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S E R I E S M 1 1 0 0

S E R ISeries
E S M 1 1M1100
0 0
EDITING A MEMORY EDIT COMMANDS - PACKING P a c k i n g a n d G r a d i n g S c a l e
1. Select a memory with the Arrow keys. Grading Method Packing & Grading Scale
2. Press the MENU key for a few seconds. Use this command to select a grading method for the Lower Limit
selected memory. Use this command to set the lower weight limits for
The first command appears on the Config
packing memories.
Display. Same procedure as for the Unit of Weight command.
3. Use the Arrow keys to select a command. Same procedure as for the Grade Limit command.

Refer to the instructions below on how to use the edit

Higher Limit
Use this command to set the upper weight limits for
USING NORMAL GRADING packing memories.
1. Select a grading memory and grading method. Same procedure as for the Grade Limit command.
EDIT COMMANDS - PACKING AND GRADING 2. Place one item at a time on the platform.
Unit of Weight 3. The weight of each item is displayed on the
Use this command to set the unit of weight. Weight Display and each item's grade is displayed
on the Config Display.
1. Press the MENU key for a few seconds. USING MULTIPLE RANGE WEIGHING
2. Select the command with the Arrow keys. When you use the Auto option, the scale switches
3. Press PRINT to display the currently active unit of automatically from one weighing range to the other.
weight (to the right on the Weight Display).
The Max2 indicator lights up while the scale is in the
4. Press PRINT. The unit indicator starts blinking.
5. Use the Arrow keys to select a new unit. USING REVERSE GRADING high weighing range.
6. Press PRINT to confirm your selection. 1. Select a grading memory and grading method. The scale does not switch back to the lower weighing
7. Press MENU to return to Edit Mode. 2. Place all items on the platform. range, until
8. Press MENU again to return to Operating Mode. 3. Remove one item at a time, and wait until the . the scale has been steady on zero for a few
grade is displayed on the Config Display. seconds (zero tracking ON)
. until you press the ZERO key.

Tare set in the higher range will be cancelled when

EDIT COMMANDS - GRADING the scale switches to the lower range. 1. Top cover 12. Steady indicator
Grade Limit USING POSITIVE GRADING 2. Rating plate 13. Over indicator
Use this command to set the lower grade limit for each 1. Select a grading memory and grading method. 3. Max2/Power-down 14. Unit of weight indicator
grade. 2. Place a tray on the platform and place the items indicator 15. UP arrow
in the tray, one by one. 4. Packing indicator 16. MENU key
1. Press the MENU key for a few seconds.
3. The grade number for each item is displayed on
5. Grading indicator 17. DOWN arrow
2. Select the command with the Arrow keys. Always watch the ZERO indicator
the Config Display. 6. Net indicator 18. PRINT key
3. Press PRINT. The current grade limit is displayed when the scale is in use: 7. Under indicator 19. ZERO key
on the Weight Display.
4. Press PRINT again. When the digits start to flash,
you can change their value.
. Whenever the platform is empty, the Zero indicator
should turn green.
Weight Display
Config Display
TARE key
Mounting pillar

10. Accept indicator 22. Cable entry/battery plug
5. Use the Arrow keys to change the value of STOP USING REVERSE OR POSITIVE GRADING If not, press the ZERO key to re-zero the scale.
11. Zero indicator (optional)
the digits. Press PRINT to activate each digit.
1. Select a new grading method in the memory you
6. Press the MENU key to return to Edit Mode.
are working in
7. Press MENU again to return to Operating Mode.
2. Change to a memory that does not have reverse
Marel hf. . Austurhraun 9 . IS-210 Gardabaer . Iceland
or positive grading specified as grading
tel +354 563-8000 . fax +354 563-8001
You must activate ALL digits, or no change method. Quick Reference
will take place!

w w w . m a r e l . c o m
S E R I E S M 1 1 0 0


On the Config Display. Blinks when battery Manually: 1. Watch the Accept and Steady indicators.
1. Use the Arrow keys to scroll to the memory
power gets low. 2. When the indicators light up, press the PRINT
you wish to use.
key to record.
When the number of the new memory appears
3. The message appears on the Config
The Max2 indicator in the bottom left corner on the Config Display, the memory is active and
The net weight on the platform The active unit of weight Display as long as the recording is in
of the M1100 Indicator blinks while the scale the scale is ready to start weighing.
is in power-down mode. 4. The message appears, if you try to
To bring the scale back from power-down mode, record the same weight twice, or if the weight
press any key.
FROM PACKING TO GRADING is unstable or out of range.

When you are in Packing mode, use the Arrow

STEADY AND ZERO INDICATORS ARROW KEYS keys to scroll the memory list until you reach the Automatically: If enabled, this option will trigger a recording
when a steady weight is removed from the
first Grading memory. The Grading indicator lights
platform (packing or negative grading) or
Green The weight is steady Use the Arrow keys to select a up to show that you are now in Grading mode.
placed on the platform (positive grading).
on the platform. packing or grading memory. Use the same method to change from grading
Green The scale is at its zero to packing.
SELECTING A GRADING METHOD Enter 1. Place a tray on the platform.
MENU KEY PRINT KEY Tare 2. Press the TARE key.
See Edit Commands - Grading on the reverse side. 3. The Net indicator lights up to show that tare
To edit a packing To record and print is in use. The net weight is shown on the
Weight Display.
CONFIG DISPLAY or weighing results.
grading memory. To confirm new
settings. Remove Empty the platform, and press the TARE key.
Green light: The weight is within the specified limits.
Tare The Net indicator is turned off.

The active grading memory: The active packing memory: ZERO KEY TARE KEY Red light: The weight is outside the specified limits. Check If you use tare, check it every now and then:
memory 1, grade 3. memory 5. Tare Place the tray on the platform, and notice if the Weight
Green light: The weight on the platform is steady.
To set the scale To set and Display returns to zero. If not, press the TARE key.
to zero. remove the tare. Red light: The scale is in grading mode.

Red light: The scale is in packing mode.

Blinking message: The scale needs marine
1. Make sure the platform is empty.
2. Press the MENU and ZERO keys simultaneously.
3. Wait until the scale asks for a reference weight.

APPLYING POWER TO THE SCALE UNIT OF WEIGHT 4. Place the reference weight on the platform.
Red, if the Green, if Red, if the 5. The message appears on the display while
The unit of weight can be different for each packing
weight is the weight weight is Plug the electrical cord into the nearest suitable the calibration takes place. If nothing happens,
Initial or grading memory. When you change to a new
outside the is within outside the power outlet. press the PRINT key to start the calibration.
Start memory, the weight will be displayed in the unit set
limits. the limits. limits. For a battery scale, mount the batteries on the scale. 6. When the calibration is completed, the message
for the new target weight.
appears. Values above 25 indicate a poor calibration. In that
Keep the power on at all times to prevent Note! The upper/lower weight limits and the grade case repeat steps 1 to 6.
condensation of moisture in the scale limits are always shown in the selected unit of weight. 7. Remove the weight from the platform.
8. The scale returns to zero and is ready for use.

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