Field Practice

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NAME: ________________________________________

General Instructions: Choose the letter that best corresponds to your


For items 1-10, refer to the case below:

An Aeta community in Northern Luzon is facing numerous risks and

threats. This is brought both by the ongoing reckless mining, fast-
paced civilization in the area, and even long-sought clean and potable
water. Under the IPRA Law, Indigenous People have been protected and
promoted of their rights including their right to ancestral domains,
resettlement, and clean air and water. 
Gemma, a Social Welfare Officer in the Department of Social
Welfare and Development, is assigned in this area. As per the mandate,
she organized the community and assessed its needs. Based on the
series of assemblies in the community, the aforesaid problems came out
as immediate. It was decided that for easy mobilization, a group work
composed of strong-willed Aeta leaders will be organized. 
During the group work process, through the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa
Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services-
National Community-Driven Development Program (KC-NCDDP) of the DSWD,
the community were able to secure potable water through the help of
the group. Also, they came up with the petition letters against the
mining company for its illegal operation and the real-estate companies
for its nonstop building of subdivisions. At present, a series of
dialogues has been advanced by the group and the concerned
institutions to come up with an agreement that is law-abiding and
promotes the welfare of the IPs.

1. What model in group work is not applicable in the situation?

a. Interactionist c. Mutual Aid Group
b. Reciprocal d. All except C

2. The group, in this case is seen as?

a. Interactionist c. Mutual Aid Group
b. Reciprocal d. All except B
3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mutual aid
group model?
a. Group to search for common ground 
b. Working on common tasks  
c. Working on specific needs 
d. Tasks should accord agency function

4. The worker focused on the three different problems in one

a. Right, because the group is capable of.
b. Right, because the group, the worker, and the agency are willing
to be involved in the process.
c. Wrong, because the worker violated the principle of
prioritization and partialization.
d. Wrong, because the group, the worker, and the agency are not
ready to be involved in the process.

5. In the situation, the group is used as?

a. Medium c. Agent
b. Target d. All of the above

6. The community became the entry point for group work.

a. Right, for easy mobilization.
b. Right, because other community members are inactive.
c. Right, because these members of the group are strong-willed
which is seen as an asset.
d. Both A and C are correct. 
7. In this situation, it is more likely that the rest of the members
of the community need not be involved in the group work process. 
a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Not sure

8. In this situation, the group can be used to lead the community

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Not sure
9. Which stage in the Interactionist Approach explains the group’s
conduct of dialogues with other companies or institutions?
a. Task c. Ending
b. Beginning d. Tuning-in

10. Which of the following skills is least likely employed by a

social worker in the situation?
a. Skills in using agency functions 
b. Skills in stimulating and using group relations  
c. Skills in using the reality of the present 
d. Skills in the communication of feelings 

For items 11-20, refer to the case below:

As a Family Relations Counselor, part of your work is to closely

conduct interventions to families experiencing domestic violence. Most
of your clientele come to you that suffer from various forms of
physical abuse. Prompted by the necessity, you asked your manager to
conduct social group work for a specific group of battered wives.
Below are a few of your notes of your clienteles:
    Jane, a 34-year-old online seller mother of four children has been
constantly beaten by her husband. At an early age, she was arranged to
marry the son of their Datu. Left with nothing to say, she forcibly
nodded. In their primary years of marriage, things are well-off. But
when her husband started gambling, the couple engages in frequent
quarrels as the latter’s support inordinately decreases, insufficient
to the needs of their growing family. 
    Lily, a 28-year-old mother of two children ran from their home as
she no longer can endure the hard punches and hits thrown to her by
her husband when drunk. For long years, she suffered from the battery.
One time, her husband went home drunk and delivered a stone-hard punch
to Lily while she was cooking. When asked why her husband simply said
she’s useless. Lily, devastated laid down the floor with tears and
blood covering her face. 
    Angie, a 30-year-old fish vendor mother of two children first
bravely reported her husband of battery in the Barangay. With her
prevailing love for her children, she agreed to resettle with her
husband. Days after, her husband physically abuses her again pushing
her to fully leave him. To her surprise, she found from her mother-in-
law that her husband had a mistress. 
    The three including the other four women and their children were
housed in your agency for one week now. As the worker, you shared the
news with your prospect participants. They were glad to be part of the
process and hope to help them heal.
11. What is the BEST goal for the group?
a. To help cope with the current situation    
b. To know the VAWC law
c. To understand what domestic violence is about 
d. To file cases against their husbands

12. Which approach in group work best fits the situation?

a. Developmental c. Crisis Intervention
b. Remedial d. Both B and C

13. The worker asking her manager to conduct a social group work
process depicts what stage? 
a. Pre-group c. Conceptualizing the group service
b. Private pre-group  d. All of the above

14. The group is seen as?

a. Medium c. Agent
b. Target d. All of the above

15. A strategy of intervention where the worker employs her

conscious use of self to intervene with the women.
a. Symbol and spokesperson
b. Motivator and stimulator
c. Central person 
d. Executive-controller 

16. During the helping process, one client broke down and
excessively cried reminiscing her sufferings. How should a social
group worker intervene first in the scenario?
a. The worker should scold the client and tell what she does is
b. The worker should give the client a warm hug to feel secure.
c. The worker should just let the client cry and vent her deep-
rooted emotions out.
d. The worker should tell her client to stop crying and that
everything will be alright. 
17. Which of the following programs is NOT applicable in the
primary sessions of the group?
a. Counseling c. Self-awareness Activity
b. Open Forum d. Collateral interviews with the

18. Many of the VAWC victims in Filipino families hold a

patriarchal system. Which characteristics of a Filipino Group
best explains this?
a. Segmented c. Strong family orientation
b. Structured d. Compact

19. Before the helping process starts, the worker suggested to

her manager that she planned to do group work in their seven
battered women cases as she sought it as a necessity. The worker
is indirectly influencing what condition in the group?
a. Group Size c. Group Composition
b. Group Selection d. Group purpose
20. All activities employed in the group should be in line with
a. Goal c. Activity
b. Task d. Purpose

For items 21-30, refer to the case below:

G. is a ten-year-old boy with autism, he has recently moved to a

special school setting. He previously attended a mainstream school and spent
a lot of his time in an individual classroom due to behavioral difficulties.
He has a history of difficulties in tolerating his peers and forming positive
relationships. He also struggles with emotional regulation and tends to use
behavior as a means of avoiding tasks in which he thinks he will fail.
Strategies to help keep calm and self-regulate during stressful times have
been unsuccessful as G. struggles with the intensity of working 1:1 with an
adult to become competent in using such strategies.
On transition to his new school, group work in the form of
Attention Autism was used to help develop an experience of shared
enjoyment with G. and his peers. The approach in the initial stages of
the Attention autism program suited G. as there was no expectation of
active participation, instead he was successful by watching the adult-
led tasks. He was highly motivated by the group content which involved
fun, vibrant, colorful, and interesting play through the two stages of
attention grabbers (bucket toys) and attention builders.
This success with group work and enjoyment in the activities
helped develop positive interactions between G. and two of his peers.
He became more confident in commenting and interacting within the
group and became aware of peer common interests, through laughing and
being intrigued by the same things. This generalized into playground
play and shared enjoyment in soft play opportunities within the school
Following a period of further development of the Attention Autism
Programme whereby turn-taking and group work were introduced, G. was
deemed ready for more intense group work within his school day. This
initially entailed involvement in a music group and then progressed
onto a small group with familiar peers with whom he has a positive
relationship to address his emotional regulation difficulties.
Source: Center for Autism-Middletown

21. For Children with Autism, which approach best to use?

a. Remedial c. Developmental
b. Therapeutic d. Interactionist

22. In working with Children with Disabilities (CWDs), program

choice is crucial. Which social group work principles best
explains this?
a. The Principle of Self-Determination
b. The Principle of Progressive Program Experiences
c. The Principle of Guided Group Interaction
d. The Principle of Continuous Individualization

23. G is considered to be what type of group?

a. Treatment c. Recreation
b. Social d. All of the above

24. In the Philippines, which parenting challenges is prevalent

with having children with disability?
a. Lack of treatment facility
b. Paying for the treatment
c. Learning about the disability
d. Coping with the emotional stress 

25. In one of your program media, one member did meltdown, what
should you least likely do?
a. Assess the situation
b. Stay calm 
c. Ignore until he stops
d. Acknowledge the feelings behind    

26. From the case above, Attention Autism Program is an example

a. Program Media c. Activity
b. Group Dynamics d. None of the above

27. In the situation, the group is used as?

a. Medium c. Agent
b. Target d. All except C

28. Likewise, with Casework, Group Work does individual intake

interviews. In the case of CWDs, where can information emanate
a. The client themselves c. The significant others
b. The records d. Any of the above

29. During the helping process, you noticed the members are
obeying when rewarded with candies. Thus, you continuously use
this strategy to set them around. 
a. It’s right c. It depends
b. It’s wrong     d. Neither right nor wrong 

30. Which role of a social worker will most likely suit the
a. Educator c. Guide
b. Motivator d. Facilitator

For items 31-40, refer to the case below:

When typhoon Yolanda hits the Eastern Visayas, many social

workers from the different local government units offered help to
conduct Crisis Intervention Stress Debriefing (CISD) to affected
In one specific area, Vivian, a Social Welfare Officer talked
about her experience. Their unit first coordinated with the local
officials to penetrate the evacuation center. When in there, they
gathered a group of wretched and weakened women. The helping process
started with small talk then moved to share their individual
experiences. One woman spoke, “I no longer know what to do. I’m
devastated, my house is gone, we have don’t have enough food left to
eat.” Another woman added, “I remembered us getting stuck in our roof
begging for help. We thought it’s the end of our life.” After in-depth
counseling, the worker posed a question on how they have been since
the tragedy. Most of them answered to have dealt with the situation
with hope and full of prayers. Vivian continually listens, affirms,
and reassures the group of women. They even planned the next
activities to help them out with their material and psychosocial
needs. Weeks after the intervention, the worker visited back the group
and found to have positively coped with their situation and started a
new life.    

31. Which approach best suits the situation?

a. Crisis c. CISD
b. Crisis Intervention d. Both B and C

32. In a crisis intervention, which should be provided first?

a. Material needs c. Evacuation centers 
b. Psychosocial needs d. Both A and B

33. In conducting the crisis intervention, the worker should

least likely?
a. Conduct an individual intake interviews
b. Conduct an preliminary assessment 
c. Conduct the treatment process
d. Conduct an initial interviews

34. “Vivian continually listens, affirms, and reassures the

group of women,” denotes what treatment techniques?
a. Direct influence c. Sustaining 
b. Direct intervention d. Reflective Discussion

35. “I remembered us getting stuck in our roof begging for help.

We thought it’s the end of our life,” denotes what element in
a. Stressful event c. Perception of stress
b. Precipitating stress d. All except c

36. A social worker conducting counseling in the first meeting

is always right. 
a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

37. Which of the following explains the veracity of conducting

Crisis Intervention?
a. The group of women came to surface their emotions
b. The group offers avenues for a group to share
c. The group helps give hope
d. All of the above

38. The worker taking the active role in crisis intervention is

implied in what principle in social group work?
a. Principle of Purposeful Worker-Group Relationship
b. Principle of Continuous Individualization
c. Principle of Guided Group Interaction
d. Principle of Progressive Program Experiences

39. When asked about their experiences, many clients choose to

remain silent. Which defense mechanism probably operates?
a. Repression c. Sublimation
b. Suppression d. Projection

40. “The worker posed a question on how they have been since the
tragedy,” depicts what skill?
a. Skill in establishing a purposeful relationship
b. Skill in analyzing group situation
c. Skill in effecting meaningful participation 
d. Skill in dealing with group feelings

For items 41-50, refer to the case below:

The City Government of Davao implemented the High Priority Bus

System Project which meant the displacement of the existing Public
Utility Jeepney (PUJ) Sector and their households. 
Christian, a Social Worker assigned in the Social Development
Program of the Project realized the need to conduct group work in a
few of their clientele who will be affected by the project direly. He
first conducted a group interview to gather the necessary information.
Unsurprisingly, loss of income came to be the immediate concern.
Reckoned of his knowledge, he asked his clients to avail of one of the
social assistance programs offered by the project, the livelihood
restoration program. The group forthrightly confirmed their entry.
Christian guided the group in the process of availing of the
livelihood program in the form of starter kits. The group filled up
the application form then was scheduled for a Basic Business
Management Training (BBMT). After that, in two weeks, the group
received their starter kits and started their start-up businesses.

41. What approach will most likely work in the situation?

a. Developmental c. Interactionist
b. Remedial d. All except B

42. Which skill of a social worker best employed by Christian?

a. Skill in program development
b. Skill in using agency and community resources
c. Skill in differential diagnosis and treatment
d. Skill in evaluation

43. Which of the following statements best describes the

developmental approach?
a. The skills of the clients in entering a business venture
b. The clients’ displacement brought by the project
c. The clients’ willingness to help themselves
d. The dream of living a comfortable life

44. What major theme best illustrated by the worker in the case?
a. Humanistic c. Developmental 
b. Phenomenological d. All of the above

45. The group is an example of?

a. Counseling c. Common 
b. Action d. Activity

46. The group is seen as?

a. Medium c. Agent
b. Target d. All of the above

47. “They group filled up the application form then was

scheduled for a Basic Business Management Training (BBMT),”
a. Purpose c. Structure
b. Function d. Goal
48. Which role of a social worker best depicted in the case?
a. Educator c. Guide
b. Motivator d. Facilitator

49. Which of the following best explains the tasks employed in

group formation?
a. Christian decided to conduct a group work
b. Christian conducting an interview
c. Christian asking his clients to avail for the assistance
d. Christian asking his clients to fill up the form

50. There are advantages in resorting to group work. Which one

is used in the case above?
a. For encouragement and support
b. For the internal forces
c. For the use of a variety of activities
d. For cooperative thinking

-End of Set 1-



NAME: ________________________________________

General Instructions: Choose the letter that best corresponds to your


1. Through the group, Anna was happy to extend her help and support
in the group. Which advantage of group work best depicted?
a. Similar problem is best handled in a group
b. Members received a psychological reward
c. There is a cooperative thinking process
d. Internal forces in the group are present to help change the
individual member 
2.  A group of teenage mothers who have the initial skills was
formed to learn how to do dishwashing soap to earn an income.
What type of group is explained?
a. Growth c. Support 
b. Therapy d. Educational

3. Lino joined a group of solo parents to vent his long and deep-
rooted feelings and emotions out. Which advantage of group work
best depicted?
a. Similar problem is best handled in a group
b. Members received a psychological reward
c. There is cooperative thinking process
d. Members are encouraged to participate

4. Which of the following illustrations describes the occurrence of

consensus in a group?
a. Group A decided to file a complaint against their nearby
b. Group B decided to include family integration in its process
c. Group C decided to elect Rio as its president
d. None of the above

5. When Andrea suggested to her manager of organizing group work,

she brought with her the activity proposal. Impressed by the
idea, the manager approved the proposal. What activity in group
work where members of the group are informed of the program?
a. Announcing the group service
b. Pre-group phase
c. Private pre-group
d. Public pre-group

6. A group of OSYs is sent to a rehabilitation center for behavioral

therapy. As Hartford purports, which categories of group use is
a. For effect on participants
b. For collective problem-solving
c. For the change in the environment
d. All except C
7. After successfully toned down the group, Lorie started sharing
her personal thoughts inconsiderate of others’ ideas. What self-
centered role has been portrayed by Lorie?
a. Aggression c. Blocking
b. Degrading d. Special pleading

8. Permissive by nature, the group worker lets the group does their
activities with minimum help from the worker to promote
interaction. Which principle is best employed?
a. Principle of Democratic Self-Determination
b. Principle of Purposeful Worker-Group Relationship
c. Principle of Planned Group Formation
d. Principle of Guided Group Interaction

9. A social worker preparing for the logistics of the group does the
following except?
a. Worker A invited the resource persons for their activities
b. Worker B reserved the venue for their activities
c. Worker C borrowed a basketball for their activities
d. Worker D identified potential resources for their activities

10. A group of mothers was formed to learn sewing to earn a

living. With minimal help from the worker, the mothers were able
to capacitate themselves through their plans. Which principle is
best employed?
a. Principle of Democratic Self-Determination
b. Principle of Purposeful Worker-Group Relationship
c. Principle of Planned Group Formation
d. Principle of Guided Group Interaction

11. The direct stance is used in reference groups.

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

12. Hanie representing an agency gained approval forming a group

of PWDs. With the latter’s trust in the former, they engaged in
the process of resolving their issues in low self-esteem.
a. Principle of Democratic Self-Determination
b. Principle of Purposeful Worker-Group Relationship
c. Principle of Planned Group Formation
d. Principle of Guided Group Interaction

13. Which of the following illustrations describes the principle

of parsimony in data gathering?
a. Worker A collects only relevant data
b. Worker B collects only accurate data
c. Worker C collects only important data
d. None of the above

14. Leo is part of the treatment group who’s inattentive to his

leader and his personal interests should be followed when
performing tasks. Which dimension of group interaction does Leo’s
inattentive fall?
a. Distribution c. Content of Interaction
b. Direction   d. Meaning of Interaction

15. Leo is part of the treatment group who’s inattentive to his

leader and his personal interests should be followed when
performing tasks. Which dimension of group interaction does Leo’s
advancement of his personal interest fall?
a. Distribution c. Content of Interaction
b. Direction   d. Meaning of Interaction

16. Andrew confirmed the group’s decision to not feel out of

place and create tensions. Which Filipino value is depicted by
a. Hiya c. Pakikisama
b. Amor Proprio   d. Gaya-gaya

17. Even afraid of letting down his group, Tristan Dwight

bravely represented their group in a closed-door meeting to
convey their problem of foul order from nearby poultry. Which
Filipino value is depicted by Tristan Dwight?   
a. Hiya c. Pakikisama
b. Amor Proprio   d. Gaya-gaya
18. Lina was confronted by the group for her foul words and
wanted to lead the group instead of Roy whom she sees an
incompetent and lazy. Which Filipino value is depicted by Lina?
a. Ningas Cogon c. Pala Sebo Mentality
b. Amor Proprio d. Euphemism
19. A group of sexually abused young women was formed to help
them learn coping strategies from the trauma brought by the
a. Growth c. Support 
b. Therapy d. Educational
20. Which of the following is least likely to consider in
forming a group?
a. Worker A planned the potential topic for the group
b. Worker B prepared the materials needed for the group
c. Worker C considered forming a group of street children
d. All except B

21. A group of divorced mothers was formed to help them cope

with their separation. What type of group is explained?
a. Growth c. Support 
b. Therapy d. Educational

22. Which of the following statements is least appropriate for

the choice of venues for the group?
a. A group of OSYs conducted its team building in the middle of
a hot open space
b. A group of IPs conducted its open forum under a tree
c. A group of CWDs conducted its play therapy in the playroom
d. A only

23. A cancer support group should always be composed of 7-9

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

24. A group of drug dependents has been organized by Joey and

decided to limit the member up to seven only for a more intimate
a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

25. Which of the following illustrations does NOT explain group

a. An IP group decided to let their Datu talk first before them
b. An IP group decided to organize an extra food feast every
c. An elderly group decided to apprehend a member violating the
dress code 
d. An elderly group decided to start every session with a

26. A therapy group can never be an open group.

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

27. A task group is always a short-term group.

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

28. Ian, a social worker decided for his group to conduct their
session every Saturday from 3 pm until 5 pm. 
a. Right, because Ian is the social worker
b. Right, because Ian is handling a remedial group
c. Wrong, because Ian violated the principle of self-
d. Wrong, because Ian violated the principle of planned group

29. Datu Silay of an ethnic tribe is well respected and followed

because of his adeptness in traditional rural healing. Datu Silay
establishes what type of power?
a. Coercive c. Referent
b. Legitimate d. Expert

30. A member of the group argues on whether to include a certain

rule in the conduct of their session. The group is said to
a. Tension c. Fight 
b. Conflict   d. All of the above

31. During the lecture-discussion activity, the worker asked for

the group’s insights. The worker espouses the group to?
a. Provide opinion c. Clarify questions
b. Ask facts   d. Summarize discussion

32. Which of the following statements is least inappropriate of

the worker’s goals?
a. Worker A planned to organize a group per agency function
b. Worker B planned to organize a group per his skills
c. Worker C planned to organize a group per the resources
d. All of the above

33. When confronted with a group member melting down in the

counseling, the social worker should be adept in handling?
a. Behavior c. Norms
b. Emotions d. Purpose

34. Rom joined a support group to help him deal with his grief
over her mother’s recent death. Which group process best explains
Rom’s entry?
a. Group contagion c. Group conformity
b. Group cohesiveness d. Groupthink

35. When asked for votation, Shan just followed other’s

decisions without proper analysis to conform for the group.
a. Group decision-making c. Group conformity
b. Group cohesiveness d. Groupthink

36. In a group of elderly, one member wanted to conduct field

trips, another one wanted to go watch movies. In the case of a
group with conflicting ideas, tension arises. Which of the
following group process best describes?
a. Competition c. Groupthink
b. Conflict      d. All except C

37. In an IP Community, you formed a core group to help address

the problems of the community. In choosing the leader in the
group, which type of power can be described?
a. Referent c. Expert
b. Legitimate d. All of the above
38. There are reasons for using the group mode of service. Which
of the following best shows the use of the group in the context
of intergroup approaches at the community level?
a. Group A is formed to help facilitate their community’s need to
access basic health services
b. Group A is formed to help the community identify in themselves
the success of a group work program
c. Group A is formed to deal with their husband’s constant and
blatant infidelity
d. Group A is formed as ad hoc committee to perform a specific task
in their community

39. The worker decided to remove Ericka from the group and place
her in another group as she’s been constantly blocking and
creating chaos in the group. Which strategy of intervention did
the social worker use?
a. Direct c. Selection of group members
b. Indirect d. All except A

40. Former Mayor Rodrigo Roa Duterte was first eyed as the next
President of the Republic of the Philippines because of his
innate intelligence, influence, and genuine public service to
Filipinos. Which leadership theory describes the power vested to
the President to lead?
a. Style theory c. Trait Theory
b. Position theory d. Functional theory

41. There are reasons for using the group mode of service. Which
of the following best shows the use of the group to augment
community methods?
a. Group A is formed to help facilitate their community’s need to
access basic health services
b. Group A is formed to help the community identify in themselves
the success of a group work program
c. Group A is formed to deal with their husband’s constant and
blatant infidelity
d. Group A is formed as an ad hoc committee to perform a specific
task in their community

42. Leni is a former youth President and was immediately voted

as the leader for the present formed group. What leadership role
does Leni would resort to when conflicts between members over
materials to be used in the activity would occur?   
a. Occupational role c. controller of internal
b. Executive role d. arbitrator 

43. Which of the following explains explicitly stated norms in

the group?
a. A contract of group process duration
b. An agreement over who leads what activity
c. An agreement on what objectives to be set
d. A contract for the group’s tasks

44. It is unnecessary for the group to disintegrate during the

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

45. Aldren constantly bullies Rey. In one session, he told Rey,

“Just shut your mouth, your no worth anyway!” What self-centered
role has been portrayed by Aldren?
a. Aggression c. Blocking
b. Degrading d. Special pleading

46. Below are illustrations of the group’s common themes in the

Convening Phase, except.
a. Joy showed hesitance in sharing with the group
b. Ann expected the group to be open
c. The worker taking an active role
d. Jere is open to showing her personality

47. Lily, the elected leader of a group facilitated her members

to finish their activity in arts and crafts. At what stage in
group development does the group fully accepting and
understanding each member’s behaviors and personalities?
a. Power and control c. Intimacy
b. Differentiation d. Separation

48. Which of the following illustrations should not be done in

the pre-group interviews?
a. Worker A talked about the group’s common goal
b. Worker B talked about the agency functions
c. Worker C talked about the purpose of the program
d. Worker D talked about the group’s termination
49. A flexible stance works best in treatment groups.
a. True c. It depends
b. False d. Maybe

50. Leny and her team decided to organize a group of working

students struggling to pursue their tertiary education. Which
principle should Leny be guided?
a. Principle of Specific Objectives
b. Principle of Purposeful Worker-Group Relationships
c. Principle of Planned Group Formation
d. Principle of Guided Group Interaction

-End of Set 2-

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