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1. Office of the Principal – the room contains a The principal’s office and lounge,
spacious area, with a warm atmosphere due contains television that may
to the white tiles that compliments the place advisable to convey information to
of the building and sunrise. the students and teachers guide in
teaching. The place also contains
board displays and recently
elected officials in government,
the school’s motto.
2. Library – offers vast majority of textbooks The rooms, although were not
designed purely on educational purposes. spacious, contains textbooks
desired for learning. The rooms
also have tables and chairs if
students were to use it when
3. Counseling Room – the room contains an The room comprises information
area with glass window designed upon board that explains not only
entering the room, it also has receiving area. mental awareness but also the
career best incorporates their
4. Canteen/Cafeteria – with the vast majority of There were a number of food
students and school area, the school have 3 serve in the area, tables and chair
canteens located in various areas of the were also available, food vary
desired for the students and classroom from what they serve, there were
location. near washing area for the students
to clean their hands, it also
informs them the steps in the
properly washing their hands.
5. Medical Clinic – contains first-aid The area contains basic
medication and resources, beds are separated information what to know
using curtains with information about health regarding a healthy body, as well
and body measurement. as, what are the basic symptoms of
COVID. Separate rooms were
given to isolation area.
6. Outdoor Garden – with wide variety of Although with vast majority of
vegetables, the garden is largely occupying vegetables, it were not given
an amount of it. signage to better identify but the
students can properly name them
because it a local plant commonly
seen and fed in homes.
7. Home Economics Room – there are The rooms contain diverse sets of
massage, dressmaking, cooking, and make equipment desirable for learning
up and development. The supplies
and resources are
8. Industrial Workshop Area – two different The place contains has concrete
areas of expertise, the Shielded Metal Arc representation of materials and
Welding (SMAW) and Electronic and informative
Installation Maintenance (EIM).
9. Comfort Room for Boys With proper hygiene, boys assure
proper development to their own
selves, safety, and involvement
with their peers.
10. Comfort Room for Girls
11. Technical Drawing Room

Information Guide for CLASSROOM VISIT

Guide Questions

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found

The school community or neighborhood is peaceful and provides a safe ground
for the learners. The place is also lived by different families so it also shows how the
place is right and safe for everyone. The school has a few feet away from the road
making sure there is a safe distance and away from sudden bustle of vehicles.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the
The school campus is clean, still vibrant with natural environment; it isn’t too
spacious or too crowded for a school. It provides a school ground desired for dynamic
involvement in class activities or performances. The building is in good condition,
providing large map of the school in one of the buildings and few in rooms. There were
also vast majority of murals outside the gate and outside the walls of the rooms. There
were also
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?
The offices are neat and tidy, with information plastered on their information
board outside every room visible for people who’ll pass by which are definite to what
office you have. They also have emergency hotlines provided. The faculty rooms also
provide a light atmosphere that isn’t terrifying nor dims the room, spacious to
accommodate and be able to move around.
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, and the cafeteria. Look around and find out the
other facilities that the school has.
The school has isolation room, SSG room, and MDRRMO office, technical
drawing room.
 How do school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
The impact the school campus and the classroom shows the learning environment
necessary for their improvement, the place is directly designed for their learning
development especially for senior high school. The development in knowledge assume to
benefit the students since they are guided by the teacher throughout the lesson and being
presumed to understood through application of activities or summative assessments.
 How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/how does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
In relation to this, the understanding to both subjects assures that the child’s level and
development keeps us from comprehending the student’s behavior, cognition, personality, and
metacognition which aligns classroom set up.

 Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, my personal experience in and outside the classroom of the school lets me be aware
of the necessary action I need to progress but it also best shows what I lack during my
observation. With further exposure to the classroom set-up it will be beneficial for me to work
out the skills, attitude, and approach to better classroom management and teaching approach.

 What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

Conducive to learning in school campus does not overlook what the school and student’s
needs. It shows better awareness to diversity of students which does not only focus on the skills,
talents, and knowledge but the student’s as a unique individual.

 What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A classroom would be environmental friendly, safe, and helps the students in developing
their own skills, cognition, and talents. The figure of a support system that every other teacher
shows must also effectuate and vibrate around the four corners of the rooms. Consist of a safe
environment that students can participate, without any doubts of involvement especially without
the thoughts of the lack raising questions and develop curiosity.

 In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

Realistically speaking, without proper experience and hands-on learning beyond books, I
might not succeed in handling students but that I why I am trying to further understand how one
handles a room full of diverse individual and personality. I would manage a classroom, desired
for learning, understanding, and fun environment. Awareness of their diverse nature can also be
helpful for me in learning what their ideas of learning, but with great awareness are of
 Write your additional ideas learning and insights here

An Observation Guide for Board Display

Read the following carefully before you observe

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How much display do you see?

2. Where are the display board found? Are they places where target viewers can see them?
The location of the display boards are found in every classrooms and offices designed for
a specified information, people, and activity. These can be found outside and inside the
rooms with various topics depending on the rooms.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and color
do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
One of the rare displays is about informing students regarding sexual identity and gender,
not commonly found a topic that easily contextually. They show limited information
about gender and person but visibly contain less attractive measure. Portrayal of strong
hues was not overreacted and easily comprehensible message are conveyed.

4. What materials were used in making displays? Are borders used?

The boards displays are in glass and aluminum, inside are cork board. They use printed
materials in either long or short coupon bond, like a poster informing the passers.

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)
Limited personal formulation of words was given thought but there are consistent
materials and resource used. Some board display has definite format (e.g. transparency of
budget allocation)

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

Some posters were disseminated accordingly but gain less attention, some
classroom has displays with larger font size that better convey messages or the content.

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
One of the rare displays is about informing students regarding sexual identity and gender,
not commonly found a topic that easily contextually. They show limited information
about gender and person but visibly contain less attractive measure. Portrayal of strong
hues was not overreacted and easily comprehensible message are conveyed.
So far, transparency board display got my attention. Not stating it was unusual action of a
school but it is great that students, stakeholders, parents, etc. are aware of the allocation
of budget and money.

8. Take photos of the display boards (if allowed).

1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
If one will look carefully on the different board displays, there are series of topic that
may occur, there are display that motivates the students and other shows instructional method
and mostly all of it is not exaggeratingly decorative since this is not the intention meant.

2. Did the board display design reflect the like/interests of its target audience? Why? Why
The topics interest the target audience, not consuming spaces or shows statements that
may cause confusion. The design shows clear statement of the desired details. It is posted
accordingly, but needed more attention on the font size and allocation of the possibility of
significant details.

3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why?
Why not?
The use of English language to present details or decorative statement for contextual use
were not hardly a problem but the ability of the target audience to comprehend the details
presented though no professional use of words were allocated.

4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Board display, although intended only for a specified people, created a well detailed
presentation of data or information. When interested, one should notice how every part lets you
better understand the topic in the board display.

5. What suggestion can you make?

It also creates a wholesome number of audience when they are attracted to the decoration
involve, may it be to inform, instruct, or motivate audience. Series of changes can also be done
to better attract people to be interested in topics you wish to show.

Proposed Board Display

Theme: Student leader, student learner
Board Title: Let’s start, let’s act.
Rationale: The purpose of the display is to better inform the student’s duties and
responsibilities. The students are also advice to take part in leadership and service.
Objectives: The show and transparently allocate attention in the responsibilities of student
leaders, how they are involve in the teacher and students learning.
Best feature of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
Content Resources:
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:


1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
Few of the things I expect a teacher should have to come up with effective board displays
are creative, articulate, relevant, discrete, and transparent.
2. Which of the skills you named #1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in
making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
One of the things I have learned as a student leader who is also taught to

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills?

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