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NUMERICAL HETHODS a Dlgebmaic avd HromcendorbbheueRons Consider an enpekion Lcxd)=0+ Ty Fed tna Aigelrnic phgnomiah then tin om aigelsnaic eqpchion: Ye LOD Conkois tr Kepiqnorndh gc alyeenhic mexporedtes 7 legartimnc Jumekor Then £os=0 oMed a clevdeh equdiin - Me vreluec dS Atel Bod = feQ~* or aerators = Tagrming he pecond and eiquaacepree terns tw Coc , Hida Camloe 3 “A Remy= RES + Om- DOS —® Ain Aenen write Yona Telen apnoea apace A Fon) pean the pak Ya! the enack yeh being 2240 . tom O+® OF FOP a(n -2) HOS — £2) FX RA me ar f@Q —® Towing O= to and mm We eae ad = 2c, $22 _) m= fe Were Ate ‘ e cad * tte abandon de m, tard e Trouk Raed op stenimetion ae mn te w-a= Rejplacing 2 bs X, Qed los Xo GD , we Bk @ Yee Accord .Bdar ayiProsiemation Ay wn. Sey a FED © e = Raed creed ing Like hin , Lue dakeim UeCeWns alaoaireckions Ms, %Xy, Ay dag’. Th govern Ke Gx Dib BdH aj{norimealion dy m com be view > he Ni akous hence yrorula. 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Deedee ed Got = $Xody = Sm AAW Ces WL = SoA _teao) a = Oy ee OO Sean) => Bary = Ka— ossoanm aes Bq CAB) Oey -A5,8 P89) sn W=6,\j2° Chen 20 oT my = wen (REED TEGO") = B\U\S9—0°SNB3\ = 282328 moa, — (te TOA) = 2-92328 — (sama 2? 2328) = 2-7193828 @ Ma = Wm Cx, *1 m2) Tam (2798 29] \ = e148) SARS3B = 2-799 SThe Bud BAer afarewersion See nak de KMraxcnaso wy UTTAAS, Ex Pindtte lth Nok dp Br Ud-8 queustm- Roparen senethad acetal wists ade Noten . Lak meciGey es ace ae nh wleure =e need The Nob ty HSE =O Sin Ge M6 awd ats B\ lexus chore tre Warel ai rorterchion a (2,3) ACY Wo= 29 : Loy = mtae => cacy a yar . On 4, ee, EO ca 32 So) Das oO teal y Soa BAg*St ern s023-- ‘, Gar ac, Stew 32 D422 _ 5,397 Ye U(Qd> 4 ney =, Sale (a BeDesz _ 129: 3I4 mea uc2aanD> 54 -4or = 231846 & Sc Se Ca BI@udye2 _ \28-057 sg. wae Ta sUo BS BIR ~ 21838 Stina 24 =A, =2-738 ee he Ub ngtds 32 2 2-732 ba 2 Fintre DIFFERENCES Fauoend dikpsrentin? Const wend d+ : Conidaan a huncon 4 = $05 dy on Tnde}rendenk youtelda a. 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Weamer Xo - Ext: Gen OEY RWO=3, F@=7, F@™=13 fad £60: Vater NET Favmuile Fe o Newton's Jawad ter\labrg [phn sal tthe, Aeron Acta anc Rena twa £ (0-19), Yeroue di thet G=1, pz O-\ Sacro => 01) = Or were Mala yele ee wanrent 4 Coe YorPts * eC pd AGAR E i res SI_ L¥OdD=\*ODO* CHEOY d+ © ie = [x 0-2 010% =. Te yt \pdynornich we Lair par thew Hp=XorPh —> =x =Oxe® Dax | = 6 Cd Yor passe ele) 4 4 POLDRY2Z cS = yd = ARO —— 0 Ee aes a YCo TD) =\* 015+C019) — 410629 Se Ex2. Given So bS'=0707l, epn66= 0S = O-BAIZ , Sm 6S = 0-BEE Rd Se KS. qd) Soma Gareron dns Se p> we Need Y= a Were to = 8" JL Byraat bh => P= Ae : wath? nore re Me Yor Ahox POPDA © x 2h BOD Kise ; _ pot + 0 HG PLD ES E04) (010081) ~ ‘ 2. Ee “lord COD CD (9:00) B = 0.TK2\ CYP Gea: Ne Wass Qierttre StKontes (ewibesydy Abe yonds hacen \e te ayn own (inher) p= xox hh p= We Bo _ 218-200-0136 h 50 Y= Yor PAtos PCED By ,* PCROR 23 —e Oo e ° Ez BCRP Aaa & ities scp ERO OS €or) = ss (03O(036-DL36-D (o» ee S > (0109) 4 02D OIE DOAEDOHED C00 NEE = 5:0 4 0'63T24O10\BUTO 100\9 +0:0004- ==Kouet td xy. a Sk" Prom the Aste Qiyenveow, {ped the mbes or a co ddcdned Ci) Lexr on U9 maths ye and (ily beliseenn YOaand US HAS: LEY FO dente the wre’ 4, Baden alleen Then YUO=31, Q\+42=73, y(6d)= 73491 124 2 15S S(SD2197431 =170 ‘ uo 150 160 [7 Tso} serfs [> hee [154 [is 4 (S0)= 4 (IO= \2U 435 = Ie reed taind 3 canedgorsig bea 42 Ware Boe :, ApeorPh=ohaMH Ae = 48-Ue Or p=o'S to s a Yorba PCED ie Penna eb > SYUD=3\+O (d+ DOOD (9) + (oDCOIAY, on & eB aS coo D(-VD29) ad Ce? = Q\+2\-)129 -\" 5629-1 eS = yp Betd 2 Ke 2. No dg ntudens Who reed Lemvthom US ee Bimcathe wo. Abicemia semred Cemsthor LG U3( . Lode Mireles ne caved lectern UOorel U5 jn UR—BI =1T ———— Exo: Find Hoe tnbeaplabiog bdipnomial, bite burehion Yc head Gaver'’4 R@=\,fO=2, 4(2d2 \. #(a=)0- HencLine $6079) eae) To tik a beisnorniel toe Chhatke Aparw ae Wp =WoPa—> wa OXPO=S> bare 4 = Yo ® PASO PCED o COED Spy x CEO, => 5 eee 2 (+8 CO+ esc ad Epcot) S25 DOD 2585 ax Ga \ im aan oe avd 4(-0: = -l. FXG! Findthe MUA artne tn the Ale Beret pry sts le Lsehaye Le Knasn velar tre pdynomta oi glk ba tan tall | OS = Onnicl Woe. Ahandor EXT: indie ming velier inthe \Masmgtelde: @) teeme one k Kenan rvralver dy, O 3d deqee pdynomtal Whe the dake Qua Kh mdr fauad Aayareres Adrodibe Zero y [43 | Ae BSS a 6 . GL Ma 4 UI- 34a. 4 oe tionl aoe 21-24 c woe Sao. \e¥2 kay ‘4 WeIz \ ya ye NT \yy-t Peo? BLS se Bue aeuia\tee ent 2\ - = aya\oo y, 46 4g=\O2 sine AYs0 a =\GB 4y=22'8 us tha My=N6 4-55 Yyrl0 Ven Wwe devitted te etren Terms os 4041 42,43 54 grerleeckively and (ps \titewn is dy, - we hose % a ee Yo=2, A%=S, ALOT, S358 SI, 55 YW Cope Yor PASE TPC AG, ae PCRD PPV 04 4 - TE GS . yc ax5spr PO Dan NEP @ +0 = = en Pu Spee The (extn teow dye a iy prkas 2 iat \ Oster is N= QUA DAD = ead QB, A. =32° Besse EXSs Gye, =225, We 2F — ae AL=Ao+ Ph OB =0+PO peo U Cay) = Uo PA * reed ty Pea, ” veomadbiegonts io CODER = =~ ©: D0) EVD 12 ge ies oe 3 SN Gal 2 Neuton- Gregany varcuerd ‘erplate Fawla CNBEED: @ Suppae Yo. 2-° Sa onthe veluesdy Y=F(2) Carerponding, ty We eqpidickort valuesd, oc Aoy Dojt\ ta -- Ba TOY iterbhola nuda dota ab . Abe end dy the one yey MEERdy We UNETAE Reustons Backers sabtarlodtcbdan povraidn (meth) UCap)= st THe or CPD or BORD Aye. Uneru A, ae be Ap Ay | R Exh Gupen FOR, POH, AD 21, PD=\B dps gad: pro ta Newton's Buprormtah The adjendtta ot Tw aoe 4 oo tp=2’ — b- Ah aA-3 --04 » WOnde Age PTIa* Fang «Ronee AaB 24 (2.292 \3* Coden cede” (> = 3-06-0107 =12-3\ Te Wk o phgnamich we tke Mpe% Vhew Hp =Bar eh => ci 3rxeo mn p24 eo Yq~ PTAnt PCP) ine . i saeco Ot (a-DAD +O iS S\\a 6% =. Boece Ae = Zz Ex, The aneor dy cinces |p dajpore AS oats a = \a-7\ diaendiom ee 100\7824E% ~100-+ PO = hA\ ps Bare > \o5 2 y cage dne P Toa PLD (TH+ eC wae PDQ?y + —- = 1854+ 6) Oe @ (a 22D EN Wa s5 uy = 785u x166+L0 ae DUS BEES OV wit © Bae dcthe cincls Wide Stamneten ia lo Ste tn 8666 AG EX3 The population 4 a tou is Qiven by 3 Youn Yat! | 178i | 1a7t | 2eol | zou Reena | tte \or \sse 97-18 \94-5¢ Unig Fee Newer \puond 2 and beckon idterphdton, 7 Gadel pte beginning dhe Wlevh lye wre NET = yer Xo AIL, ee aes L: -\a ee ee ee Lol woe hove NEE! eo cee ace Avs CP PEP, Bea 4 QAD= 19-46 COD UFO +@ Ren 8) (-0:53) ~ @ WDCOBA® C526) ~ @wWeoed7O eA) i = 19-96 1-816 4010636 1O\GE4- © 003328 SE 21:9196 wi Re pole the date ckthe end dtthe & iderych we re NOTFadthe BWp=anthh, Hex Bp = 2003, A,=2OW, A= 10 Spe ApTBn_2oo5-20\\ =-0'G we have NETE! is Ycxp= P L CHP =Ip* T4, TEC oO ODF 4 (2005) = Fy S8* CoDUPD+C0OlW) (697) @ + Colo aw cots) B + (0'® Co DOD 2 (0:08) 2 — 6:00 2688 lo = Fu SB A0uk+ GMNWEL*TOOIOS Se By :264 So The tncnaate b-lpdet Latnon By. 264-21 B19 os 56:28 (eAjhousondd) Bis TRY. YoURSELE' Ber Giyen $ (UO =NS4, $(a0)220u, FED= 226 #a0=250 £(gaQ= 716, $(@0)= 304 Hknd $(28) avd S22). pro \BO-2e, 289-75 Be: Gwe Cope aS Find £ (12-9) and £(13-\) beg UALS We Newtons packard mierldabg [ed ypnamicd / Paar fds XFL Rw 529-15, FOR D=33-7/ 2 Laarances Eeterpdcdh SS SS plekion ESwmulle a L&E Yo My See: Sq be Me rsolves oy I= 460) canerlonbing be 207 Oy dp oc, her te A hy SRE NE necesoils expelly paced Gad AD at" (a-80) y 4 = #9 = (ao-BD) CD) Gee-4S) - Gas) Cx-%0) (AAD) CABS) « at) 4 . CDE DGD: AAO ag) AE) _. eee a Os) AS Gas) — hs) -* Ce WADA) — AB) 4 aa) -- AB) =“ = {3 4 Te ss Ext ove Teal estes nase. =6 aot A 23, AaB Yo ay 4, 2u0,4.=8 Ss, 4229 Coc aOay ce? @td (a6) (us) qe 6 e-9 1{o= : O-= G22 Q-6) ce DdaseOie jr ED aD (29%) ay a) Gy DED o Ween te _ der a) a) @-We-9) (uo Ve = wr Ty eyed ) Cs CDE) -Ye@-sy at COCE ~ Avene? as K OO wea GO» G2) Qa = \5 * = = ee =) 061453535641 2 4\127= \9 2 exo. RU a. \Lopromgeln inte abs @2 eh aaa genomic ‘> ae 3 1-3 \@_ {30 11321 Ge fy de _ - 2 ae Ree ee eae ay@) 5, Cag BAAD Ca ADE =a) ADA BADAMD 4 4, GADD AD Y =~ CE Cats) @r4) Capt lis ass) cence e9ay aaa w eS Cee DOD 05+? CY GD (32) Cant) DUD CeO DEM SoD aay a4) D+ G0 4-9 3d (a-) @-6) Zz 66 (Oo “a a-O * = Ha-O* 75 -+hLo™ caine O* e 5 Gee — eh aa 54 6. , a0u =2°4829 \o a 208 =?" ugEs, 264,361 = ae frag ael s to B= 308, By=30T 2 udu, I= 2487 exa. Giyen da 300 =a 17\ = to Hs2UT, y= og, 20\ = (30\-3e) (1 205) (30D) __ (7 to (00-30) (200-20) ae » se (29-300) C20\308) (30\-301)_ (282%) (Bol-B0D BOU-B09) (aou30D) a Cae\-308) (301-30, (ao\-301) . (505-300) (305 - 30D GS 3071) ete =p (30)=300) (@a\-300 (o\- 30°) (2-48D 30) Cs1-305) oa Cac1-20 G01 = \2739+ | 4658 YLT 0 T06=2-U 186 ee Ex! Feng tte Logtomge inte Ext! x 1, ivternpdabion|podynamicl @3) arte burckion FD Seven Bette ballads ke: \aeol_\ le 15 Vere sq20, He) We 45 Soe, = Loc treaye te Lagnamges oSer\bekon \poete (Ged Oy» CDE aay aD Crt) HMA) (2¢-4H] OA) Ae (ade Car 0" : a= GN) at 4,53 WiGze y= — Geos (ox) @-*) ax (ae)) + © 8 oe eR EDHE EEY aipetiere es +aiesal \ a (aeaar2}= \ Gare Wee Lengpamie's rene EApteon, ED) : ale we Se wtih 4a LOOT \ aacksng et ae siporeling Barpea W. ad sp wae wuz 2 = CD TVs He xpabuencl oe Ctenipordial IS Been 3 Hremae Proce Wed Dur dvee uten Lavon. We oe oe tee Largan Saenne fat gabe wa Fusk toy £ fe porbiows te ne ou ergs ana cam ey errta veeends ® qn Auth aloe he = CASO ae arodney h TAS: © (Ag4d G53 + 24p G=3 (4-Ye) Dy Cysaa-3 > ayo > Ca az30 —0 tw oc Uren eT Men suayeues = SF yqeb SE (AD (1%) 4q-DAIAD_ (3 Se el Ga-wo2 > aie G-W(EID (uy) L 04-1 UD = _xg-ts |.397! = ex. Mady Loarande's ametiod ts nd the 5) npadue dy He esrnertponding te FOO=\2 po. ae PSV ST [ges (21 1G [Te Ly 6a=%, Az=\\ Cea yeas cir SI AWIGAD 5g, OBO (3-32) Gy. C4) OSD art) ASDGA)G7s) CyssaG AG) yo. GAOT, Geta yGrs” (SSD GEN) G39 3 S (152905190910) ee emer aaic CS OD = Garqarwo2 ») (1s4D 5-1 OS ie = G3ZADUABAW (3-16) ce (1S -YDOISIDOSAS (a) (unt CUD Ce-16) (ispcis-aGe > cw) Aiaee US > = Soyo oss 4 4466 soe Sa s = TRY YouRseLt ; pay Legros \ ule. Wahine “on RODEO Teen Tete arnott jy the aycbon B (ad) 2-20, FAWENS. FADD, ae Webs oe TBO = BL, %=3B Agee Sees GTO = ~30,, Yi =D, YQ, $308 Find ac Yael y =o: Prot 3-2

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