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Stakeholder Report


Institution Affiliation

Course Details

My Role as a board of director

My main reason for existing in Costco Company is to guarantee the company's prosperity

by coordinating the company's issues while meeting the shareholders and partners interests. I

must manage difficulties and issues identifying with the corporate administration, corporate

social responsibility and corporate morals. The meetings held with other board of directors are

occasionally held with the goal that directors can release their responsibility to control the

company's general circumstance, technique, and strategy. It also aims to monitor the activity of

any appointed power, thus that individual directors can give an account of their specific zones of


As a board of director, I care about the Costco Company issues and are in a position of

trust. I may manhandle their position having the goal to benefit to the detriment of their

company, and, in this manner, to the shareholders' detriment of the company. Additionally, other

directors and I are in charge of guaranteeing that legitimate books of record are kept. In a few

circumstances, a director can be obliged to help pay the obligations of his company, despite the

fact that it is a different lawful individual (Diaz 2010). Finally, we energize the CEO to convey

individuals from management now and again to our gatherings and to give management

understanding into things being talked about by the Board as a result of management association

in these territories.

Do you have a plan to replace a CEO with this firm? Why?

I do not have any plan of replacing the Company CEO since the process is hectic, and it hugely

affects the company. Additionally, the CEO is performing his duties well. Tthe board and the

CEO offer responsibility for corporate execution, so it makes sense that when a CEO comes up

short, the board has fizzled also. A decent board will bear its offer of the responsibility and focus

on more steady oversight later on. Therefore, replacing the company CEO will not make any



These are only a couple of approaches that should be done to expand the profit margin of

Costco. The company has been hesitant in burning through cash in trepidation of needing to

diminish the level of advantages to their representatives. I trust that the progressions can be made

with little torment for the worker. The company has arrangements to build their vicinity on the

global scene. However, they are doing it at a snail's pace.

The company should upgrade its online shopping locales with innovative and security

assurance offices and additionally by offering free spending and more liberal return approaches.

It should make Internet purchases significantly all the more speaking to a more extensive client

base. They have to copy this exertion in the North (Diaz, 2010) American locale change out the

product as they did in the UK, and apparatus the area into the internet shopping. It offer free

delivering and keeping up their liberal return arrangement, they will not just see an increment in

sales, yet to bring the name of Costco into more homes and organizations. Marketing, Costco

puts in almost no exertion in getting their name out to people in general. They depend on the

verbal exchange and also their perfect business morals to increment in-store movement and

anticipating that the individuals should acquire their families and companions.


Diaz B., Webb C., Hillyer T., Bartley B., & Lau M. (2010). Costco Wholesale. Powerpoint.

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