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TEST 2 PAPER 1: READING Part3 (questions 16-30)

Part 3

You are going to read an article in which five people talk about what they have done to raise money
for charity. For questions 16-30 choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than
once. When more than one answer is required they may be given in any order.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which person or people:

would not repeat what they did to raise money? I 16 I I

tried to encourage others to do things to raise money for charity? I 17 T......I

spent a long time preparing for what they did? | 18 ( |

was frightened? | 19 | |

says raising monev for charity was their secondary aim? 20 l l 21 l l

says the experience was unique and memorable? I 22 I I

did their challenge with a aroup of people? I 23 I I 2* I I

had a family member help them with the preparation for the event? I 25 I I

says the hardest part was the beginning of the activity? | 26 | I

mentions more than one type of charity event? I 27 I

sees taking part in charity events as a way of learning about people in need? I 28 I I

took part in the same event many times? I 29 I I

didn’t enjoy the event as much as the preparation? ! 30 | |

TEST 2 PAPER 1: READING Part3 (questions 16-30)

Raising money for charity

Housewife and grandmother Theatre manager

I abseiled off a cliff to raise money for charity. It When I was a child I took part in a lot of sponsored
was an enormous challenge as I’m actually quite walks. Each year my school would organise the
afraid of heights. It was only really the moment of walks and although it wasn’t compulsory my
going over the edge that was difficult; after that it friends and I would always take part. It was fun.
was very easy. You just have to get into the rhythm Each walk was about 15 km long so it took quite a
and not go too fast. My son is very into climbing long time but it was a nice way to spend a day. The
and things like that and he and some of his friends first year I did it I was only 11 years old and my
from his university climbing club set everything up father came with us to keep an eye on us but once
and organised the whole event. There were about we were older we went by ourselves; there were
twenty of us who did it and between us we raised about 8 or 9 of us that all walked together. We
well over the target amount. It was a great success managed to get quite a bit of money between us;
but I don’t think I’ll be doing anything like that in fact it became our challenge to raise more
again. Once was enough! money than the year before, which we always
achieved, so there was a great sense of
В Lawyer
I ran a triathlon and managed to get over 50
people to sponsor me. I had to train for months and Retired primary school head teacher
it was really hard work but well worth it. I actually We used to make a big effort to get the children
enjoyed the training more than the final event involved in charity events as I think it helps raise
because on the day the weather was terrible. In the their awareness of world events and the fact that in
months running up to the event I followed a very many places there are people, particularly children
strict regime and it felt good to be working towards like themselves, who live in very different
such a specific goal. I would often get up at 5 circumstances to them. I think they get a great
o’clock in the morning so I could train before going sense of satisfaction too from knowing that they
to work. Knowing that I was going to be able to are able to do something to help. Each year we
give a large donation to charity made me even had a mufti day; where all the children paid a small
more determined to do it. It wasn’t compulsory to amount of money and then came to school for one
get sponsorship and giving money to charity day in their own clothes and not in school uniform.
wasn’t my maih motivation when I first signed up to We also regularly held school fetes where the
do it but I wanted to make the most of the children were encouraged to donate old toys and
opportunity and all my friends and family were books and things which we then sold. The children
really supportive and wanted to help and give got involved in running the stalls too and all the
money. It was such a positive experience I’m going money we made went to our chosen charity.
to do it again next year.

Environmental consultant
I cycled from L.A. to Quito last spring. All my family
thought I was mad but I love cycling and I knew it
would be an amazing way to see lots of really
interesting places that most people never see. I
managed to raise quite a bit of money for charity
through sponsorship although that wasn't my main
objective. I turned 30 in March and I really wanted
to be doing something totally different rather than
just sitting at my desk in the office. I wanted it to be
different and something I could look back on when
I am older and feel proud of. It is something I’ll be
able to tell my grandchildren about and the fact
that I was able to do something to help those less
well off than me at the same time, well that made
it even better.
TEST 2 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 2 (questions 13-24)

Part 2

For questions 13-24 read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one
word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: [o] 0 F

A shorter presentation

Do you find the idea (0) .......... sitting through yet another slide show presentation fills you with
dread? Do you find (13) .......... hard to stay awake when confronted with slide after slide and
(1 4 )..........hour-long talk? Well, don’t worry, (1 5 )........... is a solution. Presentations don’t have to
(1 6 )..........long and boring; they can be short, attention grabbing and even a competitive sport.

In Japan in 2003 Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (1 7 ).......... looking for a better way for ambitious
young architects to show (1 8 ) easily, efficiently and informally. They wanted to increase
the numbers of presenters talking (1 9 ) and raise audience attention and realised they
needed to limit the length of presentations and make them (2 0 )..........concise. They came up with
something called Pecha Kucha; a presentation format (21)..........permits only 20 slides and only 20
seconds to talk about (2 2 )......... one. This means the whole presentation lasts exactly 6 minutes
and 40 seconds. (2 3 ) start with the first slide there is no stopping and no going back.

Pecha Kucha events now take place throughout the world and are immensely popular. The Pecha

Kucha format is now being used in (2 4 )..........types of settings including business and academia in
cities as far apart as Auckland and Vancouver. So why not try it next time you have to give a

TEST 2 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 (questions 25 34)

Part 3

For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

Example: [o] [F R 0


Smoothies are cold drinks made from blended fruit and vegetables to
which crushed ice, milk, honey or (0) ............. yoghurt is also often FREEZE
added. This gives them a thicker milkshake-like consistency.
They have long been a popular (25) ............. to fizzy drinks and are ALTERNATE
marketed as a healthy option. For many years now they have been
(26) ........ .... available in high street coffee shops and supermarkets. WIDE
They are packed with fruit and vegetables, but are smoothies really good
for us?

One popular brand (27) ............. that their drinks contained two of the ADVERT
suggested five portions of fresh fruit or vegetables which we should
consume every day. This claim resulted in an investigation into just how
healthy these drinks really are. The results were good news for all
smoothie (28) ........ ...... The research found that the brand’s 250ml LOVE
non-dairy drinks did in fact contain sufficient pulped fruit and fruit juice to
count for two of the recommended (29) ............. portions of fruit and DAY
vegetables. As a result health (3 0 )............. have agreed that smoothies OFFICIAL
are good for us. However, not all smoothies are the same. There is a
great diversity of ingredients and (3 1 )............. are advised to check the CONSUME
contents (3 2 )............... Some may contain as much as a quarter of your CARE
recommended daily (33)............. of saturated fat and up to 40g of sugar. ALLOW

In conclusion, it seems that although smoothies are a good source of the

vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables there are also a lot of
(3 4 )........ .... variations. HEALTH
TEST 2 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 4 (questions 35-42)

Part 4

For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

Example: 0 I haven’t seen him for at least 2 years.

T h e ............................................................ was more than 2 years ago.

The gap can be filled by the words ‘last time I saw him’, so you write:

Example: [o] | LAST TIME I 5AW HIM

Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

35 I’m sorry, but I disagree with everything you just said.

I’m sorry, but I just said.

36 I think I’d rather stay at home than go to the party.

I thin home tonight.

37 Do I really need to have the operation?

Is it have the operation?

38 It was very careless of you to lose my helmet.

You helmet.

39 When we went to stay with my grandparents we always used to have an enormous Sunday
When we went to stay with my grandparents.................................. an enormous Sunday

40 Neil’s always forgetting where he has left his keys.

Neil c a n .......................................he has left his keys.

41 The weather was better than I’d expected.

The weather w a s .......................................I’d expected.

42 At school we are never allowed to have our mobile phones switched on.
At school the teachers.......................................our mobile phones switched on.

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