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A Big Fight to the Unknown

"A hero is someone who voluntarily walks into the unknown." - Tom Hanks
A hero doesn't build himself up by knocking other people down. Instead, hero helps those who are
down and learn to get up. Policemen, firemen, health workers and many more walk into the unknown every
day. The unknown could be a bank being robbed, a blazing building or a recovering patient. These people
keep us safe by venturing these misfortunes and that’s why they’re important to us. These people take their
duties above and beyond.
When the news is all doom about the outbreak of the coronavirus, it’s hard for even the most optimistic
among us to stay positive. It makes us easy to get negative thoughts and feelings creep in this trying times.
Nevertheless, we have our front liners like the policemen, firemen and health workers who are sacrificing
their own lives in staying at their works to maintain the safety of every Filipino. In return, we back liners
need to do our part as well. Amid this pandemic, our front liners keep their positive attitude and even march
forward with determination and hope. They assure that we are doing great before themselves. In that, we,
Filipinos should have something to live for.
As a youth, I will always choose to look first for the betterment of the society. I am recognizing good
deeds at the same time reject things which are irrelevant and nonsensical like the spread of fake news which
is very rampant nowadays and we must not waste our time to that. Instead, focus on appreciating our front
liners for giving their biggest fight to defeat this unknown enemy. Showing appreciation to one’s good
action is the best way to show respect. Our front liners – our heroes.

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