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Janabelle B.

Amacio Critical Analysis # 1

DOAD 821Design and Development of Alternative Delivery System Date

Honey, M. et al (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an
agenda for research. National Academy of Engineering and National Research
Council. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

According from the article, In the 21st century, children are already equipped to
be creative individuals. As "raw engineers," they have a propensity for exploration. They
enjoy experimenting with such things and are excited whenever their activities and
responsibilities involve interacting with others. According to De Guzman (2021), we
must change the way we teach and learn in the twenty-first century because what occurs
in the classroom is frequently vastly different from the social interaction’s children have
on a daily basis. To make learning more meaningful, classroom procedures should reflect
real-world applications (Honey, Pearson, & Schweingruber, 2014). Moreover, it says here
that the th e purpose of the study is to examine the impact of Engineering Habits of Mind
on students' learning and their ability to overcome obstacles in life.

Based on the reading, students are instructed to benefit from engineering design
challenges and teacher support mechanisms, including school leadership and community
partnerships, in the development of their EHoM. What is taught to children at a young
age is retained throughout their lives. They will use their insights to transform society.
Everyone is aware that the youth of today will become the leaders of tomorrow, and
teachers have the opportunity to shape the next generation during their formative years.
The instructor must create problems that correspond to the level of the students. Teachers
facilitate students' comprehension of abstract concepts by simplifying the complex.
Additionally, teachers expose students to concepts and topics to which they might not
otherwise be exposed. They can dive deep into the interests of students and encourage
growth. We are to prepare the children for life outside the classroom; it is not enough for
them to be academically literate; we must also shape them for aspects of their daily lives
that are not written or seen in academic materials. Values and principles are crucial to a
child's development, and they are what they will carry with them even after they leave
school, so they should develop naturally.

I agree that teachers should be the guide for every student, as they are facilitators
of learning and not merely information dispensers. I recall a quote or proverb stating, "It
takes a village to raise a child," and it appears that the entire article relates to this idea.
Living in the 21st century, it is crucial to adapt to this quote “, but if a community, school,
government, or home takes this seriously in raising a child, meaning that a child is living
in a secure and healthy environment where negativity cannot flourish, this will greatly
benefit their entire being as they grow.

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Course Facilitator: Dr. Mary Grace De Guzman

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