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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Effectiveness of Grapevine as a Communication

Strategy in Tertiary Administration in the dynamic
world of social media: COVID-19 PANDEMIC
Noreen Sarai, Tatenda Trust Gotora
Computer Science, Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe

Abstract: Nowadays, technology has led to cheap and easy A case study was done at a state university in Zimbabwe. The
communication through use of various social media platforms. research gave a detailed background of communication in
Traditionally grapevine was communicated from one person to section 2, describe the methodology in section 3 and conclude
another directly without any media in between. The rate of with data presentation in the last section.
transmission of information by grapevine has increased
significantly due to social media. This paper seeks to find the II. BACKGROUND OF COMMUNICATION TYPES
effectiveness of grapevine as a communication strategy in
tertiary administration operating during the COVID-19 Communication is the transfer of information from one person
pandemic. A case study was done within the department of to another (Newstrom & Davis 1993 as cited in Kapfunde,
Computer Science at a state university in Zimbabwe. 2000). Forms of communication that exist in communication
Information which got to employees and students from usually consist of the Grapevine, Downward, Upward, Lateral
management in a structured manner was compared to that and Internal-External communication. These can also be used
which got to employees and students through grapevine. The by a tertiary institution in Zimbabwe.
information was obtained through document analysis and
interviews. This information was analysed and the effectiveness A. Grapevine communication
of grapevine was deduced.
Grapevine communication is defined an informal workplace
The effectiveness of communicating through grapevine was dialogue in its purest form according to Patil (2017).
measured in terms of the information being able to be accessed, Grapevine communication tends to spread rapidly and likely
its clarity level, the level of distortion, rate of transmission from
touches each and every person throughout the organization.
sender to receiver and whether there was a two way
communication. The social and personal interactions of members within an
organisation determine the frequency and reach of the
Key Terms: Grapevine, Communication, Information, Portal, grapevine communication. It is an inevitable result of
Social Media, Administration workplace communications. Moreover, Patil (2017) specified
I. INTRODUCTION some of the advantages of grapevine communication in
tertiary institution as:

S ocial networking on social media websites involves the

use of the internet to connect users with their friends,
family and acquaintances according to the Australian
 It‟s a faster means of communication than formal
Communications Consumer Action Network (2019). Social  It builds relationship between people within an
media websites are not always about meeting new people organisation per say.
online, although this does happen in some instances. Instead,  Grapevine communication usually acts as a morale
they are primarily about linking with friends, family and booster as it can be used effectively by the top-
acquaintances you already know. Patil (2017) talked about management for transmitting good and positive ideas
grapevine communications as being an informal workplace or news.
dialogues in their purest form. It is characterized by Some the disadvantages of grapevine communication include:
conversations between employees/subordinates and superiors
that do not follow any prescribed structure, procedure or rule-  The risk of distortion is high as messages from the
based system. Usually at tertiary institutions there is always a sender can reach the receiver in a distorted form.
proper structure used in terms of communication as the  Normally this type of communication does not include
administration itself is setup on a formal structure which also formal channels hence employees can say whatever
demarcates that administration structure in terms of decision they want without fear of identification or correction.
making. The department‟s chairperson reports to Dean who is This could ultimately harm the work environment if
reports to Vice Chancellor directly. This paper deduced the messages are inflammatory.
whether grapevine communication in tertiary administration is
an effective tool.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

 If employees are confused about a grapevine message, to inform, instruct, educate, motivate, persuade, interest,
there have nowhere to confirm the trueness of the direct, control and caution people within the workspace.
Unlike internal communication, external communication
 Usually, most people want to keep their involvement flows in an outward manner. It addresses individuals outside
in the movement of information a secret, hence some the organization, like the prospective students, competitors,
messages might not be permitted to move outside of public, parents, media and the government.
specific groups.
 If damaging information is spread, it‟s difficult to C. Social Media Usage
identify the person or people who are responsible for Social media can be expressed in many ways that is why we
spreading the message. have so many definitions over the internet. There is more of a
 If employees are always the last people to know about kind of description what is the process of social media by
significant progresses trust between higher underlying the interaction among people in which they are
management and employees weaken. creating, sharing, exchanging, modifying their ideas in virtual
 If the administration tries to govern grapevine communities or networks: “Social Media is a group of Internet
communications some employees may feel that higher based applications that build on the ideological foundations of
management is interfering too much on how they are Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User
supposed to communicate. Generated Content”.(Kaplan, A & Haenlein, M., 2010, p .61).
B. Formal Communication Traditionally, people used the Internet to expend content: they
Formal communication analysed in this research included: read it, watched it, and used it to buy goods, products and
services. These days the internet is mainly being used for
1) Downward Communication: social networking using platforms such as whatsapp,
Downward communication is the type of communication that Facebook and Instagram.
moves from top to the bottom, for example from the Vice Social media hence is influencing people‟s ability to think
Chancellor downwards. It travels through senior management independently. According to Hutton, G. & Fosdick, M. (2019)
to lower level functionaries (Kukreja,2017). University goals, a study from Hewlett Packard Labs on social influence in
mottos, priorities, motivational messages, work-related online recommender systems measured how choices were
instructions, newsletters, letters from the VC or Deans „office changed by other people when facing different levels of
are all examples of downward communication. confirmation and different conformity pressures. The results
2) Upward Communication: showed that some people´s opinions significantly sway
people´s personal choices. Some people were more likely to
This communication refers to any communication that moves adjust their own choices if some time had elapsed and when
from employees to supervisors, supervisors to directors, facing a number of opposing opinions. The results showed the
directors to executives according to Kukreja (2017). Similarly, great influence social media has on communication styles
communication from departments to faculties, faculties to within the workplace. This notion served as the pivotal point
higher academic boards are referred to as upward of focus of the research.
communication. Employee suggestions, appraisal
performance reports, feedback on new programs to be III. METHODOLOGY
introduced at a university are all examples of upward Many researchers have classified research methods into
communication in the university context. quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods (Cohen, Manion,
3) Lateral Communication & Morrison, 2013; Garrett, 2016). This research involved both
quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative approach
Papa (1997) suggests that lateral communication usually takes measured the effectiveness of communicating through
place in an organization and is neither upward nor downward. grapevine in terms of the information being able to be
It moves in a horizontal manner and takes place among accessed, clearness, and level of distortion and rate of
members who are at equals and at peer level. Hence an transmission from sender to receiver.
important point worth noting in any lateral communication is
that there is normally not much difference in terms of the A research strategy is how the researcher intends to carry out
hierarchical levels or positions of the receiver and the sender. the work (Saunders, 2009). Research strategies include case
studies, experiments, surveys, ethnography, grounded theory,
4) Internal-External Communication action research and archival research. In this study, the
According to Toppre (2019), internal communication takes researchers used a case study research strategy. A case study
place within the organization or group–among people within is a research strategy used to study phenomenon in a real-life
and also among different groups of employees. It can context. The case used was that of department of Computer
sometimes be oral or written, visual or audio-visual, and Science as the researchers are members of that department,
upward or downwards. Hence internal communication serves hence aware of its flow of communication.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

According to Creswell (2017), a target population is the whole SPSS. Data was presented and analysed according to themes
group in which the researcher intends to select the sample for used in testing effectiveness of grapevine communication.
the purpose conducting a scientific inquiry or making
Theme 1: Access of information.
observations about a phenomenon. In other words, a target
population encompasses individuals, groups, organisations The goal of this theme was to check the ratio of people who
and objects who are eligible for selection as tine study sample. obtained information through grapevine and also formal
The research target population were employees and students communication.
of the Computer Science department. The department Table 2: Information Disseminated By Grapevine
comprised of seven (7) members, five teaching staff and two
technicians. Level two students (Fifty-seven students) within No. of No. that
Information disseminated
people accessed %
the department were also part of sample population chosen as by Grapevine means
interviewed information
it would be easier to be in touch with them during the
1 Salary date 7 6 86
lockdown period as the researchers were also teaching them in
Date of closure of the
one or two modules. 2 University due to 57 48 84
A research instrument is a measurement dimension that is
Introduction of
employed by researchers to gather appropriate data from the 3 University Online virtual 57 10 18
study participants (Zohrabi, 2015). The instrument used was Classroom (MOVC)
interviews. Interviews were mainly conducted via Whatsapp 4
Invitation for faculty
7 3 43
and Skype where possible. Physical face-to-face posed as a seminar presentations.
Safety Guidelines in
challenge due the COVID-19 pandemic. 5 57 15 26
relation to COVID-19
The data collected included eight (8) randomly selected, Amount of school fees to
6 7 6 86
be paid by students
different information which was retrieved through grapevine
and eight (8) randomly selected different messages which 7 Salary increment 7 5 71
were retrieved through formal communication. Table 1 Allocation of a certain
8 module to be taught by a 7 3 43
showed information which was circulated through grapevine certain lecturer.
and by formal means. The number of people interviewed per Average 57
each piece of information circulated is shown on the table.
Table 2 showed the number of people (students and staff
After collection of the data, it was analysed quantitatively and
members who were interviewed to get responses on whether
they received the information when it was disseminated via
Table 1: Messages Communicated By the University Administration grapevine. The results showed that on average 57% managed
Information to receive the information, for all the eight messages that were
Information disseminated by
disseminated Grapevine circulating through grapevine.
Formal means
by means
Table 3: Information Disseminated Through Formal Means
1 Salary date Salary date
Date of closure of the Information No. of No. that
Date of closure of the
2 University due to disseminated by Formal people accessed Percentage
University due to COVID-19
COVID-19 means interviewed information
Introduction of
Introduction of University 1 Salary date 7 6 86
University Online
3 Online virtual Classroom Date of closure of the
virtual Classroom
(MOVC) 2 University due to 57 55 96
Invitation for faculty Invitation for faculty seminar COVID-19
4 Introduction of
seminar presentations. presentations.
Safety Guidelines in Safety Guidelines in relation University Online
5 3 57 49 86
relation to COVID-19 to COVID-19 virtual Classroom
Amount of school fees Amount of school fees to be (MOVC)
6 Invitation for faculty
to be paid by students paid by students 4 7 7 100
7 Salary increment Salary increment seminar presentations.
Allocation of a certain Allocation of a certain Safety Guidelines in
5 57 50 88
8 module to be taught by module to be taught by a relation to COVID-19
a certain lecturer. certain lecturer. Amount of school fees
6 7 7 100
to be paid by students
7 Salary increment 7 7 100
8 module to be taught by 7 7 100
This section presented data obtained during the research a certain lecturer.
study. Data which related to accessing information through Average 94
grapevine and formal means was obtained and analysed using
software packages like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Table 3 showed the percentage number of people who the internet or social networks. On average it showed that
received the information when it was communicated using 64% found the information to be very clear.
formal means. The results showed that on average 94% Table 5: Clear Information- Formal Communication
received the information. The formal means used were the
university staff and student portal. No. of
Information No. of
disseminated by people %
Formal means interviewed
is clear
Percentage who 1 Salary date 6 6 100

accessed the 2
Date of closure of
the University due to 55 55 100
information Introduction of
University Online
3 49 48 98
virtual Classroom
57 Grape vine Invitation for faculty

94 Formal
4 seminar
Safety Guidelines in
7 7 100

5 relation to COVID- 50 48 96
Fig 1: Percentage who accessed the Information. Amount of school
6 fees to be paid by 7 7 100
As shown on Fig 1 , in the department of computer science students
information did travel through grapevine however more
7 Salary increment 7 6 86
employees and students obtained the information through
Allocation of a
formal means. certain module to be
8 7 7 100
taught by a certain
Theme 2: Clear information
The aim of this theme was to check the ratio of people who Average 97
managed to receive the information in a clear way, for both
grapevine and also formal communication. Table 5 represented the number of staff members and students
who found the information to be very clear when they
Table IV: Clear Information- Grapevine Communication
received it through formal means. There was a deduction in
Information No. of No. of people terms of the number of people interviewed as some out the
disseminated by people :information % total sample population could not access the information via
Grapevine means interviewed is clear
the internet or social networks. On average it showed that
1 Salary date 6 5 83 97% found the information to be very clear.
Date of closure of the
2 University due to 48 40 83
Introduction of Who said information
University Online
virtual Classroom
10 9 90
is clear
Invitation for faculty

4 3 2 67 Grape vine
seminar presentations.
Safety Guidelines in
relation to COVID-19
15 10 67 97 Formal
Amount of school fees
6 6 3 50
to be paid by students
Fig 2: % of Clear Information
7 Salary increment 5 2 40
Allocation of a certain 97% of the people who accessed information through formal
8 module to be taught by 3 1 33 way said the message was clear as shown in Fig 2. A low
a certain lecturer. number of 64% said the information they got through
Average 64 grapevine was clear.
Table 4 represented the number of staff members and students Theme 3: Distorted information
who found the information to be very clear when they
received it through grapevine means. There was a deduction The aim of this theme was to check the ratio of people who
in terms of the number of people interviewed as some out the received distorted information in any way, for both grapevine
total sample population could not access the information via and also formal communication.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

Table 6 : Distorted Information through Grapevine Table 7 showed that 2% of the students and staff received
No. of distorted information when formal communication was used.
Information No. of
disseminated by people %

Grapevine means

Salary date

is distorted
6 100
Percentage who said
Date of closure of
the University due to 48 5 10
information was…
Introduction of
University Online Grape vine
3 10 0 0
virtual Classroom
(MOVC) Formal
Invitation for faculty
3 3 100 45
Safety Guidelines in
Fig 3 Distorted Information
5 relation to COVID- 15 0 0
19 Fig 3 showed that information circulated through formal ways
Amount of school
6 fees to be paid by 6 5 83
is more accurate than that circulated through grapevine. Only
students 2% said the information was distorted. From the interview
7 Salary increment 5 0 0 done the grapevine information was distorted because the
Allocation of a messages they got were not complete or different versions
certain module to be were said about the same thing.
8 3 2 67
taught by a certain
lecturer. Theme 4: Degree of travel of information
Average 45 The goal of this theme was to measure the degree of travel of
the information for both methods of communication. The rate
Table 6 represented the number of staff members and students determined was whether it was slow or faster depending on
who found the information to be distorted when they received the questions posed to the respondents.
it through grapevine means. There was a deduction in terms of Table 8: Degree of Travel
the number of people interviewed as some out the total sample No. that
population could not access the information via the internet or No. of
people %
social networks. This means when the information was then interviewed
confirmed it was found to different with what they received. first
On average it showed that 45% found the information to be Salary date 6 6 100
distorted. Date of closure of the
48 40 83
University due to COVID-19
Table 7: Distorted Information – Formal Means Introduction of University
Online virtual Classroom 10 4 40
Information No. of No. of people
disseminated by Formal people :information %
means interviewed is distorted Invitation for faculty seminar
3 2 67
1 Salary date 6 1 17 Safety Guidelines in relation to
15 15 100
Date of closure of the COVID-19
2 University due to 55 0 0 Amount of school fees to be
COVID-19 6 5 83
paid by students
Introduction of Salary increment 5 5 100
University Online
3 49 0 0 Allocation of a certain module
virtual Classroom
(MOVC) to be taught by a certain 3 2 67
Invitation for faculty
4 7 0 0 Average 80
seminar presentations.
Safety Guidelines in As shown in Table 8 there was a deduction in terms of the
5 50 0 0
relation to COVID-19
number of people interviewed as some out the total sample
Amount of school fees
to be paid by students
7 0 0 population could not access the information via the internet or
7 Salary increment 7 0 0
social networks. Grapevine information travelled faster than
formal information. 80% of the people receive information
Allocation of a certain
8 module to be taught by a 7 0 0 through grapevine. This meant that 20% missed the grapevine
certain lecturer. messages and only received strictly formal messages. Then
Average 2

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

they got the same information later through formal Table 10 showed that on average 74% of the people
communication. interviewed said that there was a two way communication
with the source of information. Some could even respond via
Theme 5: Two way communication
email to the messages they received using formal channels.
This was created to check whether grapevine and formal There was a deduction in terms of the number of people
communication facilitated two way communications as this interviewed as some out the total sample population could not
ensured effective communication. access the information via the internet or social networks.
Table 9: Two Way Communication- Grapevine

No. that Percentage who said there was

No. of supported
Information disseminated by allowance for 2 way
people allowance of %
Grapevine means
interviewed two way
communication with source of
1 Salary date 6 1 17 information
Date of closure of the
University due to COVID-19
Introduction of University
48 2 4
3 Online virtual Classroom 10 3 30

Invitation for faculty seminar
3 0 0
74 Grape vine
Safety Guidelines in relation
5 15 0 0
to COVID-19
Amount of school fees to be
6 6 0 0
paid by students
7 Salary increment 5 1 20 Fig 4 Two Way Communication
Allocation of a certain module Fig 4 showed that grapevine lacks the 2 way communication.
8 to be taught by a certain 3 1 33
Received information cannot be given feedback to the source.
Only 13% of the people were able to do the 2 way
Average 13
communication under grapevine information.
Table 9 showed that on average 13% supported the notion that Table 11: Summary of Results
a two way communication is possible using grapevine with
source of information known while most had no idea of the Averag
Averag ge % Average
origin of the messages. Averag e%
e% that % that
e% who
that said supported
Table 10: Two Way Communication - Formal who said
said they allowanc
accesse inform
No. that inform receiv e of two
d the ation
Information No. of supported ation ed way
inform was
disseminated by people allowance of % was grape communi
ation distorte
Formal means interviewed two way clear vine cation
communication first
1 Salary date 6 3 50 e
57 64 45 80 13
Date of closure of the communi
2 University due to 55 49 89 cation
COVID-19 Formal
Introduction of communi 94 97 2 ----- 74
University Online cation
3 49 25 51
virtual Classroom
Invitation for faculty Table 11 summarised the average statistics obtained according
4 7 6 86
seminar presentations. to analysed five themes.
Safety Guidelines in
5 50 35 70 Grapevine was proved to be not an effective way of
relation to COVID-19
Amount of school fees
7 5 71
communication in tertiary administration. From the study
to be paid by students above, formal communication was more accessible than
7 Salary increment 7 5 71 grapevine communication. 94% of people accessed the formal
Allocation of a certain communication as compared to 57% of people who accessed
8 module to be taught by 7 7 100 grapevine. Formal communication was clearer than grapevine
a certain lecturer.
communication. Grapevine information was more distorted
Average 74 than formal information. In grapevine communication it was

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue II, February 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

difficult to have a two way communication since the source of as they check their Whatsapp almost on instant bases once
information cannot be easily identified. However grapevine they receive a message. Thus grapevine communication
information travelled faster than formal communication. travelled faster than formal communication. Therefore
Whatsapp should be added as a secondary media to circulate
In summary grapevine communication in tertiary
administration was found to be not effective. Therefore
Tertiary institutions must not rely on employees getting Thanks go to the researchers for their dedication towards the
information through grapevine. At least one of the formal research that aided in producing this research paper. Support
ways should be employed to relay information between from the respective department and participants is worth
superiors and employees and students. In cases where mentioning as they played a vital role during the research
grapevine may not be eliminated, it may only be used as a study
supplement to formal communication. The administration
personal should minimise grapevine by:
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