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External and internal locus of control.

People who develop an internal locus of control believe that they are responsible for their own
success. Those with an external locus of control believe that external forces, like luck,
determine their outcomes.

Locus of control refers to a person's belief about the extent to which they have control
over the events and outcomes in their life. People with an internal locus of control
believe that they are in control of their own lives, and that they have the power to
determine the outcomes of their actions. People with an external locus of control, on the
other hand, believe that the events and outcomes in their lives are controlled by outside
forces, such as fate, luck, or powerful others.

Internal locus of control is generally associated with higher levels of motivation and self-
esteem, as well as better mental and physical health. People with an internal locus of
control tend to be more proactive and take more personal responsibility for their
actions. They are also more likely to take initiative and pursue their goals, even in the
face of obstacles.

External locus of control, on the other hand, is often associated with lower levels of
motivation and self-esteem, and may be linked to negative mental and physical health
outcomes. People with an external locus of control may be more passive and less likely
to take action to achieve their goals, and may be more prone to feeling helpless or
hopeless in the face of challenges.

What is the difference between cross functional and functional management?

In a functional organization, employees are grouped together based on the type of work
they do. For example, all the marketing employees might be in the marketing
department, all the engineering employees might be in the engineering department,
and so on. Each department is responsible for a specific function within the

In a cross-functional organization, employees from different functional areas work

together in teams to complete a specific project or task. For example, a cross-functional
team might include members from the marketing, engineering, and finance
departments, all working together to develop a new product.

Functional management refers to the management of employees within a specific

functional area, such as marketing or engineering. These managers are responsible for
overseeing the work of employees within their department, setting goals and objectives,
and ensuring that their team is working effectively.
Cross-functional management refers to the management of cross-functional teams.
These managers are responsible for coordinating the efforts of team members from
different functional areas, and ensuring that the team is working towards a common
goal. They may also be responsible for managing the relationships between different
functional areas, and ensuring that there is good communication and collaboration
within the organization.

Describe the nonverbal communication is supportive and supplement to made the verbal
communication more effective?

Nonverbal communication refers to the way we communicate through nonverbal cues

such as body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and tone of voice. Nonverbal
communication can be supportive and supplement verbal communication in a number
of ways:

1. Enhancing meaning: Nonverbal cues can help to reinforce or add meaning to the
words being spoken. For example, a smile or nod while someone is speaking can
convey that you are listening and understanding.
2. Conveying emotion: Nonverbal cues can be especially effective at conveying
emotions. For example, crossed arms and a scowl can convey anger, while a warm
smile and open posture can convey friendliness.
3. Disagreeing: Nonverbal cues can also be used to communicate disagreement or
discomfort with what is being said. For example, shaking your head or furrowing
your brow can convey that you do not agree with the speaker.
4. Regulating interaction: Nonverbal cues can also be used to regulate the flow of
conversation, such as using eye contact to indicate that it is someone's turn to
speak or using gestures to indicate that you have a point to make.

Overall, nonverbal communication can be a powerful tool for supplementing and

enhancing verbal communication, and can help to make the message being conveyed
more effective and meaningful.

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