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1. Guerilla warfare was started by the Marathas in the deccan during the
reign of ____________.
2. _________ defeated Humayun at Chausa and Kannauj battles.
3. State whether the following statement is true or false. If false, write
the correct statement.
The main source of income available to Mughal rulers was tax on
4. Match the following
1.Todar Mal a.Emperor Jahangir
2.Abul Fazl b.Revenue Minister
3.Mehrunnisa c.Akbar
4.Sulhikul d.Akbar Nama

5. Analyse the military responsibilities of the Mansabdars. (2)

6. The first occasion for Shah Jahan to test his military prowess was
during the Mughal campaign against Mewar. Discuss the military
campaigns of Shah Jahan. (2)
7. Differentiate between primogeniture and coparcenary. (2)
8. What was Zabt and who were zamindars? (2)
9. Discuss in detail the religious policies of Akbar (4)
10.What was the mansabdari system. (4)
11.Akbar commissioned the translation of many Sanskrit works into
Persian. A maktab Khana or translation bureau was also established at
Fatehpur Sikri for this purpose. The Mahabharata, Ramayana, Lilavati
and Yogavashisht were some of the notable Sanskrit works that were
taken up for translation.
1.List some of the notable books that was translated during the rule of
2.What qualities of a good leader is portrayed through Akbar in the
preceding passage?
Prepared by :Pushya Prasad
Reviewed by : Jojo Martin (HOD)

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