Maayong Buntag!-WPS Office

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Maayong Buntag! Allow me to share to you this concise yet valuable insights about great leadership.

What is Leadership?

Harvard Business Review defined "leadership" as "the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of
human assistants." A leader, on the other hand, is someone " who successfully marshals his human
collaborators to achieve particular ends." What makes a leader great is someone "who can do (what a
leader does) day after day, and a year after year, in a wide variety of instances". It implies that
leadership is somewhat realizing a certain goal by uniting the constituents and the consistency of doing
these acts is a great leadership. Everybody can claim that he is a leader but everyone must see his
consistency. Hence, being a leader is not enough ; being a great one is what we must look for. Thus,
there must be a necessity for us to choose a "goal-oriented" person who is consistent in his leadership in
different contexts.

What does it take to be a Great Leader?

Walden University cited 10 essential qualities of a great leader. A great leader is a "consistent" person

1. Can communicate clearly.

2. Is passionate about their work.

3. Doesn't care about his popularity (as long as he is doing his job to accomplish a certain task)

4. Keeps his mind open. Hence, he is open to novel idea, he is highly adaptable and flexible to change

5. Can work for his constituents. Hence, he is selfless and willingly serving his people. He does not
consider himself a king or his superiority.

6. Is positive and encouraging.

7. Is respectful.

8. Builds healthy relationship with his constituents.

9. Leads by example.

10. Does not stop learning.

From the cited qualities, the qualities of a great leader can be deduced to an INTECTUALLY, PHYSICALLY
and MENTALLY-ABLE PERSON. He that aspires to be a great leader is someone who has the intelligence,
the skills and the empathy for this constituents. An intelligent leader who has the ability to learn new
approaches and evaluate obsolete practices. A skilled-leader who can perform his duty consistently in
different contexts. A heart-smart leader who is able to feel empathy, respect and build-relationship with
his members.

These qualities are what we need from a leader that will inspire and lead us to be better. I know that we
all dream of a better school and the power to realize this dream lies in your CHOICE. Good leadership
does not occur by accident. In a democratic country like ours, it is basically the product of a WISE

I am, Ruzzel Bodiongan, and I affirm that I have those essential qualities of a great leader. It is not by
accident that I am here persuading you to vote for me but it is my conviction that empowers me to serve
you with my God-given gifts. Karong umalabot na piniliay, ayaw kalimot sa pag uban kanako alang sa
pagkab-ot sa kabag-uhan ug kalambuan. Kini ang inyung ubos nga alagad, manamilit kaninyong tanan.

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