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The Role of Facility Management in Education Sectors

19 April 2019

When it comes to the education field, the role of facility management is to maintain the building as best
as possible and meet the needs of those who use the building. Any schools or campuses that envision to
provide good quality education to their students must provide adequate school facilities, resources and
appropriate maintenance services which will, in fact, contribute a more effective learning environment
to their users.

As a facility manager, one must deliver the needs of students, staffs and guests by constantly
maintaining the buildings and exceeds their high expectations of the services rendered. Students and
parents nowadays have a high expectation of the education system, the learning atmosphere and the
education premises as well. The followings are suggested comprehensive assessment of the facilities to
determine areas of need in schools, universities and the educational institutions;

Types of school facilities and multi-facilities space

The school and university space are a major part of the education facility. The education institution
offered a variety of school programs and extra-curricular activities as it influences the design, nature and
types of school space to be provided. For instance, students need an area to study, sports training,
conduct experiment, gather social events and other activities while lecturers need an area for offices,
meeting rooms and teaching classrooms. Today, the education facility creates new modern design
spaces for social activities and academic purposes. The educational institutions not only require students
to memorize the books but also involve them with hands-on activities and application of knowledge
through conducting experiments in laboratories or other spaces.

Besides that, multipurpose facilities are provided not only for student academics but also to cater for
members of the surrounding community especially after school hours in which they are able to access
and utilize the school facility areas. The education institution wants to bring the communities closer to
schools. Tools, supplies and equipment are necessary for education use and serve a various purpose that
enables students to learn such as providing computers in computer labs, microscope, tubes, chemical
for experiments in laboratories and even sports equipment. The teachers and students used restrooms,
cafeteria, workshops, offices, laboratories, classrooms, etc. Providing a complete and complementary
furniture system in the school building is equally important because it can encourage creativity and
flexibility for students and staff alike. The set of furniture provided should be able to be rearranged and
relocated depending upon the requirements of curriculum and syllabus. The correct furniture layout and
style can motivate students to learn and stimulate individuals to handle their own learning, boost
communication and concentration. Building owners invest in providing good quality furniture,
equipment and functional spaces to reinforce the value of learning as well as saving resources in the
long term.

Facility management maintenance

Most educational institutions are old buildings that were built with obsolete architectural designs that
had never undergone renovations even though the educational system has changed rapidly and
dramatically over the years. The institutional buildings and facilities became ruined due to wear and tear
such as poor maintenance and weather conditions. Sometimes the educational management does not
have the knowledge and knows how on managing the facilities properly and overlooked its maintenance
needs. Repairs only occur on an ad-hoc and fire-fighting basis such as when there is a break down in the
smooth running of the building systems. The facility management’s goals to deliver a safe and clean
environment for a conducive learning and teaching atmosphere. These are the different categories of
maintaining the education facilities as briefed below:

Besides that, multipurpose facilities are provided not only for student academics but also to cater for
members of the surrounding community especially after school hours in which they are able to access
and utilize the school facility areas. The education institution wants to bring the communities closer to
schools. Tools, supplies and equipment are necessary for education use and serve a various purpose that
enables students to learn such as providing computers in computer labs, microscope, tubes, chemical
for experiments in laboratories and even sports equipment. The teachers and students used restrooms,
cafeteria, workshops, offices, laboratories, classrooms, etc. Providing a complete and complementary
furniture system in the school building is equally important because it can encourage creativity and
flexibility for students and staff alike. The set of furniture provided should be able to be rearranged and
relocated depending upon the requirements of curriculum and syllabus. The correct furniture layout and
style can motivate students to learn and stimulate individuals to handle their own learning, boost
communication and concentration. Building owners invest in providing good quality furniture,
equipment and functional spaces to reinforce the value of learning as well as saving resources in the
long term.

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