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TITLE: Discourse as basis of problem of representation of Mangyan Culture

Coded Passages Research Gaps

Entry 1:
I. Commodification of knowledge in the form
of textbook
Highlight: (Kumar, 1986) The textbooks
published in every country present a distinct The textbooks amplification throughout the
function and practical use but simply tries to gain country shows to gain universally competent
universally accepted function that contributes to content that aligns to the necessary
globally relevant books, the commodification of governmental opportunity for global
these textbook relies solely on how it is competence but does not present cultural
presented in which it basically shown by significance to Indigenous knowledge.
government, teachers, and children.
Argument: The textbooks present contents that
aid for globally competent and innovation.
Supported by international bank
Code: The said aid to student's problem in
Resource Reference: Kumar, K. (Jul. 26, 1986),
(Economic and Political Weekly
Vol. 21, No. 30 pp. 1309-1311 (3 pages)

Entry 2:
Highlight: The launching of the State on the 37
million dollar worth of textbooks with the The investment for textbook to addressed
assistance of World Bank brought about the large percent of the population of
Textbook project to alleviate the lack of disadvantaged students, the limited
textbooks in the country. production of textbooks lead limited
Code: Nationwide investment in textbook proliferation of knowledge to school
project, relieves country's number of community and inadequate response of
miseducation. competent teachers.
Resoure: Heyneman, S. P., Jamison, D. T., &
Montenegro, X. (1984). Textbooks in the
Philippines: Evaluation of the Pedagogical
Impact of a Nationwide Investment. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6(2), 139–150.

Entry 2:
Highlight: Errors in learning materials that get The sectors of education inability to provide
past the Department of Education's vetting learning materials errorless for schools
process have an impact on how the public sees present irresponsible anomalies to provide
teachers, according to ACT-Teachers Sec. Gen. better education or presentation of
Raymond Basilio. knowledge to schools.
Argument: The materials that were given
proved to not successfully process from a
rigorous assessment.

Title: The Status of Mangyan Education in the


Entry 3:
2. Authorship as basis of educational

Title: Book industry claims losses of P240

million from DepEd ‘modules’
Highlight: With the sudden eruption of
pandemic, frugal actions done by the Department
of Education on learning modules but did not go Modules were taken from authors and
through legal process. publishers resulted problems because of its
Argument: Authors and publishers were filed to commodity and market failure but issues on
sue 240 million after DepEd published textbooks errors were not given resolution.
substantial textbooks without author's
Code: Authors and publishers experience market
failure and loss income.
Source: Ibañez, J. P. (2021, June 8). Book
industry claims losses of P240 million from
DepEd ‘modules’. BusinessWorld Online.
Retrieved January 31, 2023, from

Highlight: ACT-Teachers Sec. Gen. Raymond

Basilio (2020) "…isang nakikita naming Without proper knowledge on current and
problem dito ay problem ng produksyon ng relevant learning materials due to errors in
content. Hindi kasi ito public, ang ginagawa kasi the production of textbook limited resources
ay source out lahat ng Department of Education still were bound to present ethnic groups
yung mga content na ito at inaprubahan na lang
nila na ma-ipublish at bibilhin na lang education"
Argument: The materials that were given
proved to not successfully process from a
rigorous assessment and were not aligned to the
meet the needs of the students.

As the student is shaped and reformed by the

Entry 4: educational system, the lack of indigenous
II. School negligence integration or representation was widely
Interviewer: "…sa MELCs, may IP education ba or avoided.
general yung laman. Kunware non-IP (schools), may Source:
discussion ba na may topic about indigenous groups? Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National
Interviewee: Depende na un sa subject mo kung ma
High School
tap ang IP education. Ang ginagawa kasi namin ay
iniincorporate lang namin un sa mga lesson namin Date: January 26, 8:01 PM
kasi kasama sya sa i oobserve sa amin.
Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National High
Date: January 26, 8:01 PM

A. WORLD VIEW OF THE The basis of education in school particularly

SCHOOL CONNECTED TO shapes by the government's implementation
to what they seem as the Most Essential
Learning Competency (MELCs) to what the
Interviewer: Ma'am paano nyo po nabibili yung mga student should master but does provide basic
aklat, anong basehan po na educational value ng mga knowledge for globally competence.
Interviewee: sa ano, sa MELCS
Interviewer: So, ano po ma'am nakikita din po nila
Sir Leo yung mga aklat (kung napag-aaralan)
Interviewee: Nakikita. Pero principal yung
tumitingin ng mga aklat.
Interviewee: Clarendon School Librarian The need for curriculum reform were found
January 23, 2023 3:03 PM to align to the globally relevant
implementation of curriculum but seems to
be culturally disregards by other schools that
Interviewer: wala sa curriculum? isn't necessary.
Interviewee: Wala un. Depende sa subject iba iba
kasi lalo na sa senior high may mga subject
na matatacle talaga un. Localization lang un.. Source:
katulad ng mga example mo sa mga lesson Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
activity.. ganun.. pag more ip kayo sa school Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National
more on nakakarelate sila ganun baga..
High School
incorporate mo lang talaga. Minsan nga ang
pinaka ginagawa namin ung pagbati ng Date: January 26, 8:01 PM
magandang umaga sa mangyan na language
ok na un.
Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National High
Date: January 26, 8:01 PM

Entry 6:
B. Teacher’s incompetence Because of the limited power vested to local
Interviewer: a so not exactly iincorporate sa or provincial head, the curriculum does not
panghalatan, like certain locality para incorporate any lesson that informs and taps
malaman ang isang IP doon sa Province or the discussion about culture about
Municipality pero doon lang sa isang IP
Indigenous people, not unless the school is a
school or depende pa sa number of students
Interviewee: Depende sa mga students mo. Pero IP School.
kahit naman wala kang ip students pwede mo
isingit. Katulad pag topic mo ay language..
ano ano ang mga lengwahe dito sa mindoro.
Tapos pwede mo isingit na merun tayong
mga katutubo na may sari sariling lengwahe
not only sa students pero sa lugar din. Melcs Source:
kasi pag general yan. Kung matacle man ang Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
ip education syempre ang gagamitin o i Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National
localize mo mga example mo ....ung merun High School
sa lugar nyo kung ano ang ip group don kasi Date: January 26, 8:01 PM
mas alam nila un mas relate sila.
Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National High To tap the in indigenous culture, the teacher
School takes responsibility for integration but were
Date: January 26, 8:01 PM not even provided local opportunity in
learning materials.

Interviewer: So trabaho na yon ng Teacher or pwede Source:

mag implement ang provincial head? Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Trabaho na un ng teacher. General na Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National
kasi ang melcs.. binababa na nalang yan dito. High School
Wala ng revisions yan pag dating ng Date: January 26, 8:01 PM

Interviewer: Vanessa Tamban
Interviewee: Teacher, San Roque National High
Date: January 26, 8:01 PM There is a lack of data in the Indigenous
People which delineate their possibility of
recognition and justification as marginalized
Entry 7:
III. Cultural incompetence in the part of new
Highlight: The need to examine the
intersectionality between ethnicity and gender to
identify inclusion gaps among indigenous
populations in the Philippines.
Argument: The study to produce outcome of
identification of representation between ethnicity
and gender.
Code: Generic representation that's accountable
for the society's knowledge. With the implementation of IPRA, mangyan
Source: community still suffers discrimination and stereotypical beliefs regarding their life and
no-story-what-absence-indigenous-peoples- culture.

Entry 8:
a. Cultural anonymity of the Mangyan to
younger generation
Highlight: A need to work with the government
to incorporate and counteract miseducation on
the part of Indigenous people.
Argument: To counteract the intersectionality to
systematically collect, compile, and share IP
Source: Even with the direct application of culturally relevant curriculum, discriminatory practices
no-story-what-absence-indigenous-peoples- were still eminent

Entry 9:
b. discriminatory practices

Highlight: Before the culturally-relevant curriculum,

Mangyan students suffer discrimination as they hike
up and down to their schools.
Argument: discrimination were found to be relevant The misrepresentation to their state of living
towards the ethnic groups brought about the lowlanders identification
Code: The aid of culturally-relevant curriculum to about them that demeans their knowledge
student and teacher's anonymity to IP
about them and their culture.

Highlight: Even with the equal right to basic

education, the Mangyan student suffers
discrimination from lowland teachers and
Argument: The knowledge on the Mangyan
community was perceived to be relatively
discriminatory and inferior to their way of life. As perceived, the community presented
Code: Their state of living were bound to be cultural incompetence as they see the state of
perceived inferior to them. living as distinct what they set innovative and
Source: Bawagan, Aleli. (2010). Towards a different.
Culturally-Relevant Pedagogy: Importance of
Culturally-Sensitive Teaching Materials and
Methodology. The Asia-Pacific Education
Researcher. 19. 10.3860/taper.v19i2.1591.

Entry 10:
c. unchallenged stereotypical beliefs
Highlight: The Mangyan people were perceived to
be primitive and of inferior race primarily.
Argument: The strict misrepresentation of beliefs of
them gained access to the community's
Code: They were perceived as backward in their

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