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Taking the

Skills and Strategies
Wendi Shin
 Book Overview Chapter 3- Reading Practice
 Key Features 7. Relative Clauses
 About the Test Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
 Walkthrough of Taking the TOEIC Part 6 Text Completion
8. Conjunctions and Prepositions
 Chapter 1- Listening Practice Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 1 Picture Description Part 6 Text Completion
Part 2 Questions and Responses 9. Modification
Part 3 Short Conversations Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 4 Short Talks · Part 6 Text Completion
 Chapter 2- Grammar Practice 10. Pronouns
1. Parts of Speech Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences Part 6 Text Completion
Part 6 Text Completion 11. Comparisons
2. Tenses Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences Part 6 Text Completion
Part 6 Text Completion 12. Negation and Word Order
3. Voice Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences Part 6 Text Completion
Part 6 Text Completion  Chapter 4- Practice Test
4. Agreement  Support
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences Transcripts
Part 6 Text Completion Answer Key
5. Infinitives and Gerunds  Online Supplements
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 6 Text Completion  Wrap-up
6. Participles and Participle
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Part 6 Text Completion
Taking the TOEIC®
Book Overview
Taking the TOEIC® 1 & 2 Overview:
 Taking the TOEIC® 1 & 2: Skills and Strategies is intended for pre-
intermediate students of English who need to start preparation for the
 The book is divided into four sections, or chapters, dealing with the
areas tested in TOEIC®: listening, grammar, and reading as well as a
full-length practice test
 The first section develops students ability to answer a variety of
listening questions which the student would encounter on the test
 The second section deals with the key grammar points that Get the skills and
strategies needed
commonly appear on the TOEIC® test and provides exercises to to ace the exam!
refine grammar skills
 The third section deals with reading practice and provides key
practice and tips on methods to improve the student’s reading
 The final chapter of the book is a full-length practice test, giving
students the opportunity to put into practice what they have
learned in the previous chapters
 A mini-test in each chapter of the book, which follows the same style
and format as the actual TOEIC® test
Taking the TOEIC®
Key Features
Key Features:
 General information about the TOEIC®
 Tips on how to complete each section of the test
 Clear & precise grammar explanations
 Mini practice tests in each section
 Transcripts for all listening questions
 MP3 recordings of all listening sections
 Full-length practice test with focused practice of TOEIC®
test questions
 MP3 recordings, transcripts, & answer keys with expanded
 Answer keys for all mini-test and the full-length practice
test, including expanded explanations for Incomplete
Sentences and Text Completion sections
 User-friendly for both teachers & students
Information about
the TOEIC® Exam
Test Walkthrough
Taking the TOEIC®

About this Presentation:

 This walkthrough helps test takers to become familiar with the
style of the test and explains how Taking the TOEIC® is
designed to develop the skills needed to improve their
TOEIC® score
 By discovering strengths and weakness, test takers can
better manage their time when preparing for the test using
Taking the TOEIC®
Information about
the TOEIC® Exam

About TOEIC®:
 TOEIC® stands for Test of English for
International Communication. This book
focuses on preparation for the TOEIC®
Listening and Reading Test. TOEIC® Test Structure:
 The listening section tests the ability to  Section 1 Listening Test
understand spoken English Listening Total: 100 questions
Time: 45 minutes
 The reading section tests the
 Section 2 Reading Test
knowledge of grammar and vocabulary Reading Total: 100 questions
usage and the ability to read and Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
understand short passages
 There are a total of 200 questions on
the TOEIC® test, and the test lasts
about 2 hours. All of the items are
multiple-choice questions with three or
four possible answers.
Section 1- Listening Test:
 In this section, test takers will have the chance to show how well they understand
spoken English
 There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part
 100 total listening questions
 45 minutes to complete the section

Part 1- Picture Description:

 Explains how to focus on the
meaning of the statements as
a whole
 Provides direction in
answering the question as
quickly as possible

 Focus on identifying key factors in the image
 Who? a man / a woman
 Where? indoors / next to a computer
 What? a screwdriver / a computer /
Part 2- Questions and Responses:
 Questions or statements are provided and three
responses are spoken in English
 Questions are spoken only one time
 Responses to questions or statements are to be
marked with the letter (A), (B), or (C) on the answer

 The first word of the question will help to know what kind of
answer is required
 What, where, who, why, how—ask for information

Part 3- Short Conversations:

 Conversations between two people are spoken
 Test takers must answer three questions about what the speakers say in each
 The best response to each question is to be marked with the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on the answer sheet
 Conversations will be spoken only once and are not printed in the test book

 Preview the question to
help students listen for the
right information when
time is available
 Have students preparing
for the test by listen to the
dialog from Taking the
TOEIC®, and imagine
where the speakers are

 Test takers must listen closely to the
introduction preceding the talk. It will tell
them what type of information they will hear
(news report, weather report, advertisement,
recorded message, announcement, etc.)

Part 4- Short Talks:

 Test takers will hear some short talks
given by a single speaker
 They will be asked to answer three
questions about what the speaker says
 The best response to each question
should be selected, by marking one of
the following letters (A), (B), (C), or (D)
on the answer sheet
 The talks will be spoken only one time
and will not be printed in the test book
Reading Test:
 In this section of the test, test takers have the chance to show how well
they understand written English
 There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part

Part 5- Incomplete Sentences:

 A word or phrase is missing in each
of the sentences
 Four answer choices are given
below each sentence
 Select the best answer to complete
the sentence

Part 6- Text Completion:

 Test takers Read texts in which a
word or phrase is missing in some of
the sentences and identify content by
selecting the appropriate answer
 Four answer choices are provided to
choose from
Part 7- Reading Comprehension:
 Testers will read a selection from the
 Such texts can be advertisements,
letters, magazine, and newspaper
 Each text is followed by several
Taking the
Chapter 1:
Listening Practice

Listening Practice:
 Each unit features sample
questions and answers to
develop strategies to recognize
relevant information
 Part 1 Introduces common
themes from TOEIC®
 Part 2 Introduces commonly
tested question types and
provides assistance to identify
each type
 Parts 3 and 4 give sample short
conversations and talks to
identify key points in order to
answer questions
 Each part features a mini-test
to practice strategies introduced
from the chapter
Chapter 1:
Listening Practice

Part 1- Picture Description:

 Common themes are featured in Part 1 of
the TOEIC®
 Familiar locations like homes, the
workplace, and public places
 Test takers are to look and identify words
and expressions that best describe the
 Test takers are to choose from 4 multiple
choice questions

Words & Expressions Box:

 Target vocabulary lists
likely to be on tests
Chapter 1:
Listening Practice
Part 2- Questions and Responses:
 Focuses on commonly tested
question types
 Provides assistance in identifying
appropriate answers for each type
 Incorrect answers may contain
similar-sounding words
 Incorrect answers may give wrong
pronouns, numbers, and locations
 Incorrect answers may include some
correct words

Types of Questions and Grammar:

 Questions with interrogative pronouns:
 Who, whose, whom, what, which, where, when, why, and how
 Questions with no interrogative: Be/Do: Be-verb, Do-verb
 Auxiliary verbs: Can/ May?, Will?, Have?
 Other types of questions: Indirect question, tag question, negative questions
 Alternative Question: Which do you prefer?
 Declarative Sentence: Expresses emotion
 Suggestion: Why don’t?, How/What about?, Should/Shouldn’t
Chapter 1:
Listening Practice

Part 3- Short Conversation:

 Listen to different conversations
in various environments
 Test takers must know the
following: Who, why, and what
will happen?
 An understanding related to Part
2 of what the speakers are
looking for based on the types of
 Requires the understanding to
know what to listen for
 An ability to identify the feelings
and moods of the characters
from the story
 Commonly tested themes with
sample conversations and their
main points
 5 dialogs per chapter
Chapter 1:
Listening Practice
Part 4- Short Talks:
 Test takers are to read the following
talks, and focus on the main points
 They are then asked to listen to the
provided test questions
 Test takers are encouraged to use the
“What to listen for” sections as a
 Commonly tested themes with
sample talks and the main points
 8 stories per chapter
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice
Grammar Practice:
 Units within the Grammar Practice chapter outline
fundamental grammar points frequently tested on
the TOEIC®
 Each unit begins with a brief explanation of the
grammar target including key points and particular
structures of interest in the TOEIC®
 The units also provide short exercises based on the
format of TOEIC® grammar questions, which allow
students to practice their understanding of the
grammar points
 Tasks include incomplete sentence exercises and
word form exercises
 Additional practice is provided in mini-tests at the
end of each unit
 These mini-tests take the format of questions
found in Parts 5 and 6 of the TOEIC®, combining
grammar and vocabulary practice
 After every three units, students may measure their
progress with review tests
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice
Parts of Speech:
 This section will help in aiding
and identifying the following Parts of Speech:
grammatical rules  Nouns
 Subject of verb
 Object of verb or
 Subject or object
 Verbs
 Intransitive
 Transitive Modal
 Auxiliary
 Imperative
 Pronouns
 Adjectives
 Adverbs
 Conjunctions
 Prepositions
 Interjections
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice
Part 5- Incomplete Sentences:
 Practice by inserting the correct grammatical use
of the word or phrase to best complete the
 Exercises include incomplete sentences, text
completion, and vocabulary use

Part 6- Text Completion:

 Choose the word or phrase that best
completes the sentence
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice Key Tenses to Know on the Exam
Present: Simple, Progressive, and Perfect
 Present simple
Tenses:  Present progressive
 Choose the word or phrase that  Present perfect
best completes the sentence Past: Simple, Progressive, and Perfect
 Past simple
 past progressive
 past perfect
Future: Use of Will and Other Words with
Future Meaning
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice Voice:
 Forming the Passive
A. Active sentence
B. Using by + noun
 Usage of the Passive
A. Transitive verbs
B. Causative verbs
C. Perceptual verbs
D. Phrasal and Prepositional
verbs that consist of verb +
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice

Agreement: Infinitives and Gerunds:

 Subject-Verb Agreement  How to us to-Infinitives following
 Modifiers verbs and subject
 Expressions-time, distance, price  Using gerunds with the appropriate
and weight verb
 Adjective/ Determiner- Noun  Choosing between infinities and
Agreement gerunds
 Modifiers
 Noun-Pronoun Agreement
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice
 Used when two things occur at the
same time
 When one action occurs as a result
of the first action
Participle Claus:
 Form can be used when two things
occur at the same time.

Relative Pronouns:
 Use the pronouns who, and which
in describing association
 In use of possession the words
whose, of which and what are
Relative Adverbs:
 Words used to describe time with
such words as when, where, how,
and why
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice

 Conjunctions are followed by subject
+ verb
 Prepositions are followed by a noun,
pronoun, or gerund

 Determiners are articles, possessive
pronouns, quantifiers, numerical
adjectives, and demonstrative
adjectives that modify nouns
 Adjectives modify nouns and come
before or after a noun
 Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, prepositional phrases, or a
Chapter 2:
Grammar Practice
 Subjective, objective, two possessive forms,
and reflexive
 Demonstrative Pronouns: this/these and
that/those, can be used to replace nouns
 Interrogative Pronouns: Who(ever),
whom(ever), which(ever), and what(ever)
introduce a noun clause
 Indefinite Pronouns:
A. Use one and the other
B. Use one, another, and the other
C. Use one, another, and the others

 Regular Comparatives: When comparing things,
one-syllable adjectives or adjectives ending in -y
 Irregular Comparatives: A few adjectives and
adverbs have comparative and superlative forms
that are different from the regular forms
Chapter 3:
Reading Practice
Negotiation and Word Order:
 No vs. Not:
 Use no as an adjective: no time;
no choice
 Use not as an adverb: not
going; not busy
 Non-finite Verbs: To-infinitives,
Gerunds, and Participles:
 Put a negative word before
non-finite verbs
 Redundancy in Negation
 Avoid double negatives
 Do not use a negative word
along with such words as
hardly, seldom, scarcely, lest,
or unless
 Special Word Endings:
 Words ending in -thing, -body,
-one, and -where come before
adjectival modifiers
Chapter 3:
Reading Practice
Reading Practice:
 The Reading Practice chapter introduces sample texts to
familiarize students with the kinds of materials they will encounter
on the TOEIC®—such as emails, letters, brochures, tables, articles,
and reports—together with examples of the kinds of questions
students may expect to find in this part of the test

Mini-test Section:
Provides extensive test practice
with the format of questions
found in Part 7 of the TOEIC®
Chapter 3:
Reading Practice

Reading Comprehension:
 Focus on the various forms of
materials found within the
 Test takers will learn to know
what to look for and identify key
elements within the writing
 Taking the TOEIC® will explain Emails and Letters
how to specifically analyze
emails, letters, advertisements,
office memos, articles, reports,
forms and informational
Chapter 3:
Reading Practice

What to look for?:

Office Memos  Each form of material demonstrates and
details the key information test takers must
place importance where time is an issue

Articles and Reports
Chapter 3:
Reading Practice
 Multiple tests that focus on the
different types of material
documents found on the TOEIC
Chapter 4:
Practice Test
Listening Test:
 Test takers are to demonstrate
how well they understand spoken
 The entire Listening Test will last
approximately 45 minutes
 There are four parts, and
directions are given for each part
 Answer on a separate answer

TOEIC® Test:
 Section 1: Listening Test
 Listening Total: 100 questions
 Time: 45 minutes
Chapter 4:
Practice Test
Part 2- Questions and Responses:
 A question or statement is given and
three responses are spoken
 The questions and statements will be
spoken only one time and will not be
printed in your test book.
 To the question or statement, and mark
the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer
Chapter 4:
Practice Test
Part 3-Short Conversation:
 Conversations between two people
are spoken
 Test takers are asked to answer three
questions about what the speakers
say in each conversation
 Select the best response to each
question, and mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D)
 The conversations will be spoken only
one time and will not be printed in the
test book
Part 4- Short Talks:
 Short talks given by a single
 Test takers are asked to about
what the speaker says in each
short talk
 They will mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D)
Chapter 4:
Practice Test

Reading Test:
 A variety of texts for test takers to
answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions
 The entire Reading Test will last
75 minutes.
 There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part

TOEIC® Reading Test:

 Section 2 Reading Test
 Reading Total: 100 questions
 Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Chapter 4:
Practice Test
Part 5- Incomplete Sentences:
 A word or phrase is missing in
each of the sentences below
 Four answer choices are given
below each sentence

Part 6- Text Completion:

 Test takers are to read texts on
the assigned pages and identify
the word or phrase which is
missing in some of the sentences
 Four answer choices are given
below each of these sentences
 Select the best answer
Chapter 4:
Practice Test

Part 7- Reading Comprehension:

 Test takers will read a selection of
texts such as magazine and
newspaper articles, letters, and
 Each text is followed by several
 Select the best answer for each

 Includes reference materials related for all chapters
 Listening transcripts for each part of Chapter 1
 A blank sample answer sheet
Online Resources

Online Resources:
 Our homepage includes a
number of free online
resources for teachers
 Visit our homepage, log-in,
and download. It’s easy! Available
 Taking the TOEIC® 1& 2
offers the following
supplementary materials: Content
 Answer Key
 Audio Tracks
 Sample Unit
 Transcripts

Click here to
see a sample
Online Resources

Free Preview:
 Users can preview sample
pages online to make sure
this book is suitable
The simplified grammar and thematically based texts of Taking the TOEIC® 1 & 2: Skills
and Strategies provide pre-intermediate students with access to TOEIC® practice
materials appropriate for building their test-taking skills without the frustration of
encountering overly complicated vocabulary and grammar structures.

Taking the TOEIC® 1 & 2: Skills and Strategies provides an excellent foundation for
students starting preparation for the TOEIC® Test
-Wendi Shin

Compass Media is pleased to have published this high-quality

education material to support worldwide English Language education.
To learn more about our products please visit our website at

For more information on this product or to purchase please see or contact our global sales office.

General Inquiries:
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James Hall, International Sales & Marketing
Gio Panizzon, International Sales & Marketing
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