Level F Anthology Term 2 Final Revision Sheet Fire Drills-Anansi - Latest

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Level F Anthology Term 2 Final Revision sheet 2


Anansi and the Turtle

1- What is the moral lesson of the story?
2- What motivated Anansi to visit Turtle’s house?
3- Where is Turtle’s house?_______________________________________________
4- What happened when Anansi took off his jacket?
5-. Why is Anansi a trickster?
+ Workbook questions.
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.

One day, Anansi the spider picked some fat and tasty yams from his garden. He baked
them with care, and the yams came out smelling delicious. He could not wait to sit down
1 and eat them.

Just then, there was a knock at his door. It was Turtle. Turtle had been traveling all day
and was very tired and hungry.
"Hello, Anansi," said Turtle. "I have been walking for so long. As I came near your
home, I smelled the most delicious yams I've ever smelled. Would you be so kind as to
3 share your meal with me?"

Anansi could not refuse. It was the custom in his country to share your meal with visitors
at mealtime. But he was not very happy. Anansi was a little too greedy and wanted the
4 delicious yams all to himself. So Anansi thought to himself and came up with a plan.

"Please do come in, Turtle. I would be honored to have you as my guest. Sit down. Have
a chair and help yourself."

6. Which of the following suggests that the passage is part of a trickster tale?

a- The passage includes a conflict.

b- The passage includes a meal.
c- The passage includes animal characters.
d- The passage includes a character who is greedy.
e- The passage is about a character who likes food.

7. What does delicious most likely mean as it is used in paragraph 1?

a- unpleasant
b- comfortable
c- hard to eat
d- good to eat
e- disgusting

8. Why is Anansi described as "greedy" in the passage?

a- because he bakes the yams

b- because he does not want to share his food
c- because he lets Turtle into his house
d- because he is polite to Turtle
e- because he is friends with Turtle
9. Why is Anansi polite to Turtle in the passage?

a- because he is happy to have a visitor

b- because he thinks of Turtle as a good friend
c- because he is following his country's customs
d- because he is following the rules his family has taught him
e- because he feels sorry for Turtle

Fire Drills in Schools+ Revise workbook + post reading questions

1. What is genre of “Fire Drills in Schools”? ________________________________

2. What is the author’s purpose? ___________________________________________
3. What is the first thing students should do once they hear the signal for a fire drill?
A) wait for the teacher’s instructions B) line up immediately single file by the door

4. In what way does the fire procedure for the cafeteria or gym differ from the procedure for
the classroom?

5. Why should everyone be familiar with fire drill procedures?


Read the passage and choose the best option for each question.

1 FIRE! That word, followed by the sound of alarms and sirens, can create fear and
even panic. In the United States, more than 3,500 people are killed by fires each year.
About 18,500 people are injured. To avoid the fear and panic, as well as death or
injury, it is essential that everyone be familiar with fire drill procedures. The reality is
that fire drills save lives.

2 In the United States, most schools are required by law to carry out fire drills. Getting
large groups of students and staff out of a building safely can be challenging. Fire
drills prepare people for what to do in case of a real emergency. The result is that
deaths and injuries are very rare in the case of school fires.

3 There are specific procedures that should be followed during a fire drill. The correct
one depends on where the drill takes place.

6. What does the first paragraph explain?

a- how to start a fire

b- how to plan for a fire drill
c- why fire drills are important
d- when the first fire drills took place
e- what causes fires

7. What does challenging most likely mean as it is used in Paragraph 2?

a- difficult
b- enjoyable
c- easy
d- exciting
e- fun

8. Choose the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

The law says that fire drills must be carried out. This suggests that fire drills
are ___________.
a- unnecessary
b- important
c- fun
d- not effective
e- boring

9. Why are school fire drills helpful?

a- They make buildings less likely to catch fire.

b- They make it easier to put fires out.
c- They teach people how to stop fires from happening.
d- They teach people about the causes of fire.
e- They make sure people know what to do if a real fire happens.

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