SDLC Policy

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Re Sustainability Ltd is committed to providing high-quality, sustainable software solutions to our clients.
Our software development process follows a formalized software development lifecycle (SDLC) to
ensure that all projects are completed in a consistent, efficient, and effective manner. This policy
outlines the specific processes and guidelines that will be followed during each phase of the SDLC.

Phases of the SDLC:

Planning: Requirements gathering, project goal determination, and project plan creation.

Design: Detailed design of the system, including architecture and user interface.

Development: Coding, building, and component integration.

Testing: Unit, integration, and user acceptance testing.

Deployment: Installation in a production environment and availability to end-users.

Maintenance: Monitoring and updates as needed.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Manager: Responsible for overall project management, including requirements gathering,
project planning, and coordination of team members.

Developers: Responsible for coding, testing, and implementation of the system.

Testers: Responsible for testing the system and ensuring it meets requirements and is free of defects.

Users: Responsible for providing feedback and testing the system during the user acceptance testing

Standards and Procedures:

Coding standards will follow best practices for maintainability and scalability.

Testing protocols will include unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.

Security and privacy protocols will be followed to protect sensitive client data.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery will be used to improve efficiency and reduce risk.

Communication and Collaboration:

Regular meetings and progress updates will be held among team members.
Project management software will be used to track progress and manage tasks.

Communication channels will be established for team members to collaborate and make decisions.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

The SDLC process will be regularly reviewed and evaluated to identify areas for improvement.

Changes will be made if necessary to ensure the process remains efficient and effective.

Metrics will be tracked to measure the success of the process.

Sign-off and Approval:

A sign-off and approval process will be established to ensure that the software is ready for deployment.

Users will be involved in the sign-off and approval process.


By following this SDLC policy, Re Sustainability Ltd will ensure that all software development projects are
completed in a consistent, efficient, and effective manner, while also following best practices for

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