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Land use optimization in watershed scale

Article in Land Use Policy · April 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.02.007


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Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Khalil Jalili

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Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193

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Land use optimization in watershed scale

S.H.R. Sadeghi a,∗ , Kh. Jalili a,1 , D. Nikkami b
Department of Watershed Management Engineering, College of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences,
Tarbiat Modares University, Noor 46417-76489, Mazadaran Province, Iran
Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Tehran, P.O. Box 13445-1136, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Managing a watershed for satisfying the inhabitant’s demand is a difficult task if one has to maintain a
Received 16 July 2007 reasonable balance between usually conflicting environmental flows and demands. The solution to these
Received in revised form 24 January 2008 complex issues requires the use of mathematical techniques to take into account conflicting objectives.
Accepted 19 February 2008
Many optimization models exist for general management systems but there is a knowledge gap in linking
practical problems with the optimum use of all land resources under conflicting demands in a watershed.
In the present study, an optimization problem has been formulated for the Brimvand watershed, Iran, com-
Watershed management
prising ca. 9572 ha to find out the most suitable land allocation to different land uses, viz. orchard, irrigated
Land use allocation
farming, dry farming and rangeland targeting soil erosion minimization and benefit maximization.
Soil erosion Soil erosion, net benefit and land capability maps were provided as inputs to formulate the objective
Linear programming functions and governing constraints in a multiobjectives linear optimization problem. The problem was
Brimvand watershed then solved using the simplex method with the help of ADBASE software package and the optimal solu-
Kermanshah Province tion was ultimately determined. Additionally, sensitivity analysis was also conducted to recognize more
Iran effective land use in reducing soil erosion and increasing benefit. The results of the study revealed that
the amount of soil erosion and benefit could, respectively reduce and increase to the tune of 7.9 and 18.6%,
in case of implementing optimal allocation of the study land uses. The results of sensitivity analyses also
showed that the objective functions were strongly susceptible to the constraint of maximum summation
of irrigated farming and orchard areas.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction human needs continually and effectively. The watershed optimiza-

tion for each land use, especially agriculture as one of the significant
Soil erosion is a widespread environmental problem threatens contributors to the environmental degradation, is therefore neces-
human being in the developing countries. Each year, 75 billion t sary to achieve sustainable development (Keristofer, 2001; Seppelt
of soil is removed in the globe due to erosion with most coming and Voinov, 2002; Heilman et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2004).
from agricultural land. An average rate of soil loss for Asia is also Given the strong concern about escalating cost of high rates
138 t/(ha year) (Ananda and Herath, 2003). It has therefore eco- of soil erosion along with the necessity of cooperative solutions
nomic, political, social and environmental consequences due to among various users in a watershed, there is a need for analyti-
both on-site and off-site damages. The conflict between environ- cal tools that can be easily used by researchers and environmental
mental protection and the economic development by different land managers at several levels. In order to achieve this there is a need for
uses within a watershed are challenges facing land use planners modeling that emphasizes links between economic policy changes
in many developing countries (Chang et al., 1995; Peel and Lloyd, and environmental outcomes at a landscape scale (Onal et al., 1998;
2007; Gezelius and Refsgaard, 2007). Proper environmental plan- Shively and Coxhead, 2004). The essence of management science is
ning at different levels has been called for by watershed managers manifested in modeling approach; moreover planning methodol-
during last years to integrate natural resources limitations and ogy to specify optimal use of scare resources is the most important
practical approach (Sadeghi et al., 2005a) in watershed manage-
ment to gain the optimal benefit.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 122 6253101 3; fax: +98 122 6253499. Over the past few decades, the vital resources of almost entire
E-mail addresses:, watersheds in Iran have been subject to rapid deterioration result-
(S.H.R. Sadeghi), (Kh. Jalili),
ing from expanding anthropogenic activities. The Iran Forest and
(D. Nikkami).
Present address: Hydraulic and Water Resources Department, Jihad-e- Rangeland Nationalization, Act of 56 (fixing and controlling of
Daneshgahi, Kermanshah Province, Iran. governmental national land) was effective in reducing land use

0264-8377/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193 187

conversion and restoring many of resources. Despite its progress, benefits to water quality and resulted in lower expenditures. They
overexploitation and mismanagement of watershed resources still also declared that the given approach could be adapted to prior-
remain as major threats to the watersheds in Iran. This is a major itize a wide variety of land-protection and land use decisions by
challenge because of their complex nature and the existence of adjusting criteria and weights. Nikkami et al. (2002) used multiob-
diverse and diffuse contributing land uses within the watersheds jective linear programming to minimize soil erosion and maximize
(Farahpour et al., 2004). Protecting the health of watershed ecosys- agricultural benefit for Siahrood area in Damavand watershed, Iran.
tem is therefore critical issues facing watershed communities and They reported the respective reduction and increment rate of 5 and
managers. A critical factor in watershed-based approaches in Iran 13.4% for sediment yield and income through implementing the
is the ability to prioritize land and to target programs and policies optimal decision. A constrained optimization model was built by
to areas with maximum benefits. Since various environmental and Heilman et al. (2003) that simulated the effect of imposing a con-
socio-economic conditions may lead to conflicts among stakehold- straint to reduce watershed sediment yield. The model calculated
ers, strategies and policies that are fragmented in scope may not a rancher’s profit, erosion and sediment yield for the Walnut Gulch
be effective for sound watershed management. Frequently, com- Experimental Watershed, USA, as a single ranch. The results indi-
promises are necessary in order to obtain overall optimal land and cated little scope to reduce erosion in the short run by cutting herd
water use for the entire watershed. Such effort involves government numbers without reducing the income of an already economically
and other stakeholders in a structured and focused process. Con- stressed enterprise. Mohseni Saravi et al. (2003) used goal pro-
sequently, an integrated modeling approach such as optimization gramming in Garmabdasht watershed in Golestan province, Iran,
that incorporates individual system components within a general to determine the optimal land use pattern in the study watershed
framework, instead of examining or presenting them in isolation, based on economic, environmental and social criteria. Four land
is useful for providing holistic and comprehensive analysis. This uses, viz. industrial forest, pasture, park and protected areas were
allows gain in economic efficiency by allocating limited resources optimized to satisfy a reasonable degree multiobjectives of max-
to those areas that contribute or have potential to impair watershed imization of benefit, production, employment opportunities, and
health. minimization of total investment and sediment yield. They then
Application of optimization approaches has been started since notified that the scenario based on economic aspect could fulfill
the human faced low efficiency production of the system. It was other requirements in the study area. Kralisch et al. (2003) and
further extended to applied sciences like agriculture since long ago. Riedel (2003) have successfully combined artificial neural network
However, optimization techniques have been applied to watershed and geographical information system with linear programming to
resources recently. In the recent literature, Onal et al. (1998) incor- maximize benefits gained from land utilization in a watershed in
porated environmental impacts and income distribution goals in Germany and mountainous area of North Thailand, respectively.
economic analysis of watershed management policies on a small Benli and Kodal (2003) developed a linear and non-linear opti-
watershed in Illinois, USA, via a conventional programming con- mization model in South-east Anatolian watershed in Turkey for
straint and a chance-constrained programming formulation. They the determination of optimum cropping pattern, water amount
indicated that farm costs were increased notably by restricting and farm income under adequate and limited water supply con-
agricultural pollution and soil erosion. The income distribution con- ditions. The objective function of the model was based on crop
straint also reduced economic efficiency, but the efficiency loss water-benefit functions and model was solved using Microsoft
due to implementing this constraint was less than 10% of the costs Excel Solver package. They reported that, the non-linear optimiza-
resulting from environmental regulations. Singh and Singh (1999) tion model could give higher farm income values than the linear
in a case study in Mahi Comand watershed, India, maximized the optimization model under deficit irrigation conditions. The effec-
production and benefit using linear optimization. The results of tiveness of farm household land and forest allocation was also
their study revealed that the application of optimal plan could evaluated with the help of linear programming by Tra and Egashira
increase the agricultural productions and net return almost 36 and (2004) at Tran Yen district in Japan. The results of their study
3%, respectively. Amir and Fisher (1999) introduced an optimizing verified the significant rise in crop yield and forest production
linear model for analyzing agricultural production under various after proper land and forest allocation. A planning support system
water quantities, qualities, timing, prices and pricing policies. The has also been applied by Farahpour et al. (2004) to the Chadegan
model was successfully designed to serve as a decision-making rangeland sub-region in Iran to illustrate its potential as a decision-
tool for planners of agricultural production of eight watersheds in making tool using different scenarios. An optimization model was
Israel. Recatala et al. (2000) carried out a land-use-planning exer- introduced in a form of planning sub-module that examined the
cise in a representative area of the Valencian Mediterranean Region degree of realization of various objectives of stakeholders and gen-
using LUPIS system which facilitated the generation of alterna- erated alternative solutions. The results suggested that maximum
tive land use plans by adjusting the relative importance attributed land cover was the preferred scenario with the highest income and
by multiple stakeholders to preference and avoidance guidelines. carrying capacity, and the lowest level of subsidization. However,
The results of their study suggested that comprehensive land use since it eliminated wheat production, this scenario was culturally
planning could play a vital role in solving land use conflicts in the less attractive. A watershed optimization model was also developed
region. Salman et al. (2001) presented a linear programming opti- on linear programming basis by Wang et al. (2004) that specified
mization model for analyzing inter-seasonal allocation of irrigation the amount of land for each land use at a sub-area level in Lake
water in quantities and qualities and their impact on agricultural Erhai basin, China. It was incorporated into a GIS-based spatial allo-
production and income. The model generated an optimal mix of cation model to provide specific location recommendations based
water-demanding activities that maximized the net agricultural on existing land use, slope, distance to surface water and conver-
income of the districts and gave the water demands under various sion preference. Xevi and Khan (2005) developed a multi-criteria
prices in a watershed in Jordan. Randhir et al. (2001) developed decision-making framework to analyze production targets under
a watershed land prioritization model for water supply optimiza- physical, biological, economic and environmental constraints. This
tion by integrating geographic information, relationship between approach was successfully applied to the hypothetical irrigation
land criteria and effects, and travel-time of runoff water in Ware area using real data at Berembed weir on the Murrumbidgee River,
River watershed in Massachusetts, USA. They observed that focus- Australia. Ducourtieux et al. (2005) also criticized the present
ing on fewer areas in the watershed with high priority maximized land policy and farming practices in Laos and mentioned that the
Author's personal copy

188 S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193

proper decision-making has to be made according to the governed

conditions emphasizing on local social relationships. A multiob-
jective optimization model of Smart Growth to land development
was presented by Gabriel et al. (2006) based on a formulation
and employing linear and convex quadratic objective functions
subject to polyhedral and binary constraints in a GIS environ-
ment for the stakeholders in Montgomery County, Maryland. The
results of the optimization problems for the study area were con-
vex, quadratic mixed integer programs. And recently, a modeling
approach was presented by Luo and You (2007) to investigate water
quality trading in soil erosion control, based on watershed sim-
ulation and optimization models in which various uncertainties
were reflected within the Swift Current Creek watershed, Canada.
The simulation–optimization approach was successfully bridged
through an assumed linear relationship between simulation out-
comes and decision variables in optimization models.
Despite the plethora of literature that exists on the optimization
field, frequent application of this applied mathematical approach in
the management of soil erosion as the single most important envi-
ronmental degradation problem in the developing world is lacking.
There are many efficient techniques for optimization of watershed
management out of which linear programming as a basic method
for many other optimization programs, impossibility of weighing
relative importance to different objectives required for goal pro-
gramming (Jianbo et al., 2002; Gabriel et al., 2006) in watershed
scale owing to inaccessibility of reliable data, and its simplicity
and applicability in different aspects (Chang et al., 1995; Amir and Fig. 1. General schematic view of Brimvand watershed, Iran.
Fisher, 1999; Benli and Kodal, 2003) as well as more availability of
associated softwares is usually preferred for application. Consid-
Table 1
ering scarcely documented researches in watershed management Some of important geographical characteristics of the Brimvand watershed in Iran
aspects applying optimization approaches, the present study has (Kermanshah Watershed Management Office, 2000)
been conducted to optimize land resources allocation to orchard,
Characteristics Value
range, irrigated and dry farming land uses within the Birmvand
watershed in Kermanshah province, Iran, using linear program- Total area (ha) 9572
Orchard 38.32
ming to minimize soil erosion and to maximize economic return. Rangeland 4001.27
The area represents the western Zagross part of Iran which is sup- Irrigated farming 4049.27
posed to be one of the most dynamic regions of Iran in terms of Dry farming 952.97
water and energy supply, industrial–urban development and agrar- Residential and outcrops 530.17
Maximum elevation (m amsl) 1310
ian activities. Consequently, land use conflicts and environmental
Minimum elevation (m amsl) 510
issues are also emerging increasingly in this region. The aforesaid Average elevation (m amsl) 651
watershed was specifically selected by virtue of its importance in Average slope (%) 10.6
the viewpoint of agricultural products in the region, availability Annual precipitation (mm) 485.4
of prerequisite studies, easy accessibility and threatening of the
existing water convey system in the watershed as a results of soil
ity/supply, soil characteristics, slope steepness and aspect, present
land use, soil erosion and sediment yield, socio-economical con-
ditions were extracted from the available comprehensive studies
Materials and methods
(Kermanshah Watershed Management Office, 2000) conducted
for the area. In addition to the above-mentioned information,
Area description
some other field studies and land surveys were also conducted for
checking, and further details and information. The general benefit
The Brimvand watershed is located in upstream of agricultural
maximization problem was formulated as below:
canal of Brimvand dam and 4 km from north of Sarpole Zahab City in
Kermanshah Province, Iran. It comprises 9572 ha distributed within 

15 subwatersheds and extends between 34◦ 28 24 to 34◦ 36 08 N Max(Z1 ) = CBi Xi (1)
latitude and 45◦ 47 45 to 45◦ 54 46 E longitude (Fig. 1). Some of i=1
important geographical characteristics of the Brimvand watershed where Z1 is the total annual income in million Iranian Rails (mIR),
have been summarized in Table 1. The slope, land use and soil depth CBi is annual income for each land use (mIR/ha), Xi is the area of
distribution maps in the study watershed have been shown in Fig. 2. each land use in ha and n stands for numbers of land uses. If the
annual gross benefit, production cost and soil erosion destruction
Data acquisition and problem formulation cost per each hectare of different land uses is given by Ai1 , Ai2 and
Ai3 , the above equation can be rewritten as
The problem was structured in the study area to maximize
economic return and minimize soil loss. The information and 

data required for defining constants and coefficients of objective Max(Z1 ) = [Ai1 − (Ai2 + Ai3 )] Xi (2)
functions and constraints, viz. land availability, water availabil- i=1
Author's personal copy

S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193 189

one sector has serious implications for other uses of the resource,
resulting in a variety of economic and social conflicts and costs (e.g.
soil conservation in uplands costs money for upland farmers, but
benefits downstream), there is a need to allocate land resources
to different land use to aim at satisfying the existing natural, leg-
islation, cultural and social limitations. The above two objective
functions are therefore subject to the following constraints:

• Land capability constraints:

X 1 ≤ B1 (4)

X3 ≤ B2 (5)

X4 ≤ B3 (6)

X1 + X3 ≤ B4 (7)
• Land availability constraint:

X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 ≤ B5 (8)
• Social and legislation constraints:

X1 ≥ B6 (9)

X2 ≥ B7 (10)
• Non-negativity constraint:

X1 , X2 , X3 and X4 ≥ 0 (11)

where B1 to B4 are the maximum allowable area to orchard (X1 ), irri-

gated farming (X3 ), dry farming (X4 ), and summation of orchard and
irrigated farming. B5 denotes the maximum arable land resources.
B6 and B7 also, respectively represent the minimum area of orchard
and rangeland (X2 ) in ha. Since there are sufficient and accessible
water supply systems in Brimvand watershed, no constraint was
defined for water availability. There are 10 springs with discharges
from 2 to 453 l/s (16.9 Mm3 /year) and 128 wells with the total dis-
charge capacity of 11.2 Mm3 /year in the study watershed. The main
irrigation canal of Brimvand Dam with the average discharge of
5 m3 /s also passes along the entire watershed.
The above objective functions (Eqs. (2) and (3)) and constraints
(Eqs. (4)–(10)) were quantified in coordination with site-specific
information which directly or indirectly obtained for the study area.
Since the economic losses resulting from soil erosion have also to
be considered in the first objective function, the soil erosion esti-
mation in different land uses was conducted on the first onset. The
estimation of soil erosion was made using Pacific South-West Inter-
agency Committee method (PSIAC, 1968; Johnson and Gebhardt,
1982; Tangestani, 2005; Haregeweyn et al., 2005) for 15 hydro-
logic units after applying the concept of sediment delivery ratio
(Kermanshah Watershed Management Office, 2000). The model
consisted of nine factors, viz. surface geology, soil erodability, cli-
mate, runoff, topography, vegetation cover, land use, upland erosion
and gully erosion which were totally determined for the entire sub-
Fig. 2. Slope (top), land use (center) and soil depth (bottom) distribution map for
watersheds. The erosion estimates were then incorporated to the
determination of allocable land resources within Brimvand watershed, Iran.
land uses existed either thoroughly or partially in each hydrologic
unit (subwatershed) and the soil erosion rate associated with each
The general soil erosion minimization problem can also be land use was ultimately found out. The possible land use modi-
expressed as following form in which Z2 is the total annual soil fication was then incorporated in order to minimize soil erosion
erosion (t) and CEi is the annual rate of soil erosion (t/ha) resulting rate based on land capability criteria (Rastegar, 1992; Farshi et al.,
from different land use. 1997a,b) and cultural, social and legal constraints.
The annual gross benefit, production cost and soil erosion

Min(Z2 ) = CEi Xi (3) destruction cost per each hectare of different land uses were esti-
mated according to Kermanshah Watershed Management Office
(2000) studies and interviews made with the inhabitants. Based
Since these two objective functions (Eqs. (2) and (3)) are conflicting on the collected data and information, grape is the main orchard
demands for land use, and often the use and degradation of land in product planted in terraced lands. There is no interest among the
Author's personal copy

190 S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193

watershed inhabitants to invest on gardening for long term period the objective functions of the benefit maximization and the soil
return. Meanwhile, the farmers are not up till convinced to have erosion minimization problems in the Brimvand watershed were
commercial gardening through which they can be benefited much formulated as follows:
more. The low level economic conditions of the watershed inhab-
itants make them to scare large investments with high risk. The Max(Z1 ) = 8.5042X1 + 0.1562X2 + 4.8758X3 + 0.3215X4 (12)
individual contracts between almost two thirds of the farmers and
the landowners to guarantee the low but reliable income are one of Min(Z2 ) = 7.389X1 + 8.144X2 + 7.389X3 + 21.112X4 (13)
the evident of such unreliable benefit to the farmers. The irrigated
The above two objective functions were then subject to the fol-
areas are mainly used for wheat, corn, melon, alfalfa, cotton, and
lowing constraints. Considering no limitation for water availability
bean plantation. Wheat, barely and peas are cultivated in dry farm-
for all land uses, the maximum allocable area of 518.81 with slope
ing areas as well under low tillage precaution. They usually prefer
below 12% and soil depth beyond 0.65 m (Nikkami et al., 2002) was
dry farming land use, since according to them, it needs low atten-
contemplated for orchard as,
tion and tillage activities through which they also ascertain their
ownership. The rangeland areas are also mostly being utilized for X1 ≤ 518.81 (14)
sheep and goat grazing purposes and the rates of benefits were then
calculated based on the forage productions and the total digestible Almost 59% of the area lies between altitude ranges of
nutrients (TDN) which feeds a particular number of animal units. 500–600 m amsl. Most of the watershed appears as hilly, plateaus
The dry forage production amounts of less than 50, 50–120 and and alluvial fan land types. The slope of some 38% of the area is
more than 120 kg/ha (Sadeghi et al., 2005b) were respectively con- below 2%. The maximum area of 4044.64 could therefore be desig-
sidered for rangeland classification in three categories of light, nated for irrigated agriculture with slope below 5% and very deep
moderate and heavy grazing. Erosion destruction cost was esti- soil (>100 cm) (Rastegar, 1992 and Farshi et al., 1997a,b). That was,
mated by calculating the area lost to erosion in each land use
considering rooting depth and soil bulk density (Nikkami et al., X3 ≤ 4044.64 (15)
2002). The coefficients of maximization objective function (Eq. (2))
were ultimately calculated using net benefit obtained through sub- The upper slope limit of 12% based on the existing standards
tracting total cost from gross benefit. The right hand side values of (Rastegar, 1992; Farshi et al., 1997a,b) and government regulation
Eqs. (4)–(10) were then determined based on land capability stan- was applied for determining the maximum allocable land for dry
dards (Rastegar, 1992; Farshi et al., 1997a,b; Berengel, 2000) defined farming agriculture as given below:
according to slope steepness, soil depth and water availability as
X4 ≤ 1464.34 (16)
well as cultural and legal constraints with the help of geographic
information system (Wang et al., 2004). Based on the similarities between recommended standards for irri-
The benefit maximization and soil erosion minimization in the gated and orchard land uses and easiness of having access to water
Brimvand watershed were solved with the help of ADBASE model resources, the following constraint was also formulated for the
which is capable to solve multiobjective problems (Steuer, 1994, study area.
1995a,b) using the simplex method. In order to obtain the most
effective constraint as well as land use on changing objective X1 + X3 ≤ 4563.37 (17)
functions, which facilitates decision makers/managers to address
various alternatives (Chang et al., 1995), the sensitivity analysis was It was not also possible to change the utility of inhabitant, roads
also performed through subjecting the objective functions to a par- and outcrops areas and these areas had to be therefore subtracted
ticular change of input resources (Nikkami et al., 2002) within the from the entire watershed area and the rest area could be used
permissible range of variation. The permissible ranges (the extend for optimization. In the other words the total land available for
up to which a individual variable can practically be increased or development in the watershed was 9041.83 ha. That was
decreased) were approximately assigned with respect to the poten-
tial of change of the variables under consideration. The percentiles X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 ≤ 9041.83 (18)
of changes were then depicted against each other’s and the most
According to the current cultural tendency of the people in this
sensitive land use was ultimately distinguished in both objective
region toward household gardening mainly for self-sufficiency and
amusement, the area under orchards could be limited at least at the
level of existing area of 38.32 ha.
Application of the model to Brimvand watershed
X1 ≥ 38.32 (19)
As was already explained, only two broad planning objectives
of economic development and soil erosion reduction were consid- Government regulation (Iran Forest and Rangeland Nationalization,
ered to be optimized in the Brimvand watershed. The soil erosion Act of 56) required that the rangeland area should be legitimately
rates were estimated to be 7.39, 8.14, 7.39 and 21.11 t/(ha year) no less than 4001.27 ha in this watershed for the purpose of natural
for orchard, rangeland, irrigated farming and dry farming land resources conservation. Therefore,
uses, respectively. Since, the rooting depth and soil bulk density
in orchard, rangeland, irrigated farming and dry farming land uses X2 ≥ 4001.27 (20)
based on field studies and lab experiments were measured to be
1.00 ± 0.2, 0.15 ± 0.05, 0.50 ± 0.1 and 0.15 ± 0.06 m, and 1.08 ± 0.04, The allocable areas to different land uses were also ultimately deter-
1.11 ± 0.06, 1.08 ± 0.07 and 1.09 ± 0.05 t/m3 , respectively, the area mined based on land capability, land availability, and social and
depleted owing to soil erosion found to be 6.84 ± 1.7, 48.91 ± 7.0, legislation constraints as explained before, under data acquisition
13.68 ± 3.2 and 129.13 ± 16.6 m2 /year per each unit area (ha) of land and problem formulation section, and it has been shown in Fig. 3.
uses at sequence. The mean net benefit of orchard, rangeland, irri- The corresponding simplex method table (Steuer, 1995b) was
gated farming and dry farming land uses were therefore calculated therefore extracted according to the formulated problem (Eqs.
to be respectively some 8.50, 0.16, 4.88 and 0.32 mIR/ha. So that, (11)–(20)) for the study watershed as given in Table 2.
Author's personal copy

S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193 191

explained before, the conversion of the present land uses to optimal

solution may not be assuredly implemented in the field and it may
be culturally less attractive because of the governing conditions on
farmers’ life in the study watershed. The socio-economic studies in
the area show that there are 32 villages with the total population of
7382 in the watershed out of which four villages were completely
evacuated due to migration to the cities vicinity to the area and
five more villages have also tribal/nomadic life system. Providing
the educational and extensional services by the local authorities
are therefore seriously required to encourage the farmers to really
obey the laws and keep in line with the optimal solution. How-
ever, an optimal solution as same as many other programs is not
always successful since uncertainties pertaining to watershed man-
agement are often not well acknowledged as mentioned by Luo
and You (2007) in case of soil erosion control. Such uncertainties
can be caused by both physical and socio-economical characteris-
tics of a watershed. Additionally, according to the interviews with
the farmers, the governmental support through subsidization and
providing agricultural assurance may positively affect changing
their manner of agricultural system from less investment – low
Fig. 3. Maximum allocable areas to different land uses in Brimvand watershed, Iran, income to more time and money investment – more efficient ben-
based on existing land use, slope, soil depth, and social and legislation limitations. efit. Meanwhile, stakeholders whose activities are on water or land
within the watershed have to involve in defining problems, set-
ting priorities and implementing solutions as noted by Wang et al.
Table 2
Simplex table of land use optimization in Brimvand watershed, Iran
The results of the study verified that the linear optimization
Functions X1 X2 X3 X4 Modality Right hand side problem was successfully solved using the multipurpose ADBASE
Objectives software program (Steuer, 1995b) and the results (Table 3) led to
1 8.5042 0.1562 4.8758 0.3215 Max 0.00 maximize benefit as well as minimize soil erosion in the Brim-
2 −7.389 −8.144 −7.389 −21.112 Max 0.00
vand study watershed. The results also showed the successful
Constraints linkage between economic aspects and environmental outcomes
1 1 0 0 0 ≤ 518.81 at a watershed scale as emphasized by Recatala et al. (2000) and
2 0 0 1 0 ≤ 4044.64
3 0 0 0 0 ≤ 1464.37
Shively and Coxhead (2004), Peel and Lloyd (2007) and Gezelius
4 1 0 1 0 ≤ 4663.37 and Refsgaard (2007). Besides that, the applicability of linear pro-
5 1 1 1 1 ≤ 9041.83 gramming in solving optimization problem was proved as verified
6 1 0 0 0 ≥ 38.32 by Singh and Singh (1999) in maximizing production and benefit
7 0 1 0 0 ≥ 4001.27
in part of India, Amir and Fisher (1999) in introducing an optimal
linear model for analyzing agricultural production under various
scenarios in Israel, Salman et al. (2001) through presenting a lin-
Optimization results and analysis ear programming optimization model for analyzing inter-seasonal
allocation of irrigation water in Jordan, Nikkami et al. (2002) to
Optimal solution minimize soil erosion and maximize benefit for Damavand water-
shed in Iran, Benli and Kodal (2003) in optimizing cropping pattern,
From Tables 1 and 2, it can be seen that there is no serious change water amount and farm income in Turkey, Tra and Egashira (2004)
in irrigated farming and rangeland areas whereas the orchard area in allocating farm household and forest in Japan and Xevi and Khan
with a very small quantity of land occupancy has been increased (2005) in analyzing agricultural production targets under sundry
by 13.5 times and the dry farming area has been declined by 50%. constraints in Australia. Because of changes considered in land use
All these possible changes can be made within the areas qualified areas through optimization, the annual benefit suppose to grow
for each land use as depicted in Fig. 3. It is environmentally as well up from 21,001 to 24,911 mIR, i.e. some 18.62% growth, whereas
as economically preferred that some uses, mostly dry farming land the annual soil erosion would decrease from 82,910 to 76,380 t, i.e.
use, to be changed to orchards, since the steep slope areas with high about 7.87% reduction. Such type of land use allocation not only
erosion rate and less production are traditionally converted to level satisfied all governing constraints exist in the study watershed but
terraces by the farmers when they develop orchards. It has to also also ascertained socio-economic improvement, legitimate fulfill-
be clarified here that prior to change, the land needs to be precisely ment and environmental sustainability (Shababi Tabari, 1993; Onal
surveyed to avoid any hazardous unexpected problem. As it was et al., 1998; Chang et al., 1995; Chapi, 1998; Singh and Singh, 1999;

Table 3
Result of land use optimization in Brimvand watershed, Iran

Land use Area (ha) Erosion rate (t/ha year) Total erosion (t/year) Net income (mIR/ha year) Total income (mIR/year)

Orchard 518.81 7.389 3833.487 8.5042 4412.064

Range 4001.27 8.144 32586.343 0.1562 624.998
Irrigated farming 4044.56 7.389 29885.254 4.8758 19720.466
Dry farming 477.19 21.112 10074.835 0.3215 153.417
Total 9041.83 – 76379.919 – 24910.945
Author's personal copy

192 S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193

Keristofer, 2001; Ebrahimi, 2001; Hasanzadeh, 2001; Rabet, 2001;

Schroder et al., 2002; Gezelius and Refsgaard, 2007) and sustain-
able watershed development (Chang et al., 1995; Kralisch et al.,
2003; Wang et al., 2004; Sadeghi et al., 2005a; Ducourtieux et
al., 2005; Gabriel et al., 2006). According to Boserup’s theory of
population pressure, poverty and soil erosion (Ananda and Herath,
2003) which hypothesizes that the rural poor are dependent on
natural resources for survival and hence poverty is a major source
of soil erosion as well as Onal et al. (1998) who indicated that
farm costs has been increased notably by restricting soil erosion,
it is emphasized that the success in implementation of optimal
solution in the study watershed would not be ascertained until
unless the basic demands of the habitants are taken into account
by the government. Population growth has intensified the agrar-
ian activities in the area forcing many farmers to cultivate easily
eroded hillslopes, deforestation and shifting cultivation to fulfill
their instant and present essential demands. Additionally, based
on Lopez’s theory on environmental and institutional dynamics of
soil erosion (Ananda and Herath, 2003) which posits that if envi- Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis of benefit maximization function in Brimvand watershed,
Iran (B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B6 and B7 are maximum allowable area to orchard, irrigated
ronmental dynamics dominate institutional dynamics, then the soil
farming, dry farming, summation of orchard and irrigated farming, minimum area
erosion problem will be exacerbated, the environmental dynamics of orchard and rangeland, respectively).
can however be controlled in the Brimvand watershed as same as
many other watersheds in less developed countries. The soil erosion
exacerbation can be controlled through proper institutional estab-
lishment, and defining enforceable property rights and appropriate
polices. In consequent new institutions that protect the land will
emerge, while improving the economic status of the farmers. Tran-
sition to private property rights also may create incentives to adopt
soil conservation and optimal solution. As it has been emphatically
mentioned by Ananda and Herath (2003), it should be noted how-
ever, that private property rights are not the only property rights
that help arrest soil erosion. Common property resources are used
sustainably by farmers through collective action and social capi-
tal. The implication is that these systems need to be supported by
governments by providing adequate legal recognition and facilitat-
ing the definition of legal communal rights over common property
rights. The policies should emphasize support and improvement of
community institutions that permit the most efficient utilization
of the environmental resources. This would encourage public par-
ticipation where the role of the government is limited to observer,
facilitator or regulator. Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of soil erosion minimization function in Brimvand water-
shed, Iran (B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B6 and B7 are maximum allowable area to orchard, irrigated
farming, dry farming, summation of orchard and irrigated farming, minimum area
Sensitivity analysis of orchard and rangeland, respectively).

The sensitivity analysis was also performed for the benefit max-
imization as well as soil erosion minimization objective functions Concluding remarks
and the corresponding results have been depicted in Figs. 4 and 5,
respectively. A benefit and soil erosion problem was formulated and then
Scrutinizing the results of sensitivity analyses (Figs. 4 and 5) ver- solved to minimize soil erosion and maximize benefits using opti-
ify that the changes in objective functions in both cases are linear mization of allocable land resources to orchard, range, irrigated and
and they are mostly controlled by reduction in rather than increas- dry farming land uses within the Birmvand watershed in Kerman-
ing the resources. It can also be verified here that the change of shah province, Iran. The ADBASE optimization software program
some specific allocations would create much more impact on the was successfully applied and led to determine appropriate areas
final optimal solutions generated by the optimization programming allotted to different land uses. The results obtained during the
as mentioned by Chang et al. (1995) in connection with variations study approved the applicability of optimization model in solving
of parameter values versus the relative changes of decision vari- problems which sometimes conflicting each other. It can also be
ables in Taiwan. It could also be implied from Fig. 4 that reduction concluded that, contrary to single objective classical land use plan-
in benefit has the highest sensitivity to the reduction of orchard and ning models, the multiobjective linear programming can be used
irrigated farming areas whereas benefit increment is only sensitive to tractably search for optimum land use scenarios with respect
to increase in orchard area. It is seen in Fig. 5 that the reduction to different governing constraints existing within a watershed.
of irrigated farming and orchard areas increased soil erosion dras- On the study watershed there appears a significant reduction in
tically. On the other hand, reduction in rangeland area leads to soil erosion and augmentation in profit from allocating the opti-
increase soil erosion. In over all, the changes in benefit and soil mal land uses. This approach needs a number of improvements
erosion in Brimvand watershed is mainly controlled by variation in in institutional approaches and public beliefs, nevertheless the
orchard and irrigated land uses. approach provides a framework for assessing the benefit to water-
Author's personal copy

S.H.R. Sadeghi et al. / Land Use Policy 26 (2009) 186–193 193

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