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Running head: ADMISSION ESSAY 1

Admission Essay: Accomplishment Event

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Institutional Affiliation


Admission Essay: Accomplishment Event

Through the words of Gloria Steinem about changing the world, I was motivated and

pushed to fight hunger and put a smile on the faces of the people of Alameda County through

the canned food drive organized during my junior school year. Though I never had the chance

to meet these people in person, I felt a genuine and unending desire to help those in need.

Therefore, when an opportunity presented itself, I did not hesitate but was up to take the

challenge. I also wanted to take exercise because I wanted to do something challenging that

would engage my skills in planning and coordination. In addition, taking the change would

test my leadership and managerial skills, which are key to project management. Accordingly,

through our school counselor, I made a personal commitment towards supporting the hungry

through the canned food drive as part of my leadership challenge. Moreover, I was so

passionate about it that I wanted to be the best and collect as many containers of canned

foods as I could. However, I did not aspire any recognition or credit but to meet the people’s


Through this activity, I gained a lot of experience. Although I had never experienced

hunger at a personal level, the imagination of what the people of Alameda County felt pushed

my desire to give a helping hand. Notably, I considered fighting hunger as a noble thing and

decided to take it with the great seriousness it deserved. I looked a little over ambitious, but

my determination and charisma would see me achieve this target. Nevertheless, the target

would sharpen my persistence, self-drive, listening and promotion skills. The project made

me learn a number of experiences. The main experience that I gained was my project

management skills. I learned how to manage projects in an expertise way, making sure that

by the end of the project all the goals are achieved. This involves self-discipline and self-

determination as well as making sure that all the set deadlines for the goals are met.

Moreover, I learned that meeting deadlines and achieving goals is the key to the success of

any project.

By the end of the activity, 97% of my goals were achieved. Through this, I gained

experience in management, especially planning and coordination. Accordingly, I learned how

to effectively plan for events such as collection dates and places. I also learned how to

coordinate collection events through this exercise. My ability to plan and coordinate projects

is an experience I gained that would be beneficial in my future endeavors. I am proud of this

achievement as it revealed my ability to ask "high" as well as my persistence. The experience

also exposed the caring, determinate, and empathic side of me. My desires to achieve and

meet the targets that I have set coupled the eventual feelings. Through this exercise, I learned

that courage, persistence, and generosity are key to achieving anything we want in life.

In conclusion, I would take the opportunity to study at Cornell University as another

chance to do well and make a positive best impact on the local community. Opportunities to

meet the needs of people I do not know always know excite me. Therefore, I would organize

events such as a fundraising campaign towards supporting the food bank in the Ithaca

community. I believe that through the experiences in my previous project, I will reach more

goals in the coming community-based projects at Cornell University. Not only will I bring

abrupt changes but also the desire and motivation coupled with the utmost integrity to

achieve all the goals and objectives of every project I work on. I hold that a chance to study

in this university is an opportunity for me to meet new challenges and experiences.

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