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The Meaning of Money

• Money
– Something people use to buy goods and
services from other people
– Money is liquid: how easy converted into a
medium of exchange (cash vs. house)
• Functions of money
– Medium of exchange
– Unit of account
– Store of value
The Kinds of Money
• Commodity money
– Money that takes the form of a commodity
with intrinsic value
• Fiat money
– Money without intrinsic value
– Used as money because of government
decree or order

Money in the U.S. Economy
• Money stock
– Quantity of money circulating in the
• Currency
– Paper bills and coins in the hands of the
• Demand deposits (checking account)
– Balances in bank accounts - depositors
can access on demand by writing a check
Money in the U.S. Economy
• Measures of money stock
– M1
• Currency
• Demand (checking) deposits and other
checkable deposits
• Traveler’s checks
– M2
• M1 plus
• Savings deposits & small time deposits
• Money market mutual funds
Figure 1
Two Measures of the Money Stock for the U.S. Economy

The two most widely followed measures of the money stock are M1 and M2. This
figure shows the size of each measure in 2009.
Where is all the currency?
• 2009: $862 billion currency outstanding
– Average adult: holds about $3,653 of
– Much of the currency is held abroad
– Much of the currency is held by drug
dealers, tax evaders, and other criminals
• Cash is king? Not a good way to hold
– Can be lost or stolen
– Doesn’t earn interest
The Federal Reserve System
• Federal Reserve (Fed)
– The central bank of the United States
• Central bank
– Institution designed to
• Oversee the banking system
• Regulate the quantity of money in the

Federal Open Market Committee
• Fed’s primary tool: open-market operation
– Purchase & sale of U.S. government
• FOMC - increase the money supply
– Open-market purchase (buy bonds)
• FOMC - decrease the money supply
– Open-market sale (sell bonds)

Banks and the Money Supply
• Reserves
– Deposits that banks have received but
have not loaned out
• The simple case of 100% reserve banking
– All deposits are held as reserves
• Banks do not influence the supply of money

Fractional-Reserve Banking
• Fractional-reserve banking
– Banks hold only a fraction of deposits as
• Reserve ratio
– Fraction of deposits that banks hold as
• Reserve requirement
– Minimum amount of reserves that banks
must hold; set by the Fed
Fractional-Reserve Banking
• Excess reserve
– Banks may hold reserves above the legal
• Example: First National Bank
– Reserve ratio 10%

The Money Multiplier
• The money multiplier process
– Original deposit = $100.00
– First National lending = $ 90.00 [= .9 ×
– Second National lending = $ 81.00 [= .9 ×
– Third National lending = $ 72.90 [= .9 ×
– Total money supply = $1,000.00
The Money Multiplier
• The money multiplier
– Amount of money the banking system
generates with each dollar of reserves
– Reciprocal of the reserve ratio = 1/R
• The higher the reserve ratio
– The smaller the money multiplier

Fed’s Tools of Monetary Policy
• Changes the quantity of reserves
– Open-market operations
– Fed direct lending to banks
• Changes the reserve ratio
– Reserve requirements

Fed’s Tools of Monetary Control
• Open-market operations
– To increase the money supply
• The Fed buys U.S. government bonds
– To reduce the money supply
• The Fed sells U.S. government bonds
– Used most often by Fed

Fed’s Tools of Monetary Control
• Fed lending to banks
• More lending to banks increases the money
• Banks borrow at the discount rate
• Banks borrow from other banks
• Banks can also borrow from other banks at the
federal funds rate
• The Fed can change the federal funds rate
• Higher discount/federal funds rate means less
bank borrowing and fewer bank loans
Fed’s Tools of Monetary Control
• Reserve requirements
– Remember R in the money multiplier
– An increase in reserve requirement
• Decrease the money supply
– A decrease in reserve requirement
• Increase the money supply
– Used rarely – disrupt business of banking


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