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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization

1) Name and describe your organization.

The name of my organization is Valley Security. Valley Security is a small security

company that specializes in security system installations for small and medium-sized homes

and businesses. These installations include security cameras, alarm systems, glass breaks,

and motion sensors to help their customers feel at ease. Because of it’s location in a

relatively rural area there are only three full-time employees and three part-time employees.

Because the owner of the business lives out of state, the current manager can act almost

independently with no checks or balances.

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

I was one of the three full-time workers in Valley Security. I was low skill laborer

with little work experience that usually assisted the other two much more skilled

employees, Ethan and the Manager Trevor. Because I was unskilled I was usually demoted

to the low position of carrying tools back and forth from the work truck to the job site or

running wires. I had pretty strict hours while working there because I had night classes at

the local community college. Because of my lack of technical skills a lot of time was spent
waiting for the more experienced full-time employees do the more technical aspects of

security and camera installations.

3) Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader
understand the most important elements of the situation.

With little to no insight from the owner of the business, the manager could work

nearly independently. This meant he was alone in the decision to accept one of the biggest

jobs that the company had attempted yet. The job was to install around 60 cameras in a

rural school two and a half hours away with no available hotel nearby. The small rural

business had never attempted a job so far away because limited manpower kept the job

small and close to the business. Because of Valley Security’s small nature it would take

multiple weeks for the small number of employees to install twenty five cameras in a given

installation that was merely twenty minuets away from the headquarters. A full work day

including travel time to this new project meant only 4 hours of work could be completed in

a single work day when hundreds of hour were needed to accomplish this monumental

task. What made matters worse was there were no nearby hotels that could accommodate

the employees to save travel time going from headquarters and back. The skeleton crew

work force of three employees could only do small chunks of work at a time sporadically

around an already busy schedule. How were we supposed to accomplish this task with a

deadline only three months away?


(n.d.). Valley Security Inc: Home Security Systems | Arizona. Retrieved January 17,

2023, from

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