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A: Hello

B:Hello, how can I help you sir?

A:I am looking for lost luggage services, is this here?

B:Yes, this is lost luggage services

A:I have been waiting for hours in the luggage belt but my luggages did not come.

B:Could I know your name?

A:Felipe Mariano

B:I am searching........... There is no passenger with this name in our systems. Could you spell your

A: F-E-L-I-P-E

B:Sorry, my bad. I wrote it wrong. I am searching again......... I found your record.I need some
information about your luggages.

A:Ok what information do you need?

B:First of all Could I know your address?

A:Salamanca / Spain

B:Could I know the departure and landing times of your flight?

A: half past four departure forty past seven landing

B:I found the transport information for luggages at your landing time

A:Oh, I am glad to hear that

B:To find your luggage, I need information about them

A:I have two luggages which are black

B:I need to know what is inside in them

A:Oh, Of course , in bigger one there are a few pants and sweatshirts. Also there is a coat and some
personal care products

B: And the other one?

A: In the other luggage I have my computer, notebooks and chargers. I really don’t want this luggage
to be lost.


B: Here sir, one of your luggage is here. Please check it.

A: Yes, everything is inside so, where is the other one?

B: I didn’t find in lost luggage store. But I informed other units and we will deliver it as soon as we
find it.
A: I'm an erasmus exchange program student and some of my necessary documents are in that
luggage. You hove to find it.

B: Don’t worry sir, it will be found soon.


B:Your luggage was found in the loading area, its coming now.

A: oh bee how could such a mess happen?

B: Sometimes this sittuations happen because of intensity.


B: Here is your luggage, we apologize for your inconvenience. Please check your luggage.


A: Yes everything is inside. Tell the authorities they need to more careful about this.

B: Of course sir(taabi efenim) we work everday to better serve our passengers.

A: I hope this doesn’t happen again.

B: we are giving you a 3 months coffe coupon as an apology gift

A: ohh what a thinkfull behavior. Thank you.

B: We thank you, we wish you success in your education.

A: I wish you good work.

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