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49 Fun Facts
About Serbia
You May Not

Home > 49 Fun Facts About Serbia You

May Not Know

! November 15, 2021 | " Ana | #


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49 Fun Facts About

Serbia You May Not

Guide To What's Inside 

We all know that Serbia is a beautiful

Balkan country, and it is becoming more
and more open to tourists as the years go
on. Belgrade, the capital city, is one of the
most architecturally wonderful cities you’ll
visit, but what else do you need to know
about Serbia as a whole?

We’re not talking about language,

currency, and electricity conversions here;
we’re talking about the interesting stu",
the stu" that you don’t find with a simple
Google search!



If you’re hungry for more knowledge all

about Serbia, you’re in luck – check out
these fun facts about Serbia!

1. Serbia is one of the world’s biggest

exporters of raspberries, and in the year
2012, Serbia was responsible for almost
95% of the world’s raspberries!

2. One-fifth of the ancient rulers of Rome

were born on what is now Serbian soil

3.  This is a Serbia fact for kids – There is a

river called Year, and it is called that
because it is 365 meters long!

4. Forget the Swiss clock; Serbia is the site

of the clock invention, around 200 years
before anywhere else

5. Gostusa is a village on Mount Stara

Planina, and it is made of only natural
products, such as stone and mud; yes,
people do live there!




6. The Vinatovaca
Kosovo Rainforest is more than
350 years old, and it is forbidden to touch
or cut down any part of it
7. Head to the Testice River Canyon if you
can’t a"ord to head to America, as it looks
exactly like the Colorado River Canyon!

8. Serbia is home to the largest gorge in

Europe, the Derdap Gorge


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9. Fancy some nightlife? Head to Belgrade;

Lonely Planet has been voted as the city
with the best nightlife on the planet!

10. The Prerasts of Vratna are situated in

Serbia and are the tallest stone gates in

11. A Serbia history fact you might not

know – Serbia produced some of the most
famous inventors, scientists, and chemists
from history, including Pupin, Milankovic,
Marie, and Karadzic, to name a few

12. Serbia is home to a mountain which is

shaped like a pyramid – Mount Rtanj.
Nobody is sure why it is this shape, but
there are a few theories that it is an alien
mothership that landed thousands of
years in the past

13. Co"ee is a bit deal in Serbia; in fact,

you will find most locals drink it in

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14. The language of Serbia was used

during the Ottoman Empire as an o#cial

15. The world’s first vampire? Do you think

it’s Dracula? Wrong! The first vampire was
Peter Blagojevic, from Serbia

16. Head to the Tisza River in June and

watch the blooming of the Tisza River. It is
here that the Palingenia Longicauda, an
insect, will dance on the top of the water.

17. Three Serbian nationals took part in the

first moon landing


18. Serbia is totally landlocked – no beach

time here, sorry!

19. In 1992, Serbia joined forces with

Montenegro as a union, but they became
independent once more in 2006

20. The word ‘Serbia’ actually comes from

the Greeks, and means ‘land of the Serbs’






21. There are five national parks in Serbia,

and they are all beautiful

22.  Serbia is small and is actually smaller

than South Carolina in the USA!

23. Serbia’s highest point is 2169 meters,

and the lowest is 35 meters

24. Serbia regularly experiences


25. An interesting Serbia fact here – for

every female in Serbia, there are 0.95 men.

26. For every 100 people, Serbia has 130

mobile connections, and 40 landline

27. Only half of the population in Serbia

use the internet

28. Most last names in Serbia end in ‘ić.’

29. Serbians are amongst some of the

most welcoming and hospitable people in
the world. As an interesting Serbian
cultural fact, locals believe that they will
not receive luck or favors from the Gods if
they don’t treat their guests well

30. Serbia aims to look after the planet

and recently built the first wind
powerhouse, called the Kula Wind Farm.
They are aiming to reach 500 MW of wind
capacity by the year 2020

31. Serbia’s o#cial name is the Republic of


32. Serbia shares land borders with several

countries, including Croatia, Hungary,
Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania,
and Romania!

33. The Serbian Dinar is the o#cial

currency, although you’ll find many other
currencies accepted, including Euros and

34. Belgrade might be considered a party

capital nowadays, but throughout history,
it has been a vital trade crossing between
east and west Europe

35. Serbia has a 30% landmass of forests

36. There are 70 di"erent species of

mammals in Serbia, including bears

37. There are many monasteries

throughout Serbia, some dating back as
far as the 12th century. If you’re asking
‘what is Serbia famous for?’, monasteries
are certainly one thing!


38. White Angel is a famous fresco and is

found in the Mileseva Monastery. This also
features the first broadcast of a satellite
signal between Europe to America

39. The oldest Serbian manuscript on

UNESCO record is the Miroslav’s Gospel,
dating back to 1180

40. The Palace of Galerius features the

Gamzigrad-Romuliana complex and dates
back to the late 3rd century

41. Nikola Tesla is from Serbia – or so

Serbians claim. Croatia also claims him as
a Croat. 

42. The most expensive cheese in the

world is made from donkey milk in Serbia,
called Pule. It costs $576 for 1lb of cheese!

43. The Roman Empire, Constantine the

Great, was born in Niš, in Serbia, in 274 AD

44. Located in Cacak, you will find the Old

Downtown Church. This has been turned
into a mosque ten times – a record!

45. The Danube runs through Serbia and is

the longest river in the country

46. You will find the Cyrillic alphabet and

the Latin alphabets both used in Serbia

47. Slava is a big deal in Serbia and is the

day of a feast to commemorate a patron

48. You will find trees bought for New Year,

rather than Christmas in Serbia

49. If someone shakes your hand, it is vital

to make eye contact, as a good-will

These Serbian facts to whet your

appetite before heading o! and
enjoying everything this beautiful and
cultural country has to o!er.

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