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Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen

Before I begin, let me introduce myself and my group. My name is Hoang Thi Hoa, I
come from group number 11 and my group has 2 other people. They are Le Van Minh and
Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai. I am delighted to be here today to talk to you about the
preservation of fruits and vegetables with Sodium. My presentation is divided into 4 parts
including: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussions and finally
To begin with introduce to the topic
As you remember that fruit is a popular food on our daily menu. However, this type of
food is often not protected properly and is easy to spoit. On the other hand, it is estimated
that about 30% of all processed fruits and vegetables are lost before reaching consumers
In Vietnam, the annual production of vegetables and fruits is about 30 million tons,
according to which the amount of FVD is also very large. SMB is an effective
preservative with known bactericidal properties that are widely used in the wine industry
as well as for the preservation of fresh and dried fruits, to inhibit reactions. If the FVD is
discharged directly, it will cause environmental problems. However, a survey showed that
during the waiting period for transportation from the packer to the recycling center, FVD
tends to degrade in quality and promote failure. To be able to overcome this situation,
several methods have been introduced and applied in the world, in which the use of SMB
as a preservative is a rather promising method. This is a readily available, and
cheap powder that is easy and safe to handle. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic catalysis, and
effectively inhibits microbial growth. However, there is no information on the extent of
SMB use in FVD storage under air exposure conditions. So this experiment will
demonstrate the effectiveness of using SMBs and determine the appropriate SMB load
level in FVD preservation.
Materials and method
First, about the test subject, we will perform this experiment on the discarded FVD. FVD
can be from restaurants or local fruit distributors. Then add SMB and monitor their
variation day by day under aerobic conditions and record the results. (SMB can be
purchased from local additive stores).
Specific steps include:
Step 1: FVD (approximately 120kg) was collected from local shops around for 3
consecutive days.
Step 2: After being collected, FVD will be crushed and coarsely cut into small pieces 30-
40 mm in size. Next, it was mixed thoroughly and divided into 5 samples with a weight of
25 kg.
Step 3: From the 5 separate portions of the sample, add 0.2,4,6 and 8 g/kg FVD,
respectively. Mix each portion thoroughly with a mixer for 10 minutes, then subdivide
each portion into 5 smaller buckets, each weighing 5 kg FVD. A total of 25 buckets
Step 4: Buckets with different levels of added SMB will be marked and placed under
natural aerobic conditions. Monitoring and sampling for days 0,3,6,9 and 12 days,
Step 5: Samples taken at random positions in buckets will be brought into the laboratory
and microbiological, physicochemical criteria will be determined. From there, the results
of evaluating the effectiveness of SMB are given.
Result and Discuss
After 2 weeks of collecting and analyzing results, FVD was evaluated through the criteria
of color, odor, number of bacteria, mold, physicochemical composition, nutritional
content and presented in the form of a graph as well as a graph. as the table below

Fig. 1. Counts of total bacteria (A), mold (B) as a function of sodium metabisulfite (SMB)
load and time
Figure 1 shows the dependence of the number of bacteria (A) and mold (B) in discarded
fruits and vegetables (FVD) on the amount of sodium metabisulfite (SMB) added and
tracks this number for 12 months. day. In the experiment, the amount of SMB added to
each sample was 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g/kg FVD, then the bacterial count was monitored for
0,3,6,9 ,and 12 days. Immediately after SMB was added, the numbers of bacteria and
molds varied in the samples. With SMB added at 8 g/kg biomass, the bacterial count was
only 4 log cfu/g while at the other SMB levels, the bacterial count was higher and peaked
at 0g/kg with almost 6 log cfu/g. On the mold side, there was not even an appearance after
6 days with the SMB sample supplemented at 8g/kg. In the following days, the nember of
bacteria tended to increase in all samples. Especially, the SMB sample was treated at 0g
and 2g, and the number of bacteria and mold increased sharply after 3 days. After 6 days,
SMB supplemented with dosages of 4g, 6g and 8g/kg with the same number of bacteria
and molds was controlled to increase quite little compared to the baseline. In the
following days, the number of bacteria in the samples still tended to grow. however, the
SMB samples were treated at 0g and 2g, the number of bacteria increased very little or
not, this shows that in these two samples, the bacteria and molds soon reached their
maximum after 3 days. After 12 days, with SMB treated at 6g/kg and 8g/kg, the number
of bacteria controlled was relatively low and even more obvious in molds. This result
reflects the effectiveness of SMB in maintaining the inhibition of bacterial proliferation.
The results showed that FVD supplemented with SMB at 4g/kg could maintain bacterial
and mold counts for 6 days and at 6g and 8g/kg, this figure was up to 12 days.

Items Sodium metabisulfite load, g/kg biomass SEM p-value

0 2 4 6 8
0-d DM, % 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.5 14.5 0.13 0.97
Crude protein 6.44 a
6.52 a
6.39 a
6.41 a
7.10b 0.11 0.04
NDF 14.8 14.3 13.7 13.8 14.2 0.23 0.59
Ether extract 2.37 2.50 2.30 2.18 2,43 0.08 0.65
Ash 4.50a 4.85a 5.55ab 6.03b 7.61c 0.24 < 0.01
NFC 71.9a 71.5a 72.1a 71.6a 68.7b 0.32 0.01
After DM, % 13.9b 15.9a 15.9a 15.1a 15.8a 0.19 0.01
3d Crude protein 7.23 6.94 6.56 6.56 7.11 0.29 0.49
NDF 16.1 15.1 14.0 13.5 13.9 0.46 0.55
Ether extract 2.48 2.33 2.35 2.05 2.19 0.10 0.49
Ash 5.86a 5.38a 5.53a 6.72 b
7.94c 0.27 < 0.01
NFC 68.3 70.6 71.6 71.2 68.9 0.71 0.36
After DM, % 9.83c 14.9b 15.9a 15.5 ab
16.1a 0.39 < 0.01
6d Crude protein 10.7a 7.46b 6.67b 6.91b 7.17b 0.41 < 0.01
NDF 23.7a 17.0b 12.8c 13.5c 14.3c 1.10 < 0.01
Ether extract 3.18a 2.40b 2.24b 1.96b 2.25bc 0.17 < 0.01
Ash 7.67c 6.22ab 6.43a 7.01ab 8.01c 0.21 < 0.01
NFC 54.8c 66.9b 71.9a 70.6a 69.1a 1.67 < 0.01
After DM, % 11.3c 13.8b 16.4a 16.6a 16.4a 0.43 < 0.01
9d Crude protein 10.4a 9.24b 6.25c 6.71c 6.63c 0.51 < 0.01
NDF 23.6a 18.6b 13.9c 14.3c 13.0c 1.17 < 0.01
Ether extract 3.75a 3.07a 2.13b 2.61b 2.31b 0.23 0.02
Ash 8.67b 6.02a 6.66a 7.15a 8.09b 0.24 < 0.01
NFC 53.6c 63.1b 71.1a 69.2a 70.0a 1.99 0.01
After DM, % 11.1 b
11.3 b
17.1 a
16.8 a
17.6 a
0.59 < 0.01
12 d Crude protein 10.9 a
10.1 a
6.81 b
7.56 b
7.07 b
0.61 < 0.01
NDF 24.7 a
25.7 a
12.5 b
12.9 b
13.4 b
1.61 < 0.01
Ether extract 4.65a 4.71a 3.83a 1.99c 2.35c 0.36 0.02
Ash 9.60 a
9.22 a
6.96 b
7.10 b
7.82 b
0.38 < 0.01
NFC 50.2 b
50.3 b
69.9 a
70.5 a
69.4 a
2.66 < 0.01
Table 1. Chemical composition of fruit and vegetable discards as a function of sodium
metabisulfite load and time. Values are based on % of DM, unless stated.
DM = dry matter; NDF = neutral detergent fiber; NFC = non-fibrous carbohydrates;
SEM = standard error of the mean. a–c Means with different superscripts within the same
row differ, based on Tukey's test (p < 0.05).
Table 1 shows the change in nutrient composition in FVD samples depending on the
amount of SMB added day by day. Immediately after addition, the ash content in the SMB
unloaded sample was 4.5% and increased to 7.6% in the SMB sample of 8g/kg. NFC
content of SMBs of the treated samples (4–8 g) remained largely unaffected during
storage indicating the effectiveness of SMB in retaining components of FVD. After 12
days of storage, crude protein content increased in SMB treated at 0g, 2g and decreased at
4,6,8g. DM content decreased from 14.5% to 11.1% in unloaded SMB samples. , in
contrast in samples 4,6 and 8g, this concentration increased. In general, SMBs treated at 6
and 8g provide a shelf life of at least 9 days.

This experiment has shown that the use of SMB in the preservation of FVD has a very
good effect. With the ability to inhibit microbial growth, delay the degradation quality and
antioxidant capacity of SMB, only 6 and 8 g can maintain the freshness of FVD for about
9-12 days in aerobic conditions. This will be the basis for the application of SMB in
preserving FVD in particular and fruit ,in general, to be developed and popularized in the
near future.
Thanks you all for listening

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