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Course Objectives:

- Describe the personnel

planning and


- Describe the

recruitment process

- Explain the strategic


- Discuss the major

internal and external

recruitment sources of

human resources

- Explain the recruitment

methods and

advantages and


- Explain the selection


- Understand the need for

validation of employee

selection procedures

- Evaluate the use of

employment tests in


- Appreciate the factors

that may contribute in

successful selection


- Understand the
objectives of orienting

new employees

Contents Coverage

Recommended Books

“Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting and Orienting New Employees”, 4th Edition, Diane Arthur; PHI
Learning Private Limited

“Competency Based Recruitment and Selection – A Practical Guide”, Robert Wood and Tim Payne; John
Wiley and Sons

“Human Resource Management”, Seventh Edition, Raymond J. Stone; John Wiley and Sons

“Human Resource Management ”, 12th Edition, Gary Dessler; Pearson Education

Course Assessment

The course objectives and course contents are aligned with course assessments

- Assignments +

Quizzes + Graded

Discussions = 15%

- Mid Term Exams = 35%

- Final Term

Exams = 50 %

Six Steps of Recruitment and Selection Process

What is R&S process?

The recruitment and selection process is a series of hurdles aimed at selecting the best qualified
candidate for the job

Step 1

Decide what positions you’ll have to fill, through human resource planning and forecasting

Step 2

Build a pool of candidates for these jobs by recruiting internal and/or external candidates

Step 3
Have candidates’ complete application forms for selection, and perhaps undergo an initial screening

Step 4

Use selection tools like employment tests, background investigations, physical exams, etc., to identify
viable candidates

Step 5

Conduct series of interviews and make selection decision and decide who to make an offer

Step 6

Make new employees feel welcome can be accomplished by orienting them to the organization

Key Concepts in Recruitment and Selection

What is HR Planning?

“The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them”

What is Recruitment?

“The process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified applicants from which candidates for job
vacancies can be selected”

What is Selection?

“The process of choosing from a group of applicants the best qualified candidate”

What is an Interview?

“An interview is a selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of
applicant’s verbal and non-verbal responses to verbal inquiries”

What is an Orientation?

“An employee orientation is an initial process that provides easy access to basic information, programs
and services, and allows new employees to take an active role in their organization”

Human Resource Planning

Ideal Start of R&S

Recruitment and selection process ideally starts with HR planning. After all, if you don’t

know what your organization's HR needs will be in the next few months, why should

you be hiring?
What is HR Planning?

HR planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them.

What HR Planning includes?

It includes all future positions which need to be filled, from clerk to managers. However, most firms call
the process of deciding how to fill executive positions succession planning.
Linking Strategy and HR Planning

HR planning should reflect the firm’s strategic plans. Thus plans to enter new businesses or to launch
new product all influence the types of positions you will need to fill (or eliminate)

Forecasts in Human Resource Planning

Basic HR Planning Process

• Forecast the employer’s demand and supply of human resource.

• Identify supply-demand gaps.

• Develop action plans to fill the projected gaps.

Three Forecasts in HR Planning

• Forecasting HR needs (HR Demand)

• Forecasting the supply of inside candidates

• Forecasting the supply of outside candidates

Forecasting HR Needs (Demand)

Forecasting HR demand starts with estimating the demand for firm’s products. If the demand of product
or services would be high the demand of workforce would likely to be high.

Process of Forecasting HR Needs

• Forecast sales revenues first

• Then estimate the size of the staff required to support this sales volume.

Factors Impacting Forecasting HR Needs

• Projected turnover

• Decision to upgrade (or downgrade) products

• Productivity changes

• Financial resources

Tools for Projecting HR Needs

Tools for Projecting HR Needs

There are three major tools for projecting HR needs:-

1. Trend Analysis

2. Ratio Analysis

3. Scatter Plot

Trend Analysis

Study of a firm’s past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs The aim is to
identify trends that might continue into the future.

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