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Integrated and Comprehensive Unit Outline

By: Chana Machado

Grade 1: Language, Mathematics & Art Mr. Men & Shapes

Curriculum Expectations
Mathematics (Geometry & Spatial Sense) Language (Oral)

Overall: y Indentify common two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures and sort and classify them by their attributes Specific: y Identify and describe common two-dimensional shapes and sort and classify them by their attributes Overall y Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes Specific y Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in a few different situations y Demonstrate an understanding of the information and ideas in oral texts by retelling the story or restating the information including the main idea Overall y Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic and informative texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning Specific y Read a few different types of literary texts, graphic texts, and informative texts y Identify a few reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading to understand texts, initially with support and direction y Demonstrate understanding of a text by retelling the story or restating information from a text, including the main idea y Predict the meaning of and solve unfamiliar words using different types of cues, including: semantic cues, syntactic cues, and graphophonic cues. Overall y Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience Specific y Identify and order main ideas and supporting details, initially with support and direction, using simple graphic organizers and simply organizational patterns. y Use familiar words and phrases to convey a clear meaning y Write simple but complete sentences that make sense Specific y Identify some of the elements and characteristics of a few simple media forms Overall y Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to dramatic play and process drama, using the element and conventions of drama to communicate feelings, ideas, and stories Specific

Language (Reading)

Language (Writing)

Language (Media) Arts (Drama)

y y

Engage in dramatic play and role play, with a focus on exploring a variety of sources from diverse communities, times, and places Demonstrate and understanding of the element of character by adopting thoughts, feelings, and gestures relevant to the role being played

Arts (Visual Arts)

Overall y Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings Element of Design y Shape and form: geometric and organic shapes and forms of familiar objects Specific y Use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to design challenge

Materials: Mr. Men books Mr. Men video Poems about Shapes (Circle Song, and Right Circle, Left Square) Paint Printmaking blocks (different shapes: triangle, circle, square, rectangle, etc.) Crayons

Read Aloud When a Line Bends...A Shape Begins by Rhonda Gowler Greene Before: introduce title, author and illustrator. Make predictions about text. During: discuss the shapes created with the lines, write down different shapes on chart paper After: discuss shapes written on chart paper, are there any more we could add? Word Study SHAPE Using the word Shape talk about beginning word sound Sh What other word do we know that start with Sh? *Looking at word families that we already have up.*Could we add sh to make a word? Shared Reading Circle Song Teach children the song line by line. Have them repeat the lines. Have them tiptoe around a circle taped to the floor. Guided Reading Use

Read Aloud Mr. Bounce by Roger Hargreaves Before: introduce title, author Make predictions about text. During: continue to make predictions about what might happen to Mr. Bounce After: retell the story, teacher can record retell on chart paper. Word Study Using a list of shapes. Circle, Square, Rectangle, etc. Have students clap out the syllables. Do they notice any similarities in any of the shape names?(ex. angle in triangle and rectangle.) Shared Reading Circle song Look at the poem. Read the poem again pointing at each word. Can we find any rhyming words? Can we find any descriptive words? Have students sing song and tiptoe in a circle. Guided Reading Use

Read Aloud Mr. Noisy by Roger Hargreaves Before: introduce title, author Make predictions about text. Are there any similarities between Mr. Bounce and Mr. Noisy? During: continue to make predictions. Have students noticed any adjectives? After: retell the story List any adjectives found on chart paper. Word Study Round Using the word repeated in our Circle Song, can we create and rhyming words? Shared Reading - Circle Song Have a volunteer point to the words on the chart paper as everyone sings along. Can we change the way we tiptoe around? Guided Reading Use books from Nelson Math. Instruction will be based on needs of students. Independent Reading Students will read and will look for shape words

Read Aloud Mr. Tickles by Roger Hargreaves. This time, students will not see the book. Before: Predictions During: continue predictions After: retell Word Study CIRCLE Discuss the beginning sound. Are there any other words that start with C, but sound like an S? Shared Reading Circle Song Have a volunteer point to the words as everyone sings along. Sing the song with boys and girls alternating lines. Have students sing song and perform it. Guided Reading Use books from Nelson Math. Instructional focus depends on students needs. Independent Reading Students will look for words that start with the S sound, but are spelt with a C. Shared Writing Begin writing out our Mr. Bump

Read Aloud Mr. Messy by Roger Hargreaves. Before: Introduce title and author. Compare Mr. Messy to Mr.Bounce and Mr.Noisy. Predictions. During: continue predictions Make connections to self After: any more comparisons to the other Mr. Men? Retell Any text to self connections. Word Study BALL A ball is round like a circle. Can we make any compound words with the word ball? Ex. Basketball, baseball. Discuss how compound words are two words put together. Shared Reading Circle Song Have a volunteer point to the words as everyone sings. Sing the song in different ways. (ex. Loud, soft, like a baby.) Guided Reading Use

levelled picture books recommended in the Nelson Math program. (Playing with Shapes, Shape Search, Mr. Sharps Shapes) Instructional focus will depend on needs of students. Independent Reading Students will read and look for words that describe. They will record their findings on a post-it note. Shared Writing Using visuals, students will aid the teacher in writing sentences using adjectives.

levelled picture books recommended in the Nelson Math program. Instructional focus will depend on needs of students. Independent Reading Students will read and will look for shape words or adjectives. Shared Writing Students will help teacher create a list of words that are circular. Teacher will write those words around a circle in a shape poem.

or adjectives. Shared Writing Teacher will show students the cover of Mr. Bump book. As a class, we will create our own story about what happens to Mr. Bump. Today we will fill in a graphic organizer with our ideas.

story. Remember we need a beginning, a middle and an end. Visual Arts Remind students of Mr. Tickles story, have students retell story. Then students will get to create their own Mr. Tickles. *Blockpainting students will select from the shapes available, one shape that they think suits Mr. Tickles body shape. They will dip block into paint, and press it onto their paper. Then they will add arms, legs, and facial features with crayons after paint dries.

books from Nelson Math. Instructional focus will depend on students needs. Independent Reading Students will look for compound words. Shared Writing Edit our story about Mr. Bump Does our story make sense? Is it funny? Should we change anything or add anything?

Week Two
Read Aloud Shape (Math Counts) by Henry Pluckrose Before: introduce title and author Make predictions During: Make connections After: Discuss the different shapes we see around us. Word Study Have students complete fill in the blank sentences with shape words. Shared Reading Right Circle, Left Square Teach students song line by line. Sing song, teach children actions Guided Reading/Writing Share shape poems like the circle one we wrote last week. Assist students in writing their own shape poem. Have them list words that they think of when they see a shape (square, triangle, rectangle, oval) Independent Reading Can students find objects in their reading that are a certain shape? Shared Writing Write

Week Two
Read Aloud Mr. Strong by Roger Hargreaves Before: introduce title and author Compare illustration of Mr. Strong to the characters we read about last week Make predictions During: continue predictions After: retell Word Study Make words to rhyme with strong. Shared Reading Right Circle, Left Square Sing song with students and perform actions. Look for rhyming words. Sing song in different ways. Guided Reading/Writing Give students an outline of the shape they are using for their poem. Have them write the words that they came up with yesterday around the outline of their shape. Independent Reading Students read and place a sticky note at an interesting part in their story that they want

Week Two
Read Aloud Our version of Mr.Bump, then Mr. Bump by Roger Hargreaves. Before: Create a t-chart to compare the two stories. During: make note of some differences in the stories After: Discuss differences Which story did they like better and why? Word Study Make words to rhyme with bump. Shared Reading Right Circle, Left Square Have a student point to the words as everyone sings along. What body parts are mentioned in the song? They didnt say hand when they said to draw a circle with your right, how did we know to use our hand? Guided Reading/Writing Students will share their shape poems in their groups. Teacher will use their shape poems to point out strategies. Independent Reading Students will place a

Week Two
Read Aloud Mr. Grumpy by Roger Hargreaves Before: introduce title and author Compare Mr. Grumpy to other characters Make predictions During: make connections After: continue making connections Retell Word Study Have students play a matching game with shape words. Can use two copies of the same word, or one visual and one word. Shared Reading Right Circle, Left Square Have a volunteer point to the words as everyone sings along. Discuss beginning/final sounds. Which words start with the same sound? Which words end with the same sound? Guided Reading/Writing Teacher will use shape poems as instructional tool. Independent Reading

Week Two
Read Aloud Mr. Silly by Roger Hargreaves Before: introduce title and author Compare Mr. Grumpy to other characters Make predictions During: make connections After: continue making connections Retell Word Study Using magnet letters, scamble to letter to create shape words. Students will unscramble the words. (One word per cookie sheet, so letters dont get mixed up)10 centres around the room, students can work in pairs. Shared Reading Right Circle, Left Square Have a volunteer point to the words as everyone sings along. Have fun singing the song with different voices. Try making the shapes with your feet instead of your hands. Guided Reading/Writing Have students complete venn diagrams,

our final draft of our Mr. Bump story. Have students illustrate pictures for our story.

to share. After reading, they will share that part of their story with their elbow neighbour. Shared Writing Put our class book together.

post-it note at any points where they had to reread. We will discuss afterwards, what they did to understand. Shared Writing Thinking back to the comparison of our Mr. Bump and the Roger Hargreaves Mr. Bump. We will write some comparison sentences.

Students will read texts, and use a post-it note to mark a feeling or emotion a character is having. (We have already read about Mr. Grumpy, what other feelings can people have?) Shared Writing/Math Looking at two shapes (Square and Rectangle), what are the similarities and differences? We will fill out a venn diagram, and then write comparison sentences.

comparing their shape poem with a friends shape poem. What was similar? What was different? Independent Reading Students will read and will use a post-it note to record comparison sentences. (Sentences that use the words like, similar, different, more, less) Shared Writing/Math Give students images of Mr. Man characters. Have them sort the characters. Then write sentences to compare the groups. (Students can sort by shape, colour, size, emotion) Drama Have students select a Mr. Man character that we have read about, and they need to role play that they are that character. (keeping in mind facial expression and actions.)

The two poems I would use for Shared Reading are:

Circle Song (to the tune of: "If You're Happy and You Know It") A circle is a shape that goes round. A circle is a shape that goes round. A circle is a shape that goes round, And round and round. A circle is a shape that goes round. Tiptoe slowly on the circle and go round. Tiptoe slowly on the circle and go round. Tiptoe slowly on the circle, And go round and round and round. Tiptoe slowly on the circle and go round. Right Circle, Left Square Close my eyes, shut them tight, Make a circle with my right. Keep them shut, make it fair, With my left hand, make a square.

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