02-Basic 3 Workbook Unit 2

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Basic 3 Unit 2

Unit 2
Business Matters

a. Read Mr. James’ answer to Don Barnes’ message. Fill in the blanks using the phrases

ask your bank manager to come • call you in the afternoon

meet for lunch • received your message • talk tomorrow morning

"Hello, Mr. Barnes. This is Mr. James returning your call.

I (1) _____________________________ this morning and I wanted to let you know

that it’s fine to (2) _____________________________. I think it’s a good idea to

(3) _____________________________ so he can help you make any immediate

decisions. I know you asked me to (4) ______________________________, but I

have meetings all afternoon, so maybe we can (5) _________________________."

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Basic 3 Unit 2

b. Don Barnes calls his bank manager, Mr. Scardi, and asks him to join him and
Mr. James for lunch. Write Don’s message to his bank manager. Use the sentences
from activity a. to help you. Include the following information:

• who is coming to lunch

• where you are meeting for lunch
• what time you are meeting
• the reason for the meeting

Hello, Mr. Scardi.

This is Don Barnes speaking. ______________________________________





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Basic 3 Unit 2

a. Read Arlene’s second e-mail to Yvonne. Then read the descriptions of three factories
below and mark the one that is the most suitable for Arlene’s T-shirt factory.

From: Arlene Ericson

To: Yvonne Bilingsly
Subject: T-shirt factory

Dear Yvonne,
Thanks for your e-mail. I’m really pleased that you’ve decided to take the job.
I’m sure you will do very well.
I am still looking for a location for the T- shirt factory, but it’s not easy to
find the right place. I want a small or medium-sized factory that is not too
expensive. I also want it to be not too far from the center of town, but not

I prefer to buy the factory rather than rent it. That way we can do what we
like with it. I will let you know when I find something.

Factory Description:

A big factory that is in the center of town. It’s for sale, but the price is very high.

A small factory that is in the center of town, and the rent is cheap.

A medium-sized factory that is not far from the center of town and is for
sale at quite a cheap price.

b. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

True False
1. Yvonne is going to work for Arlene, after all. ____ ____
2. Arlene is optimistic about working with Yvonne. ____ ____
3. Arlene is finding it easy to look for a new factory. ____ ____
4. Arlene doesn't really mind where the factory is located. ____ ____
5. Arlene doesn't want the responsibility of owning her own factory. ____ ____

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Basic 3 Unit 2

Fax it
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Fax It”? Rewrite the dialogue by putting the words in
the correct order.

1. give / Could / Mr. Block? / you / to / this / very / It’s / important.

2. sorry. / office / New York / today. / at / I’m / the / Mr. Block’s
3. afternoon? / Will / here / this / be / Oh, / I / he / see.
4. He’s / New York / to / going / No. / be / in / week. / all
5. you / Then / could / to / fax / him? / it
6. right away. / I’ll / it / send / Sure.

b. You have an important parcel to give Mr. Block, but Mr. Block is on vacation until next
week. Write a dialogue between you and Mr. Block’s secretary. Use the phrases from
activity a. to help you.

You: _________________________________________________

Mr. Block’s secretary: _________________________________________________

You: _________________________________________________

Mr. Block’s secretary: _________________________________________________

You: _________________________________________________

Mr. Block’s secretary: _________________________________________________

c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 3 Unit 2

d. Match sentences in column B to the apprpriate situations in column A.

1. You are asking Mr. Block’s secretary a. “Would you mind helping me
to have him call you back when he with this? I don’t think I have all the
arrives. ____ information.”

2. You are asking a colleague to help you b. “Can you tell me a little about your
write a report. ____ experience in this kind of work?”

c. “I’m sorry, but I can’t make our

3. You are asking Mr. Block’s secretary for
appointment today. Would you mind
the location of his office. ____
rescheduling for later in the week?”

4. You are interviewing someone for

d. “Could you give me your
a job and are asking him to tell you
exact address again?”
about himself. ____

5. You are calling to postpone an e. “Please ask him to call me

important business meeting. ____ back as soon as possible.”

e. Choose one of the situations from activity d. and write a dialogue for it.

You: ______________________________________________________________

Your partner: _______________________________________________________

You: ______________________________________________________________

Your partner: _______________________________________________________

You: ______________________________________________________________

Your partner: _______________________________________________________

You: ______________________________________________________________

Your partner: _______________________________________________________

f. Practice your dialogue with your partner.

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Basic 3 Unit 2

Modals: Must and Had To

a. Read the following dialogue between Arlene and Yvonne. Fill in the blanks using the
modals: had to, didn’t have to, must, mustn’t.

Yvonne: Arlene, you (1) ________________ tell me how you got the idea of
opening a T-shirt factory.

Arlene: Well, I (2) ________________ leave school at 16 to help my parents and

I got a job in a clothing factory.

Yvonne: Really? Wow, working in a factory as a teenager (3) ________________

be hard!

Arlene: It was all right, actually. We (4) ________________ work too hard – only
6 hours a day. The only thing I really didn’t like was the horrible brown
uniform we (5) ________________ wear.

Yvonne: Brown? I like brown. By the way, we (6) ________________ decide on

some rules for our factory workers.

Arlene: OK, but we (7) ________________ make them wear anything they
don’t want to wear!

b. Help Yvonne and Arlene write a list of rules for their factory. Write what their
workers must and mustn’t do.

Our Factory Rules

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

c. Exchange your rules with your partner. See if he/she has any other good rules to add
to your list.

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