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Good morning all, I am here to share my thoughts on gratitude.

Dear Friends, for some

gratitude might be a simple word that we randomly use or come across in our
conversations. When I was given this task of expressing my view on the topic, I actually sat
and thought what exactly gratitude is? “Gratitude” refers to the attitude of appreciation
and thankfulness for the good which we receive in life. It is not just a word. It has invisible
powers which can change the way you look at life. One of my favourite quotes on gratitude
will portray the importance of gratitude in one’s life. The quote is;

“It costs you nothing but makes you so rich. It takes nothing away from anyone else but
gives you so much power.”

If we actually look around us, we’ll realise that we have so much around us for which we
should be grateful for. Once we’ll start practicing gratitude in life, you observe how rich
you are. You start feeling happy and calm. Life becomes full of colours. It develops a sense
of optimism in you. Gratitude turns what little you have into abundance. Gratitude is so
much more than saying thank you. Gratitude changes your perspective of your world
many religious scriptures and ancient texts reveal the uncountable benefits of practicing
gratitude. it is scientifically proven that it affects the brain positively and makes a person
more happy and calm. There are many benefits of practicing gratitude First of all, when
we start thanking every event of life, we thank and appreciate others’ efforts. This way we
strengthen our relationships with people and enhance the trust factor and feeling of
respect and love. People reciprocate the same and thus we can build a good community.
Second, gratitude fills our life with joy because it reduces stress. Third, We stop comparing
ourselves with others. Fourth, we acknowledge our achievements which we sometimes
ignore. The list is very long. But let’s start doing these three things from today to enjoy
God’s countless bounties and to live life to the fullest

Each day, think of 3 things you are grateful for and write in a gratitude diary

Meditation the best meditation is prayers

Say thank you more often

It's these small things, changes in lives that matter the most and completely change our
perspective on life to sum it up, we should focus on what we have been blessed with
gradually, and gratitude turns “what we have ”into enough

Thank You

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