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Idiom theo chủ đề công việc

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Có kỹ năng hoặc năng lực làm His fear of flying means that he’s definitely not cut out
Be cut out (for/to be)
gì to be a pilot. 

Bắt đầu thực hiện kế hoạch

Get off the ground  We’re still trying to get this project off the ground.
nào đó

Call it a day/Call it a After four hours of studying this evening, I called it a

Nghỉ ngơi, dừng làm việc
night  day.

The secretary will touch base with the design

Touch base with Liên lạc với ai đó 
company tomorrow. 

The new staff is so wet behind the ears that he’ll need

Wet behind the ears Non nớt, thiếu kinh nghiệm
a lot of training.

2. Idiom theo chủ đề cảm xúc

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Jim and Sue had a very happy ending after three

Love at first sight Yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
months of dating. It was love at first sight.

Fall head over heels in love He fell head over heels in love with Sarah and they
Yêu si mê ai đó
with someone got married three months after their first date.

Jack was on cloud nine when his girlfriend said ‘yes’

On cloud nine Rất vui và hạnh phúc
to his proposal.

Break someone’s heart Làm tổn thương ai  She left him later that year and broke his heart.

If you go to the party, don’t spoil your uncle’s

A long face Buồn bã, chán nản
evening with a long face.

3. Idiom theo chủ đề học tập

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Teacher’s pet  Học sinh cưng I think John got an A because he’s the teacher’s pet. 

Pass with flying Minh passed the university entrance exam with flying
Vượt qua kỳ thi với điểm số cao
colors  colors. 

I had to learn the whole book by heart to pass the

Learn by heart  Học thuộc lòng 
history test. 
Suy nghĩ rất lâu, rất nhiều cho They asked me for fresh ideas, so I racked my brain,
Rack one’s brain 
một vấn đề nào đó  but couldn’t come up with anything.

4. Idiom theo chủ đề gia đình

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Born with a silver Sinh ra với thìa bạc trong miệng

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so he
spoon in one’s ⇒ Lớn lên trong một gia đình sung has never known what hard work is.
mouth túc, đủ điều kiện

You can’t just let your own flesh and blood go to

Flesh and blood Người thân trong gia đình
prison if there’s any way you can help.

Chảy trong gia đình Talk to your doctor about any illnesses that run in
Run in the family
⇒ Đặc điểm chung trong gia đình your family.

Con cừu đen Being the black sheep of the family, I’m the only
Black sheep one who works as an artist, while my parents are
⇒ Người khác biệt trong gia đình both teachers.

Folks rumored that men make houses, women

Men make
make homes. So, in Viet Nam, men often work
houses, women Đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm
outside to earn money, while women take care of
make homes
the home.

5. Idiom theo chủ đề ăn uống

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Ăn như ngựa
Eat like a horse Rohit is thin as a stick yet he eats like a horse.
⇒ Ăn rất nhiều, rất khỏe

Make one’s mouth Làm ai thèm chảy nước dãi  The smell of oven-fresh baked pizza made my
water ⇒ Rất ngon, hấp dẫn  mouth water.

Looking at the gruesome video of the chickens

Spoil one’s appetite Làm ai đó ăn mất ngon, chán ăn.  being slaughtered at KFC made me lose my

Vừa có bánh vừa muốn ăn nữa

Have one’s cake and You can’t have your cake and eat it – if you want
⇒ Muốn hưởng lợi từ hai phía 
eat it (too) more local services, you can’t expect to pay less tax.
(Được voi đòi tiên)

Put all one’s eggs in Bỏ tất cả trứng vào 1 rổ I’m applying for several jobs because I don’t really
one basket ⇒ Đặt hết nguồn lực vào 1 nơi want to put all my eggs in one basket.

6. Idiom theo chủ đề bộ phận cơ thể

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

By the end of her life she was nothing but skin and

Skin and bone(s) Rất gầy, như da bọc xương

Lend someone a Could you lend me a hand with these books,

Giúp đỡ ai đó
hand please?

Most children have a need to save face in front of

Save face Giữ thể diện
their friends.

Give someone the He was upset to find his colleagues giving him the
Cố tình phớt lờ, lảng tránh ai đó 
cold shoulder cold shoulder.

Get off on the Khởi đầu một hoạt động/ mối We got off on the wrong foot the first time I met
wrong foot quan hệ không tốt đẹp him, but that’s all forgotten now.

7. Idiom theo chủ đề sức khỏe

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

cảm thấy lo lắng và không thoải She looked ill at ease when she had to do public
Ill at ease
mái speaking.

My grandpa was so ill. The doctor said he was at

At death’s door rất ốm và gần như sắp qua đời
death’s door.

Make sure everyone is safe and sound after the

Safe and sound bình yên vô sự

Our neighbor is about to kick the bucket – he has

Kick the bucket Qua đời
some sort of kidney infection.

Cố gắng để giữ lấy tính mạng của Mary won a desperate fight for life and went on to
Fight for one’s life
mình make a full recovery.

8. Idiom theo chủ đề sự lạc quan

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

cảm thấy lo lắng và không thoải She looked ill at ease when she had to do public
Ill at ease
mái speaking.

At death’s door rất ốm và gần như sắp qua đời My grandpa was so ill. The doctor said he was at
death’s door.

Make sure everyone is safe and sound after the

Safe and sound bình yên vô sự

Our neighbor is about to kick the bucket – he has

Kick the bucket Qua đời
some sort of kidney infection.

Cố gắng để giữ lấy tính mạng của Mary won a desperate fight for life and went on to
Fight for one’s life
mình make a full recovery.

9. Idiom theo chủ đề môi trường

Idiom môi trường Nghĩa Ví dụ

Set alarm bells Continuous natural disasters set alarm bells

Gióng lên hồi chuông báo động
ringing ringing about environmental pollution.

Do wonders for
Có tác động tốt tới cái gì/ai The change of diet has done wonders for my skin.

I want to get back to nature but I don’t have much

Get back to nature Hòa mình với thiên nhiên
time for it due to my hectic schedule.

Banning plastic bags is just a drop in the ocean. We

A drop in the ocean Lượng rất nhỏ
need to ban all single-use plastic.

Environmental pollution is a hot potato nowadays

A hot potato Vấn đề nan giản, khó giải quyết
because it is really complicated and hard to solve.

10. Idiom theo chủ đề con người

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

As hard as it is to live with a disability, remember

to be in
Thông cảm và hiểu cho ai đó that you’re not alone—a lot of other people are in
(someone’s) shoes 
your shoes, too.

None of one’s It’s really none of his business what I do with the

không phải việc của mình
business money I earn.

Be the apple of Tony is the apple of my eye; he’s not only handsome
Được ai yêu thích
one’s eye but also very gallant.

Fight like cat and My brother and I are very close in age and we used
Cãi nhau như chó với mèo
dog to fight like cat and dog.

Talk man to man / Nói chuyện thẳng thắn, nghiêm I think I need to have a man-to-man chat with you
Have a man-to- túc about the dangers of unprotected sex.
man chat with

11. Idiom theo chủ đề thời gian

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

But since we are mostly pressed for time in the

Pressed for time Không có nhiều thời gian morning, a lavish breakfast becomes an impossible
idea most of the time.

I can’t believe that your youngest kid is about 20

Time flies thời gian trôi nhanh
now. How ime flies.

Have a whale of a
có một khoảng thời gian vui vẻ I hope you have a whale of a time abroad. Take care!

Better late than thà muộn còn hơn là không bao I know it’s too late to say sorry but I guess better late
never giờ than never.

hoàn thành việc gì đó trước

He beat the clock and booked an English course
Beat the clock deadline hay trước khi hết giờ,
before prices increased! 
đến hạn

12. Idiom theo chủ đề tiền

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

That old man is a down-and-out, coming over twice a

Down-and-out không có tiền, công việc, nhà cửa
week to take the leftover food.

Pour money down Don’t pour money down the drain by buying that
Tiêu hoang
the drain low-quality computer. It’s going to break soon.

Many people are struggling to make ends

Make ends meet Kiếm đủ tiền để sống qua ngày meet because wages are failing to keep pace with
rising prices.

Cost an arm and a It cost us an arm and a leg to get here. But it has
Đắt đỏ 
leg been worth every penny and more.

Clearly, if you are spending more than your income,

Tighten one’s belt Thắt lưng buộc bụng, tiết kiệm
you’ll need to tighten your belt.

13. Idiom theo chủ đề mưa

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

I think I’ll stay home today. It’s raining cats and

Rain cats and dogs Mưa như trút nước
dogs and I don’t want to drive.
Save money for a
Tiết kiệm tiền cho tương lai Luckily she had saved some money for a rainy day.
rainy day

It never rains but it Những điều tốt/xấu xảy ra liên We had nothing to do for weeks, then suddenly we
pours tục have all this work to do: it never rains but it pours!

Rain or shine Cho dù chuyện gì xảy ra He goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.

Take a rain check They wanted me to come along for the ride but I took
Từ chối một lời đề nghị/ lời mời
(on something)  a rain check.

14. Idiom theo chủ đề nhân phẩm, bản chất

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

A man/woman of few My mother was a woman of few words, but

Người đàn ông/phụ nữ ít nói
words when she spoke it was worth listening to.

Người đàn ông/phụ nữ cho bốn

A man/woman for all Judy paints, does photography, and writes novels.
seasons ⇒ Người đàn ông/phụ nữ tài She’s a woman for all seasons.
năng, thành công ở nhiều lĩnh

A man/woman of Her extravagant spending habits led everyone to

Người đàn ông/phụ nữ giàu có
means believe that she was a woman of means.

Be one’s own Hành động độc lập, không phụ Working for herself meant that she could be her
man/woman  thuộc vào ai own woman. 

A man/woman of the Người đàn ông/phụ nữ của nhân The trouble with the governor’s campaign is that
people dân, công chúng she is trying to be a woman of all people.

15. Idiom theo chủ đề tình bạn

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

A friend in need Người bạn thực sự là một người She stayed by me when I was depressed about my
(is a friend sẵn sàng giúp đỡ, đặc biệt là trong parents’ divorce, which made me believe that “a
indeed) những hoàn cảnh khó khăn. friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Get on like a Cảm thấy thích ai đó và trở thành I went over and struck up a conversation, and we got
house on fire bạn rất nhanh on like a house on fire.

Birds of a feather Ngưu tầm ngưu, mã tầm mã Barry and Iris are always together, they both love
flock together horse racing, it just shows that birds of a feather flock

Know someone I just think you should know a person inside

Biết tường tận, hiểu rõ ai đó
inside out out before you decide to marry them.

Go back a long We go back a long way, and she’s always kept in
Quen nhau được một thời gian 
way touch, always been there for me.

16. Idiom theo chủ đề sự cố gắng

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

Không có gì đạt được 1 cách dễ It must be so hard to exercise for long. – Yeah, but I
No pain no gain
dàng want to look good, and you know, no pain, no gain.

Đốt cây nến ở cả 2 đầu

Burn the candle at She’d been burning the candle at both ends for
both ends ⇒ Làm việc quá sức, thức khuya months to prepare for her exam.
dậy sớm

Kéo đôi tất lên He’s going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to
Pull your socks up
⇒ Cải thiện phong độ, hiệu suất stay in the team.

Không làm nửa vời “I didn’t realize you were decorating the whole
Not do things by
house.” “Oh, we don’t do things by halves around
halves ⇒ Làm hết sức mình here.”

Đi thêm 1 dặm nữa He’s a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for
Go the extra mile
⇒ Cố gắng hơn so với yêu cầu his friends.

17. Idiom theo chủ đề thành công

Idiom Nghĩa Ví dụ

đạt được những gì mà mình mong

A dream come
muốn trong một khoảng thời gian Meeting you is a dream come true for me.

Beyond one’s tốt đẹp hơn những gì mình tưởng The project succeeded beyond our wildest
wildest dreams tượng dreams.

We were really unprepared for our last game, and

Win hands down Thắng cái gì đó dễ dàng
the other team won hands down.

Once I got used to the diet, it was plain sailing and

Plain sailing Thuận buồm xuôi gió
I lost six kilos over a four-month period.

Work like a charm Thành công tốt đẹp và nhanh chóng, Our little arrangement worked like a charm.
như có bùa phép

18. Idiom theo chủ đề cuộc sống

Idiom thành công Nghĩa Ví dụ

Chơi với lửa In this economic climate, union leaders who are
Play with fire
⇒ Làm điều gây nguy hiểm thinking about strikes are playing with fire.

To be on the safe Ở phía an toàn I didn’t think it was serious but I took her to the
side ⇒ Cho chắc ăn, tránh rủi ro doctor’s just to be on the safe side.

Cú cạo sát
Seventeen school students had a close shave when a
A close shave ⇒ Thoát khỏi tình huống nguy tree fell on their bus yesterday.

Dog-eat-dog The music industry is a dog-eat-dog world; one day

Thế giới cạnh tranh
world you’re on top and the next, everyone forgets you.

An even playing Given an even playing field, girls tend to do better at

Sân chơi công bằng
field school than boys.
1. Topic: Education
 Fall behind: chậm hoặc thua kém so với các bạn cùng lớp

Ex. Being addicted to video games makes me fall behind in my class.

My daughter is falling behind with her classmates .

 Catch up: làm bù để bắt kịp những việc bị lỡ (nghỉ học bị mất bài)

Ex. I have been trying to catch up on the assignment from last week.

If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up.

 Go over: ôn lại bài

Ex. I always go over my revision notes before I take the exam.

Go over your work before you hand it in.

 Read up on: nghiên cứu, học kỹ lưỡng về vấn đề nào đó

Ex. If you are interested in taking another course in college, you should read up on it before deciding.

 Drop out: bỏ học nửa chừng

Ex. Nowadays, many students drop out of college to work and support their families.

She started a degree but dropped out after a year.

 Hand in/Turn in: nộp bài

Ex. I handed my assignment in late as usual.

I need to read up on my British history.

I handed my homework in late as usual.

 Sum up: tóm tắt/tổng kết

Ex. After each lesson, it’s necessary to sum up the main points

 Be into: Thích cái gì

Ex: Are you into Maths?

 Take up: Bắt đầu làm một hoạt động gì

Ex: Chris has just taken up baking.

 Copy out: Chép lại giống với bản gốc

Ex: We need to copy out sentences from a book.

2. Topic: Family and Friends

 Get along – có một mối quan hệ tốt với ai đó

Ex. I found it hard to get along with my cousins, because they always said some very belligerent things.

 Get together – tụ hợp với nhau, họp mặt

Ex. At the weekend, my family usually hosts a get-together for our relatives to come and have dinner.

 Grow apart – nói về mối quan hệ không còn thân thiết như xưa

Ex. As we got older, we just grew apart.

 Look after – nói về sự chăm sóc cho một ai đó.

Ex. In my country, it is a tradition that the young look after the old in the family.

 Settle down – ổn định cuộc sống (thường nói sau khi kết hôn, muốn có cuộc sống ổn định)

Ex. After marriage, my husband and I will look for a peaceful place to settle down.

 Split up – kết thúc một mối quan hệ với ai đó (li dị hoặc không còn sống chung với nhau nữa)

Ex. Several years ago, my parents had splitted up and my mom decided to move to America.

 Pass away – khi nói về một người đã mất

Ex. My dad passed away 15 years ago.

 Grow up – trưởng thành, lớn lên

Ex. My children have all grown up and left home now.

 Run into = Bump into: Tình cờ gặp ai đó

Ex: I ran into Lucy at the concert yesterday.

 Come between: Can thiệp vào, làm hại đến mối quan hệ hai người

Ex: We shouldn’t let her come between us.

 Let down = Disappoint: Làm ai đó thất vọng

Ex: They’re relying on me, so I can’t let them down

 Stick up for = Defend = Support: Ủng hộ, hỗ trợ

Ex: My dad always sticks up for me.

 Grow apart = Drift apart: Trở nên xa lạ

Ex: We used to be best friends in university but we grew apart over the years.

 Lose touch (with someone): Mất liên lạc

Ex: I lost touch with Peter for 5 years.

 Fall out (with someone): Mâu thuẫn với ai

Ex: I had a falling out with my best friend last month and we haven't talked to each other since

 Get back together: Quay trở lại với nhau

Ex: We decided to get back together after 2 years living apart. 

3. Topic: Environment
 Clean up – dọn dẹp

Ex. The residents around the area helped cleaned up the beaches after an oil spillage.

 Cut down – chặt cây

Ex. Deforestation requires high considerations since many trees has been cutting down for the last several

 Dry up – nóng quá dẫn đến bốc hơi, có khi biến mất

Ex. Due to prolonged periods of drought, many areas and rivers have dried up.

 Dispose of – vứt bỏ

Ex. The nuclear waste must be disposed of properly to avoid harmful chemical for human.

 Heat up – làm nóng lên

Ex. The sun is heating up the Earth’s surface.

 Use up – sử dụng

Ex. Humans have been using up the Earth’s resources.

 Wipe out – xóa bỏ, xóa khỏi

Ex. Natural disaster had wiped out many valuable properties in Japan.

 Throw away – vứt bỏ

Ex. People needs to develop a habit of not throwing away trash on the street.

4. Topic: Travel and Holidays

 Drop off someone/something– đưa ai hoặc cái gì đó đến nơi nào hoặc chở đến đó

Ex. I really appreciated the man who dropped me off at the airport.

I’ll drop you off on my way home.

 Pick someone up – đón một ai đó từ một địa điểm nhất định

Ex. My dad was waiting to pick me up when my flight landed.

I’ll pick you up at the station.

 Check in – làm thủ tục nhận phòng ở khách sạn hoặc sân bay

Ex. It was my first time to check in such a luxury resort.

Please check in at least an hour before departure.

 Look forward to – mong đợi, trông mong làm một việc gì đó

Ex. I’m looking forward to hearing your news as soon as possible.

 I’m looking forward to the weekend.

 Take off – khi máy bay cất cánh

Ex. My favourite moment on the airplane when it takes off.

The plane took off an hour late.

 Look around – nhìn xung quanh

Ex. I would prefer to travel by motobike on short journeys so I could look around the stunning sights during
the trip.

People came out of their houses and looked around.

 Get in – máy bay hạ cánh đến địa điểm nào đó

Ex. The airplane gets in around 8 pm.

I got in just after eight o’clock.

 Get away – đi đến một nơi nào đó để nghỉ ngơi, nghỉ dưỡng

Ex. Last summer, I got away for a short trip to London.

 We’re hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.

 Stop over – dừng chân ở một nơi nào đó trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn

Ex. Every time I travel to America, I stop over in Japan for a few days to enjoy its traditional cuisine.

I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia.

 See off: Tiễn/ Chia tay/ Tạm biệt

Ex: They’ve gone to the airport to see their son off.

 Set off: Khởi hành

Ex: We set off for Paris just after ten.

 Hold up: Trì hoãn

Ex: Sorry I’m late – I was held up at work.

 Get off: Leave a bus, train, plane

Ex: We get off at the next station.

 Check out: Leave the hotel after paying

Ex: We checked out at noon.

 Get on: Lên xe, lên tàu, etc

Ex: I think we got on the wrong bus.

 Set out: Bắt đầu chuyến đi dài

Ex: They set out on the last stage of their journey.

 Speed up: Tăng tốc

Ex: Can you try and speed things up a bit?

 Hurry up: Vội vã/ Nhanh lên

Ex: Hurry up! We’re going to be late.

 Go back: Quay trở lại

Ex: Dave and I go back twenty years.

 Touch down: Hạ cánh/ đáp xuống

Ex: Our plane touched down at half-past seven in the morning.

5. Topic: Weather
 Clear up – thường dùng cho trời quang mây tạnh sau những cơn mưa

Ex. According to the weather forecast, it will clear up later in the day.

 Cool down – sự dịu lại sau cơn nắng gay gắt

Ex. After the pouring rain, the temperature has cooled down a little.

 Come out – nói về sự xuất hiện của mặt trời, mặt trăng, hoặc là ngôi sao trên bầu trời

Ex. As we were about to leave the campsite, the sun came out.

 Go in – nói về sự biến mất của mặt trời sau những đám mây mà không thể nhìn thấy

Ex. The sun had gone in and it was starting to get darker.

 Warm-up – khi thời tiết trở nên ấm áp hơn

Ex. I love spring because the weather starts to warm up.

 Blow up – nói về cơn gió mạnh hoặc cơn bão mạnh kéo tới bất chợt hoặc sự thổi tung vật gì đó với
gió mạnh

Ex. During the storm, many trees were blown up by the vigorous wind.

- Cloud over – khi mây xuất hiện và che hết mặt trời
Ex. The weather in my city is usually pleasant but sometimes it clouds over.

 Pour down – mưa to

Ex. All of a sudden, the rain starts to pour down and everyone is seeking for shelter.

 Rained off – khi những sự kiện ngoài trời (outdoor activities) bị hoãn lại do trời mưa

Ex. You should plan ahead and listen to the weather forecast in case things get rained off.
 Snow in – khi không thể ra ngoài hay di chuyển do tuyết dày đặt (dùng khi nói về những chuyến du
lịch của mình ở nước ngoài)

Ex. I got snowed in for days on my trip to Korea last month.

6. Topic: Food/Cooking
 Boil down – đun sôi, hoặc nấu cho đặc lại

Ex. My mom boiled down the leftover sauce to make it more flavorsome.

 Boil over – đun sôi và làm tràn

Ex. Jenny was cooking her chicken noodles soup on high heat and it boiled over.

 Chop up – chặt nhỏ, băm nhỏ

Ex. The chef is chopping up the truffle mushroom for his signature dish.

 Cut back – giảm bớt, cắt bớt khẩu phần ăn

Ex. Steve is lactose intolerance and he has to cut back on dairy.

 Eat out – ăn hàng, nhà hàng, hàng quán

Ex. My family and I eat out once a week on Sunday.

 Whip up – chuẩn bị bữa ăn trong thời gian ngắn (thường sử dụng trong trường hợp khách đến nhà
bất ngờ và mình chưa có sự chuẩn bị)

Ex. My family had surprise visitors yesterday, but my mom managed to whip up a light meal for them.

 Cut out – tỉa gọt để tạo hình

Ex. After preparing the fruits, my sister cut them out to decorate for the dessert dish.

7. Topic: Work
 Carry out – làm một việc nào đó

Ex. The crews are planning a five-hour spacewalk to carry out necessary repair work on the shuttle.

 Take over – tiếp quản, giành lấy quyền điều khiển

Ex. In the next few years, ABC Company will take over the small businesses.

 Take on – mướn, thuê thêm người mới

Ex. Our company is taking on new staffs at the moment.

 Hand in – nộp, báo cáo công việc, hoặc giấy tờ

Ex. John has already handed in his report.

 Layoff – sa thải

Ex. Due to bankruptcy, the company has to lay off 200 employees.

 Call off – gọi xin nghĩ làm (gấp và không báo trước vài ngày)

Ex. Jenny’s daughter admitted to the hospital this morning, so she decided to call off from work.

 Slack off – lười làm việc và làm việc không có năng lượng

Ex. Most of the workers usually slack off on Friday

8. Topic: Free time/Hobbies

 Chill out/rest up – thư giãn/nghỉ ngơi

Ex. At the end of the year, many people decided to go on vacation to rest up and chill out after a competitive

 Take up – bắt đầu một sở thích nào đó

Ex. I took up volleyball as I felt I had to lose some weight.

 Get into – bắt đầu quan tâm về việc nào đó

Ex. I believe that when you get into a particular kind of work or activity then you will manage to become
involved in it.

 Give up – từ bỏ hoàn toàn một sở thích/hoạt động/thói quen nào đó

Ex. He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up on playing soccer.

 Join in – tham gia vào

Ex. In the summer, I usually engage in outdoor activities by joining in community service group.

 Hang out – đi chơi

Ex. In my leisure time, I usually hang out with my friends at the shopping mall.

 Keep up – tiếp tục một sở thích/hoạt động nào đó

Ex. We often start different hobbies throughout our life, but we don’t always keep them up for very long.
9. Topic: Party

 Party animal: Người thích tiệc tùng

Ex: “Did you see Jimmy at the party last night?” - “Of course. He’s a real party animal. At one point, I saw him
drinking wine out of a vase in the pool.”

 Social butterfly: Một người dễ hòa nhập trong các buổi tiệc, sự kiện, hòa mình vào đám đông; giao
thiệp rộng

Ex: Jessie is such a social butterfly. I feel like every time we go to a party she spends the whole time talking to
people she’s never met.

 Throw a party: Tổ chức một bữa tiệc

Ex: I’m throwing a party next weekend at my place. Can you make it?

 Party pooper: Người có thái độ mệt mỏi, cau có, khiến cho những người đến dự tiệc cũng mất cả vui.

Ex: She is such a party pooper. She just complained about the subway all night and then fell asleep on the

 Dress up: Diện đồ đẹp lên hơn thường ngà

Ex: I hate dressing up for parties

 To crash a party: Đến dự tiệc mà không được mời

Ex: “Did you guys see Tom at the wedding? I thought he wasn’t invited” - “Yea, I think he crashed it…”

 Drink like a fish: Uống rượu như hũ chìm

Ex: Marry drinks like a fish. I think she’s already finished two bottles of wine.

 In Full Swing:  Hoạt động ở mức độ cao nhất

Ex: The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. The place was packed.

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