MAED GrefaldeJLK FinalTerm

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Final Term Activity 5

According to Mishra &Koehler (2006), ―the simple incorporation of technology into the
educational process is not enough. Many approaches to the professional development of
teachers provide a one-size-fits-all approach to technology integration when, in reality,
teachers work as a potential teacher in a variety of teaching and learning contexts – facing
these challenges.
How can teachers incorporate technology into their instruction?
Since the advent of Technology in education, it undeniably open more opportunities for teachers
to be more efficient in their tasks especially during instruction. Teachers can make use of many ways to
incorporate technology:
1. Teacher can make online quizzes and submit it in educational platforms such as google class and
edmodo. If the students cannot be able to go to school, they can just upload it. Whenever and wherever
they are.
2. Teacher can make use of graphics and pictures through TV's and DLP powered by technology. That
instead of looking for simulations, presentations can be done already. Especially with visual learners, it is
very important.
3. Teachers can recreate the lessons with the help of technology. Just like the planetarium in which
teachers can recreate a galaxy ambiance rather that bringing their student in the outer space.
There are still alot of ways to make use of technology in delivering the lessons. However, the teacher, on
top of his/her head that there is no better visual aids but the teacher itself.

What other matters or concerns should teachers look into and consider concerning the use and
integration of instructional media and technology?
Teachers must consider the learners. Learners are diverse in which their needs vary in every
way. There are visual learners that prefer pictures and graphics, auditory learners that learns
best while listening, kinesthetic learners that learns more while doing the action or
performance and alot more. It is necessary for the Teacher to choose varied instruction so that
no learner will left behind. That they have the equitable learning experience. On the other
hand, teachers should also consider the availability of the materials to be used and should know
how to manipulate to avoid delay in the educative process. Nevertheless, the teacher can not
just decide to whatever technology he is going to use, it needs planning, preparation,
presentation and evaluation.

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