom mcluditiy r lin wrlitoyi arid piEpartfg
dlli'i N i l puntapebon willi her husband (Aiii I B J: 5- defenses.
zr TENTMAKEU?. I urifig rheir r-i.l-a-.irr.■ t mi|ur ell- iULici. NfcwKtt m lie’ll# in custody similar
let, Ihey Iwswd 1 HUU&E CHURCH In their resldnzice picture Dlrerst ilrvs served die fiurpoii*. pp.s |ltf
|Rjorr. 1.051 I ■■'■ c 16:19I. In this dhmottc domain '24;22|, tuiEKB iki wrwrv IcrwnlBh U lluown
PrW.Ua like!', tad authority, cipozia?!1. i-juL tml Wyl io dki, tilkkl JrxTun-. mewK n> mciincenik iwy
among worn and chfidam. md prime opportunity for Gen JflJO-21. Am |o2T-28k nUhuny barrackn
pTiEhETj.z, Trachirig, and canng fur huesu Ai one whb |AcB 21:33-23:1'1)!, MU house Arrest |Al1j 2 16,
"explained the V.'ay of Gcd’ tn Apdlcn 1 mere accu- Wv ImpriKUnM mcntHMiea m Acts and da
rately." Prifcilka Is the an.-v wizman in A m depicted as Rmitinft epb,i|f* Lsuafly dfscrtb:! him demined hi null
an iurhorllfiriw teacher | Acts |fl:24 2ti| See ALU 11LA rary custoiiv cr furilM h.tet..
AND PFilSdUA. Sprite I and lunUtip charecteriic WbllfAl pGrtriynbi
■± pratmm npenEocrs. Jrdejh K|dys igw
JjWdo.tTHr rF I M L-ElmitL ribmm clai irealmenl In PhArncih 5 prbun. Ohtra ihtre ewtit
eiBcutioD | Geo dlh>22|, fcifta" kdlatiHl |GtH 40r23|i
*r- n socm sftrull
and nr? unable 1o tniinlaih hVfJient l£rffl 4 h l 4 | .
Luipijainmem and chaining tnialwl wiifedraj, t J
prison r““ ra hetn hrnifar., m” r* 32:27; Fs [{17:10; 4217; Jtt 52:1 1; ACB l0;32-34|n
brtfi k e k : Seouujrilfii&Li dcMiiiWinuol Ancient tesal [arted LiLiur |Judg I 6 f 2 I u and tin 1 immiramce oi learn
fptenw allowed tw incarceration ul jxtedfl-k M Ilh-Y 70:11, 102:20 |![cb. 10&2 1fc Acts 12;t 4|
aWllteil trial. Kfltendng, Tnmsfcrr execudan. or other In the N’t, imprlswuribJit or vartous km<i\ iinng
.-r . i r | 11 i "iTi-r i i- : r H ttol ■! • f •■ ' ■ I - ’ - ■ I whJi dir jtL-cndanr suflrdnt expi as oppsoan m
Indicate* nthetinllw dlMpeemcnb crnzcnilng the the pwptH llute 2 h l 2 ; Vis 4:1 22: 5:17-42: 0:3:
Lcptimacv d Uift-F iTprtecr.nent *s 3 p nal pptkrn 12:1 11: 10:10-40; 2 Gw I I J 3 ' . i c d In ratt prison
The hek d fartrtUl legal JmtilkitiOEiK however, hardly tn Is to wore CJirbt iMflH 30; Het IChM; 13:31.
rnaarrt 2iat -rtuAi p-rfdCa did iu>l Includr Alltmugh lhe potential mr dugracc is acknowlecccd
LLimmltdht people to cuMody tv shume them, quiran 12 II m l :fl , 1n-l, the inqiniDtifneni ol beBeten tuhflrms
tine Wem from public diitoufle, K«tVHU ciwiIesaj-/-, «jr their fidtfbn, rn ijw gorpcl arm tonctian; iraoica.Lv is
LnUfct punnhmcjiL J MI ijiu calling i £ ‘i 3:1; 4:1, PhJm ] , Q|. bi wtmr
A ccinpdfraHcin a l prison in lbs1 -nclent world cih- MLuaclons. mcimienErd people liml their Ktliripi pra
nui be lLniiii*iJ to artfiltKiurc ur spetllk types oFtuild rtfllngnew audience* and uppoc irtiltfe* Lu tntite Christ
mgs; It encompassus ciatody in a general Nb|M w d known [Acm 21 : £im d.LQ 2& Phil 1:12-14 . Sm
ilHIerebt Min ;S dflentlon. Terms PM nsUMtllflft 4Hd CHAINS, IMPRISONMENT. CRIMES ANU PUNISH-
p_jarduL|i imt ""2 : <Jcn Atch ienj’|-» WENT. 01 ANO NT; bUN« Lu5L
njprinis, phfl. Ke ijiuAtihi ran imply incaJCtHUcm Ifl MJUTBEW L 5UI0JEI
varmos kinds at tire- ind cnnlidani. Whlk iurt> c|t t -
Included Li.bdinp irtewd speaHailly fm ccrJimtig PWSON GATE. SwGUAJUX GATE TH£
ptiSJfrcn imprarnnmcni cmld occur in structures nr
tfTk | oui.lH Mfed: u quanle:. inibWTi Ixir kx, oc build PUZL I u " »»l»l *?!? ofiXuiv Athlon,
Inp u$«3 tar nualopic Ra-., cmraent?l tiincdans. For fjpa nav hrahmm. yipu-, Tlw H - ' l r r w . h
tacitf, utiprsnrimefii mean! UvmK dune v t In pnmpi h.ilid i H to prize’ | reten to vaIhw a pc cm Of GUfKt
in such a icrrtllled s rc. i i [ h r n imprisonment cr.vulvtd l rav 4:#l krrmuh un Uli! thow who Iiimt estaprt

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