Simulation of Ethanol Production Process Using Aspen Plus and Optimization Based On Response Surface Methodology

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Simulation of ethanol production process using Aspen plus and optimization

based on response surface methodology



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Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

Simulation of ethanol production process using Aspen

plus and optimization based on response surface
Gabhane Mihul and Kapoor Ashish*
Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu 603203, INDIA

Abstract expensive experiments. A computer program is highly

Fermentation process of glucose for ethanol advisable to develop a model of such a chemical process that
production is simulated in Aspen plus. Further, we can easily predict the results of variations of various
employ response surface methodology (RSM) to operating parameters over the subject of concern using
mathematical equations. Hence, modeling and simulation
develop a mathematical model for ethanol production.
allow us to easily create a virtual working environment and
The key operating parameters influencing the process test wide range of operating parameters.
performance are identified to be feed concentration of
raw material, temperature and pressure of flash Number of commercial process flowsheet simulator
vaporizer. The statistical tests are used to examine the software applications are available for industrial as well as
effect of these parameters on ethanol production. research and development purposes. The common ones
include Aspen plus, Hyprotech, Chemcad and PRO/II.14 In
The results show that non-linear quadratic polynomial this work, we make use of Aspen plus for process simulation
equation is best suited for representing the process of ethanol production. We specifically focus on studying
behavior. Moreover, process optimization is performed fermentation of glucose for producing ethanol. Fermentation
of glucose (C6H12O6) is carried out under the action of yeast
using the model to maximize the concentration of
resulting in the production of ethanol (C2H5OH) and carbon
ethanol, subject to process constraints. The optimum dioxide (CO2) as shown in the following reaction:
values of feed concentration of glucose, temperature
and pressure of flash vaporizer are found to be 0.5 C6H12O6 (aq) → 2C2H5OH (l) + 2CO2 (g)
(w/w), 55°C and 5.5 atm respectively. The approach
demonstrated here serves as an efficacious method to Furthermore, in any industrial scale chemical production
determine feasible design space for chemical processes process, there are several independent operating variables
and can be adopted in industrial applications. that affect the performance of the unit operations and
processes. Mathematical tools aid in designing experiments
Keywords: Simulation, Aspen plus, Ethanol, Response to identify the important parameters impacting the process
surface methodology (RSM), Process optimization. output with minimum number of test runs. Response surface
methodology (RSM) is one such statistical tool that gives us
Introduction the relationship between various independent operating
Ethanol is emerging as a potentially sustainable and variables to that of the required responses of the process.
renewable energy resource in the world. The application of Developed by George E.P. Box and K.B. Wilson in 1951,
ethanol and ethanol-based fuels have attracted much the technique allows one to study the effect of operating
attention worldwide owing to their environmental and variables on the responses and obtain the optimum
economic advantages.1,2 Ethanol is obtained as a result of conditions on these operating variables to get the desired
fermentation of various renewable resources available in response of the outcome variable.4
nature. The ease of availability of raw materials for
production of ethanol and wide range of its potential uses, The combination of process simulation runs with response
especially energy related, have made ethanol a common surface methodology offers a unique approach to develop
subject of interest to many of the researchers in recent empirical models for the chemical processes and optimize
times.3-13 Ethanol offers unique characteristics including them based on simulation runs. A limited work is reported in
high octane number and low carbon content that results in literature in using hybrid tactic of simulation and statistical
relatively fewer emission of harmful flue gases, thereby tools for chemical processes.6,15 We make use of this
making it a viable green fuel alternative.2,7 technique for ethanol production modeling and optimization.

The growing importance of ethanol serves as a motivation Material and Methods

for making its production processes more efficient and Process description: The ethanol production process
effective. Process modeling and simulation approach work studied here comprises of fermentation of glucose under the
as an economical and time-saving strategy to investigate action of yeast thereby producing liquid ethanol as the main
process conditions without actually performing the product and gaseous carbon dioxide gas as the by-product.3
Feed contains glucose and water as raw materials. Glucose

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

and water at 25°C and 1 atmospheric pressure are mixed in and results are obtained in terms of unknown stream outputs
a mixer. The mixed stream is passed through a heater where including the product streams.
it is heated to a temperature of 85°C at 1 atmospheric
pressure. The mixture is allowed to cook for an hour. After Experimental design and optimization using response
complete cooking for an hour, the heater is turned off and surface methodology: Design Expert software is used to
enzymes are added at various temperatures. develop a response surface methodology scheme as reported
in the literature.6,15 The use of process simulator software is
Afterwards the mixture is cooled till 30°C. The mixed stream propounded by the aforementioned researchers as an
is then passed to the fermenter in which yeast is added. The alternative to the real process experiments. The strategy
fermentation process begins after the addition of yeast to the helps in screening of the independent operating parameters
fermenter at 30°C. Fermentation leads to the formation of and the simulation result data obtained can be used for
liquid ethanol and gaseous carbon dioxide. This fermented generating empirical models. For ethanol production
mixture is transferred to the flash drum wherein liquid process, the independent variables are glucose concentration
ethanol is separated from gaseous carbon dioxide. in feed, temperature and pressure of flash vaporizer (table 1)
and the dependent variable is mole fraction of ethanol in the
Simulation of chemical process using Aspen plus: Aspen product stream. The lower and higher limits of each
plus is a user-friendly process simulator and over the years independent variable are selected based on practical
its demand is increasing rapidly in various industrial and considerations as shown in table 1.
educational zones. It simulates and predicts the behavior of
the chemical processes by making use of material balance, The central composite design (CCD) is applied to design
energy balance, reaction kinetics, equilibrium data, under simulation experiments. Design of experiments approach
specified operating conditions. In this study, a part of ethanol predicts 20 runs for the process as a combination of various
production process described above, is simulated using values of independent variables (table 2). It should be noted
Aspen plus. The stepwise algorithm for process simulation that the value of alpha =1.68179 used in CCD generates two
is summarized in figure 1 and the detailed description for test conditions with infeasible mole fraction (less than 0 and
drawing and specifying the process flowsheet in Aspen plus more than 1). Both conditions are not used for simulation
(figure 2) is given below. runs. Each of the feasible test condition is run in Aspen plus
and responses are recorded. The values of ethanol
Aspen plus is launched and a blank simulation is created. In composition are inserted as responses in Design Expert
component specifications, the individual components software as indicated in the last column of table 2. The
glucose, ethanol, carbon dioxide and water are added in a results are analyzed to generate mathematical model and
sequential manner. The thermodynamic model suitable for perform optimization for maximum ethanol output.
the system is selected as the base method of the process. The
simulation environment is thereby selected. In the blank Results and Discussion
sheet, a process flow sheet is designed using library of unit Response surface model equation: Design Expert software
operation modules. First, a mixer is selected and named fits the response data in various mathematical models and
appropriately. Thereafter, input feed stream and output evaluates them for goodness of fit. The analysis suggests that
product streams are specified from the mixer. Then a heat the quadratic model equation fits the data in the best suited
exchanger is selected and output mixer stream is connected manner. Table 3 presents the summary of results for
to input heat exchanger stream. Broth is selected as a sequential model sum of squares [Type I]. The highest order
fermenter for our process of interest. Similarly, a flash polynomial is selected where the additional terms are
column is selected as a separator and all streams are significant and the model is not aliased. This model is
connected and appropriately labeled to complete the process selected based on F-value and p-value. F-value is the ratio of
flowsheet drawing. Thereafter, operating conditions are variance between the sample means to that of variance
specified for streams and unit modules. within the sample whereas p-value is the value obtained
assuming the null hypothesis. The best fit model for the
The temperature and pressure for the mixer are set to 298.15 process is the one where the F-value is high and p-value <
K and 1 atm respectively. The total flow rate for feed stream 0.05 (95% confidence interval). The cubic and higher order
is set to 1 kg/hr and compositions for glucose and water are models are aliased, hence not selected. The overall model
set to 0.5 w/w (mass fraction) each. The temperature and equation for mole fraction of ethanol in terms of independent
pressure of heater are set to be 358.15 K and 1 atm operating parameters is expressed below:
respectively with liquid alone as a valid phase. The
fermenter and flash vaporizer columns are specified as Mole fraction =
303.15 K and 1 atm and 328.15 K and 1 bar respectively. (ethanol)
The liquid phase for fermenter and vapor-liquid phase for +0.14474
flash vaporizer are selected as respective valid phases. The +1.36239E-004 * Temperature
process simulation is run with all specifications complete -0.016146 * Pressure
+0.30570 * Mass Fraction (glucose)

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

+8.38169E-005 * Temperature * Pressure The mathematical equation in terms of actual operating

+1.52231E-003 * Temperature * Mass fraction parameters can be used to make predictions about the
(glucose) response for given levels of each parameter. Here, the levels
+0.059671 * Pressure * Mass fraction should be specified in the original units for each parameter.
(glucose) This equation should not be used to determine the relative
-1.30141E-005 * Temperature2 impact of each parameter because the coefficients are scaled
-2.94788E-004 * Pressure2 to accommodate the units of each parameter and the
-0.54504 * Mass Fraction (Glucose)2 intercept is not at the center of the design space.

Figure 1: Algorithm for Aspen plus process simulation

Figure 2: Process flowsheet for ethanol production from glucose in Aspen plus

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

Statistical analysis: Table 4 shows the analysis of variance to an estimate of the standard error of the predictions. The
(ANOVA) data for response surface quadratic model for high value of the ratio (>4.0) suggests the aptness of the
ethanol mole fraction. The significance of each independent empirical model to depict the process in design space.
variable in the model (A: temperature, B: pressure and C:
mass fraction (glucose) as well as their quadratic terms (A2, Table 5 shows the model coefficients for each term in the
B2, C2) and interactions between the variables (AB, AC and equation. Since this value is expressed in coded units, it can
BC) is evaluated based on corresponding F-values and p- be used to compare the relative magnitudes of coefficients
values. The model F-value of 3.83 implies that the model is of various terms in the equation to estimate the relative effect
significant. There is only a 2.39% chance that an F-value of of terms. The data tabulated in tables 3-5 infer the suitability
this much large magnitude could be due to noise in data of non-linear quadratic polynomial equation for representing
points. The values of "probability > F" less than 0.05 indicate the ethanol production process in the range of operating
significance of model terms. In this case B, C, BC and C2 are conditions.
significant model terms. This means pressure of flash
vaporizer, mass fraction of glucose, combination of pressure Efficacy of the model: Table 6 depicts the adequacy of
and mass fraction of glucose and squared term of mass model by comparing the actual simulation results from
fraction of glucose are all the significant terms in model used Aspen plus with the predicted values from mathematical
to represent the production of ethanol. model for same set of operating conditions. The difference
between the actual and predicted response data is tabulated
By removing the insignificant model terms (not counting in the residual column. Low absolute values of residuals
those required to support hierarchy), model reduction may indicate goodness of prediction by the empirical model. The
possibly further improve the fitness of the model equation. last column in table 6 also denotes the potential of specific
The signal to noise ratio for ethanol production model is response data point to influence the fitness of the model
estimated from statistical analysis to be 7.494. It is a measure coefficients based on its position in the design space.
of the ratio of the range of variation in the predicted response

Table 1
Lower limit and upper limit for independent variables
Variable description Lower limit Upper limit
Temperature (°C) 10 100
Pressure (atm) 1 10
Mass fraction (glucose) 0.1 0.9

Table 2
Design of test runs and response
Run Mass fraction (glucose) Temperature (°C) Pressure (atm) Mole fraction (ethanol)
1 -0.17 55 5.5 0
2 0.9 100 10 0.559608
3 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481
4 0.1 100 10 0.0460287
5 1.17 55 5.5 0
6 0.9 10 1 0.0214207
7 0.5 55 13.07 0.230144
8 0.1 100 1 0.0041657
9 0.5 130.68 5.5 0.129096
10 0.1 10 1 0.0470789
11 0.9 10 10 0.425023
12 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481
13 0.1 10 10 0.0460287
14 0.5 55 -2.07 0.259406
15 0.5 -20.68 5.5 0.230144
16 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481
17 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481
18 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481
19 0.9 100 1 0.0631356
20 0.5 55 5.5 0.261481

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

Contour plots and response surface graphs: The influence above mentioned independent parameters is 0.26148. The
of variation of glucose concentration, temperature and results of contour plots and response surface graphs also
pressure of flash column is investigated with the help of suggest the same optimum values of the three independent
graphical representation of data in design space. The two- operating variables. The identified values were used to run
dimensional contour plots are shown in figures 3 a, b and c the simulations with Aspen plus. The predicted response
respectively. Ethanol mole fraction increases as glucose value was also calculated at the selected factor levels. A
mass fraction in the feed increases over the entire range of comparison of tabulated values at optimal conditions shows
temperature under consideration. However, it increases with good agreement of Aspen plus simulation with model
increase in glucose mass fraction in the feed more intensely prediction (table 7).
at higher values of pressure confirming the simultaneous
effect of parameters as suggested by the model equation. The Conclusion
three-dimensional response surface curves as shown in In this work, simulation, modeling and optimization of
figures 4 a, b and c give a clear visualization of interaction ethanol production process are considered. A process
of operating variables on output response. The shape of flowsheet including fermenter and flash column is drawn
response surface graph shows the highest curvature when and simulated with Aspen plus. Response surface
ethanol mole fraction is plotted as a function of glucose mass methodology with central composite design is used to design
fraction and pressure. The response surface visualizations the simulation experiments and develop a mathematical
agree well with the inferences from the statistical analyses model for ethanol output as a function of operating
[F-value (BC) >> F-value (AC) > F-value (AB)] in table 4. parameters. Statistical methods are used to evaluate the best
fitting polynomial model and to examine the effect of
Optimization and post analysis: The optimization tool in independent variables and their interactions. The results
Design Expert was used to determine the optimum values of indicate that pressure of flash vaporizer, glucose
the independent variables for desirable ethanol output. The composition and their interaction have maximal effect on
optimum values generated by the software are: temperature ethanol output. Eventually, process optimization is carried
of flash vaporizer 55 °C, pressure of flash vaporizer 5.5 atm out to determine optimal values of operating conditions for
and the glucose composition in feed 0.50 (w/w). The the ethanol production. The strategy illustrated here can be
optimized value of mole fraction of ethanol (response) readily extended to various chemical processes of relevance.
obtained after maintaining the optimum conditions of all
Table 3
Selection of mathematical model
Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df Square Value Prob > F
Linear vs Mean 0.13 3 0.043 2.17 0.1315
2FI vs Linear 0.10 3 0.034 2.04 0.1583
Quadratic vs 2FI 0.11 3 0.038 3.83 0.0460 Suggested
Cubic vs Quadratic 0.098 4 0.025 112.13 < 0.0001 Aliased
Residual 1.31E-003 6 2.188E-004
Total 1.10 20 0.055

Table 4
ANOVA for response surface quadratic model
Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df square Value Prob > F
Model 0.34 9 0.038 3.83 0.0239 Significant
A-Temperature 1.480E-004 1 1.480E-004 0.015 0.9053
B-Pressure 0.063 1 0.063 6.30 0.0309
C-Mass fraction (Glucose) 0.065 1 0.065 6.54 0.0285
AB 2.305E-003 1 2.305E-003 0.23 0.6406
AC 6.007E-003 1 6.007E-003 0.60 0.4551
BC 0.092 1 0.092 9.28 0.0123
A2 0.010 1 0.010 1.01 0.3395
B2 5.135E-004 1 5.135E-004 0.052 0.8248
C2 0.11 1 0.11 11.02 0.0078
Residual 0.099 10 9.947E-003

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.
Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual (a) Mole fraction (ethanol)
Ethanol (Mole Fraction) 10
Design Points
X1 = A: Temperature
X2 = B: Pressure

B: Pressure (atm)
Actual Factor
C: Mole Fraction (Glucose) = 0.5

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

A: Temperature (C)
Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual
(b) Mole fraction (ethanol)
Ethanol (Mole Fraction) 0.9
Design Points

X1 = A: Temperature 0.7
C: Mass fraction (glucose)

X2 = C: Mole Fraction (Glucose)

Actual Factor
B: Pressure = 5.5

0.5 6

0.3 0.2

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

A: Temperature (C)
Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual
(c) Mole fraction (ethanol)
Ethanol (Mole Fraction) 0.9
Design Points 0.1
0.559608 0.4

X1 = B: Pressure 0.7
C: Mass fraction (glucose)

X2 = C: Mole Fraction (Glucose)

Actual Factor
A: Temperature = 55 0.3

0.5 6



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B: Pressure (atm)

Figure 3: Contour plots for mole fraction of ethanol as a function of operating conditions

Design-Expert® Software
Journal ofActual
Coding: Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Ethanol (Mole Fraction)
Design points above predicted value Res. J. Chem. Environ.
Design points below predicted value
X1 = A: Temperature
X2 = B: Pressure 0.5

Mole fraction (ethanol)

Actual Factor
C: Mole Fraction (Glucose) = 0.5 0.4




10 100
9 90
8 80
7 70
Design-Expert® Software 6 60
Factor Coding: Actual 5 50
Ethanol (Mole Fraction) 4 40
B: Pressure (atm) 3 30 A: Temperature (C)
Design points above predicted value 2 20
Design points below predicted value 1 10
0.559608 (b)
X1 = A: Temperature
X2 = C: Mole Fraction (Glucose) 0.5
Mole fraction (ethanol)

Actual Factor
B: Pressure = 5.5 0.4




0.9 100
0.7 80
Design-Expert® Software 60
Factor Coding: Actual 0.5 50
Ethanol (Mole Fraction) 40
0.3 30
Design points above predicted C:
valueMass fraction (glucose) 20 A: Temperature (C)
Design points below predicted value 0.1 10
X1 = B: Pressure
X2 = C: Mole Fraction (Glucose) 0.5
Mole fraction (ethanol)

Actual Factor
A: Temperature = 55 0.4




0.9 10
0.7 8
0.5 6
0.3 3
C: Mass fraction (glucose) 2 B: Pressure (atm)
0.1 1
Figure 4: Response surface graphs for mole fraction of ethanol as a function of operating conditions

Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 23 (4) April (2019)
Res. J. Chem. Environ.

Table 5
Coefficient values of operating parameters
Coefficient Standard 95% CI 95% CI
Factor Estimate df Error Low High
Intercept 0.26 1 0.041 0.17 0.35
A-Temperature -3.292E-003 1 0.027 -0.063 0.057
B-Pressure 0.068 1 0.027 7.622E-003 0.13
C-Mass fraction (Glucose) 0.069 1 0.027 8.896E-003 0.13
AB 0.017 1 0.035 -0.062 0.096
AC 0.027 1 0.035 -0.051 0.11
BC 0.11 1 0.035 0.029 0.19
A2 -0.026 1 0.026 -0.085 0.032
B2 -5.969E-003 1 0.026 -0.065 0.053
C2 -0.087 1 0.026 -0.15 -0.029

Table 6
Actual versus predicted values of mole fraction of ethanol
Run Actual Predicted
Order Value Value Residual Leverage
1 0.23 0.36 -0.13 0.607
2 0.26 0.26 -1.562E-003 0.166
3 0.26 0.26 1.758E-003 0.166
4 0.12 0.18 -0.059 0.607
5 0.23 0.19 0.036 0.607
6 0.26 0.26 1.758E-003 0.166
7 0.000 -0.100 0.100 0.607
8 0.26 0.26 1.758E-003 0.166
9 0.046 0.049 -2.523E-003 0.670
10 0.047 0.16 -0.11 0.670
11 0.021 0.030 -8.821E-003 0.670
12 1.000E-002 0.13 -0.12 0.607
13 0.046 0.021 0.025 0.670
14 0.063 0.045 0.019 0.670
15 0.26 0.26 1.758E-003 0.166
16 4.166E-003 0.066 -0.062 0.670
17 0.56 0.43 0.13 0.670
18 0.43 0.35 0.078 0.670
19 0.24 0.13 0.11 0.607
20 0.26 0.26 -1.562E-003 0.166
Table 7
Comparison of results for mole fraction of ethanol at optimized conditions
Process variable Aspen plus Contour plot RSM plot Point prediction
Temperature (°C) 55 55 55 55
Pressure (atm) 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.5
Mass fraction (glucose) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mole fraction (ethanol) 0.26148 0.26148 0.26148 0.26304

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(Received 23rd June 2018, accepted 13th August 2018)


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